
  1. 卡扎菲购买的大量武器装备保管不善,给利比亚留下了许多毫无戒备的武器库。

    And Qaddafi 's profligate weapons purchases have left Libya with mountains of unsecured armaments .

  2. 因保管不善泄露密钥,造成资金损失的,有关责任方应当按规定承担赔偿责任。

    Where the secret key is disclosed for improper keeping thus causing any loss of fund , relevant responsible party shall bear the liability for compensation as required .

  3. 由于保管不善,致使定作方提供的材料和物品损坏、丢失的,负责赔偿。

    If due to improper storage the materials or articles supplied by the ordering party are damaged , lost or destroyed , it shall be liable for making compensation .

  4. 因保管不善致使留置物灭失或者毁损的,留置权人应当承担民事责任。

    The lien holder shall be civilly liable for loss or destruction of or damage to the retained property resulting from his negligence . The management accepts no responsibility for loss of goods in storage .

  5. 乙方因使用、保管、保养不善等造成产品质量下降的,不得提出异议。

    Party B should not claim the quality decline due to inappropriate using , keeping and maintenance .