
  • 网络pediatric dentistry;medical science in children oral cavity;pedodontics
  1. 方法对参加第五届全国儿童口腔医学会议的医生进行问卷调查,并分析139份有效回卷。

    Methods Questionnaires were distributed to dentists who took part in the 5th conference of pediatric dentistry in China , and 139 available answers were analysis .

  2. 儿童口腔医学PBL教学病例的编制

    The Teaching Case Compiled for PBL in Study of Pediatric Dentistry

  3. 标准化病人与PBL教学法相结合辅助儿童口腔医学临床实践教学的研究

    Combination of Standardized Patient and PBL Teaching Approach in Assisting Clinical Teaching of Pedodontics

  4. 结论目前在我国儿童口腔医学临床中已开展了各项必要的诊疗工作,但还有必要加强基础及继续教育以使整体水平更上一层楼。

    Conclusion Now most of the necessary clinical pediatric dentistry work has been done , but the improvement of basic and continuing education is necessary .