
The right of disposal should not affect the effect of the obligation .
The internal relationship is the basic right and duty relationship between litigants .
First , Section One provides some information about its establishing process , which is the basis of deeper study .
Next , analyzes two different viewpoints in the academic circle about the effect of the right of preemption which respectively are the creditor right effect and the real right effect .
This is particularly reflected in the generated time of tax priority , and it has a lot of controversy and disputes in effect conflict between tax priority claims and secured claims .
In order to resolve the problem and guarantee the creditor 's rights , one of the settlements in the law is that widening the scope of property , and that is a guaranty of person .
About the validity of the collective agreement , I attempt to discuss from the aspects of real right validity , obligatory right validity and organization validity , on the foundation of the comparison among the varied theories from Britain , Germany and Taiwan .
At last , as to the scope of this effect in sea transportation , the author points out that the relationship presented in Bill of Lading is independent from that in original carriage contract and it only affects the carrier and the holder .
Promissory prior call has only obligatory right effect while legal prior call has the validity of real right , which also be limited by the third person acquiring system and estate real right registration validity in order to protect the equity of the third person in good will .
In this part , the article firstly introduces the disputes of the effect of the right of preemption which mainly upon the effect of real right and the effect of creditor right . The standard to differentiate these is to see whether it can resist anther person or not .
The second one describes the tax effect of priority and public law claims .
Part III : Research on effect conflict between tax priority and unsecured claims .
The priority of claim is not the property of mortgage but the validity of security of mortgage .
So , it violated the law system of China , and ignored the protection of the safety of the deals correctly .
Recognizing of the effect of obligation can protect not only the interest of the third party but also the interest of the obligee .
Through research on defining explicitly recognized standards and taxation method of tax priority to make clear of the effect conflict between tax priority claims and other related claims .
In this thesis I generalize limited conditions of exercise of right of bankruptcy into five aspects , respectively means legal regulation , funding obligations , particular convention , mandatory effect of claims and principle of honest .
According to different standards , contract effects have several classifications , among which scholars do not attach much importance to the classifications of the establishing effect and the implement effect , the credit effect and the real right effect .
By means of the method of comparison , the author argues that most of countries of Continental Law System and Anglo-American Legal System stipulate the contract of Unauthorized Disposition as valid contract , so do the international treaties , and it is the tendency of the world legislation .
Finally , the author studied the effect conflict among the related claims in tax collection and management .
Opposing Effect of Creditor 's Rights and Property Rights ── On Osme Law Problems in forward commercial Housing selling
The transferable endorsement of overdue bill should only produce the civil law effect of common creditor 's right .
The effectiveness of the right of pledge of patent also includes the scope of the secured claims and the scope of subject matter .
It breaks up principle of relativity of obligation in traditional civil law to safeguard the interests of creditors and to defend safety of dealings and stability of economic order .
Firstly , by analyzing the legal basis of the obligee 's cancellation right , we can know that the system of debtor 's liability assets and external effectiveness are the foundation of the obligee 's cancellation right .
Validity of the notice is distinguished as validity to the debtor and validity to the third party .
In light of this situation , this thesis focuses on the validity of the notice and the factors which influence the validity .
The special obligatory itself has a prior validity , and its realization is a category which belongs to law of obligation and procedural law , not to real right law .
Part three : in order to rightly discuss the effect of credit assignment contract , first we should make clear of its nature & not a quasi real right contract , but a credit contract .
Secondly , research the effect conflict of different types of taxes . Thirdly , explained the effect conflict between main claims of tax and secondary claims of tax .