
  • 网络market maker;market maker system;market maker rule
  1. 利用升降级转板机制、做市商制度、退市机制、加强宣传、扶持本地企业等措施,形成一个层次互补、模式相似、上市标准递进的OTC市场体系。

    On this basis , we can use transfer mechanism , down-layer mechanism , market maker system , withdraw mechanism , strengthen the propaganda , and support local enterprises , to establish OTC market system that has complementary level , similar pattern and progressive listing standards .

  2. 外汇做市商制度及其对人民币汇率形成机制的影响

    The Foreign Exchange Market Maker System and Its Influence on the RMB Exchange Rate Formation Mechanism

  3. NASDAQ市场的做市商制度及其经验借鉴

    NASDAQ Market-maker System and Its Referential Experiences

  4. 其良好交易制度的最明显特点是在NASDAQ市场上有完善的做市商制度。

    NASDAQ gains great success owe to its upstanding exchange system , whose evident character is perfect make-marketing system .

  5. 由于中国市场不采用做市商制度,在没有Bid-Ask数据的情况下改进了以前的模型,从而对中国股票市场信息不对称的程度进行了度量。

    Information asymmetry without bid-ask spread data for the order-driving trade mechanism in China stock market was measured by proper extending of the previous theoretical model .

  6. 做市商制度下证券价格的形成机制分析

    Analysis on formation mechanisms of security price under market maker system

  7. 做市商制度与银行间债券市场的发展

    The Development of the Market maker and Bond Market Among Banks

  8. 做市商制度选择:股票市场与国债市场差异分析

    Comparison of Market Making in Equities and Fixed Income Markets

  9. 创业板市场引入做市商制度的研究

    Research about introducing market maker rule into second board market

  10. 论创业板市场实行做市商制度的必要性

    Necessity of Establishing Market Maker System in Second Board Market

  11. 第四部分重点分析了纳斯达克的交易制度&做市商制度。

    The part ⅲ analyzes the NASDAQ trading system-Market-Maker mechanism .

  12. 银行间债券市场做市商制度研究

    Research on market maker mechanism of bond market between banks

  13. 做市商制度起源于传统的柜台交易市场。

    Market making system is originated from the counter market .

  14. 创业板做市商制度研究

    Research on the Delisting System of Growth Enterprise Market

  15. 论我国债券市场做市商制度的发展

    Discussion About the Development of Market Maker System in Bond Market of China

  16. 我国公司债券流通市场的做市商制度分析

    Analysis on the Dealer of Corporate Bond

  17. 做市商制度与期货市场发展研究

    Market Maker System and Futures Market Development

  18. 中国创业板市场引入做市商制度的障碍与对策探讨

    The Obstacles to Adopt the Market-maker System in Second Board Market and Measures to It

  19. 而做市商制度的初衷一般是为了提高证券或期货合约的市场流动性。

    However , market-making system aims to promote the liquidity in the securities or future contracts .

  20. 证券市场的两种主要交易机制是竞价方式和做市商制度。

    The two principal trading systems in security markets are competing system and market making system .

  21. 最后,对中国二板市场引入做市商制度的可行性进行论证。

    Finally , it demonstrates the feasibility of introducing dealer system into China 's second-board market .

  22. 对做市商制度的探讨

    On System of the Make-marketer

  23. 然而无论是单一的做市商制度还是竞价制度都不能满足深圳创业板市场未来的潜在需求。

    But neither market-making system nor ask-bid system can meet the future potential demand of Shenzhen GEM .

  24. 在企业债市场推行做市商制度的探讨中国企业债券市场的发展明显滞后于股票市场、国债市场的发展。

    And the bond market lagged behind the development of stock market and public debt market in China .

  25. 同时归纳出我国外汇市场做市商制度尚存在的一些问题,并提出相关建议。

    Also summarized the forign exchange marker-maker system in China , there are still some problems and suggestions .

  26. 事实上,有效的监管是做市商制度的重要组成部分。

    As a matter of fact , effective supervision is an important part of the market maker system .

  27. 多伦多证券交易所的做市商制度最大限度地提高市场的效率和消除了传统的专家干预的影响。

    TSX 's Market Maker system maximizes market efficiency and removes the interfering influence of a traditional specialist .

  28. 其次,对我国银行间外汇市场做市商制度实施的背景及现状进行了阐述,并从逻辑层面上分析了做市商制度的作用及带来的影响。

    Then , does some research on the background and current situation of the foreign exchange market maker system .

  29. 国外研究工作主要关注于发达国家的国债市场,并围绕报价驱动交易方式和做市商制度展开。

    The oversea literatures pay much attention to developed countries , and focus on quote-driven trading system with market makers .

  30. 做市商制度对二板市场的支持作用及评价决策模型研究

    The Strategy Research of Evaluation And Decision-making Model about Support Effects of Market Maker Rule on Our Coming Secondary Board Market