
  • 网络hold time;Holding time;Dwell time;packing time
  1. 结果显示,残留细菌数随着压力的升高和保压时间的延长而下降,遵循一级动力学规律。不同的是大肠杆菌表现出耐热性和耐压性均弱于金黄色葡萄球菌。

    Results showed that the number of survivors decreased along with pressure increasing and hold time prolonging , a first-order kinetic inactivation was observed for both microorganisms . E. coli exhibits weaker heat-resistant and pressure-resistant than S. aureus .

  2. 介绍了热固性团状模塑料(BMC)注射成型汽车前照灯反射镜的工艺过程,确定了BMC注射成型的料筒温度、螺杆转速、注射压力、注射速度和保压时间等工艺参数。

    The injection molding process of thermoset plastics bulk molding composition ( BMC ) made of automobile lamp reflector is presented in the paper . Process parameters are settled such as barrel temperature , screw speed , injection pressure , injection velocity and holding time and so on .

  3. 采用差热扫描量热法(DSC)研究了不同压力及保压时间对玉米淀粉糊化度的影响。

    The effect of high pressure on gelatinization degree of maize starch was studied with the differential heating scanning calorimeter ( DSC ) .

  4. 研究和确定了气囊辅助RTM工艺条件,如注射压力、注射温度、充压大小和保压时间等。

    The process parameters of bladder-assisted RTM , such as the injection pressure , temperature , the bladder pressure , and the pressure-holding time were determined .

  5. 采用氨气加少量CO2进行脉冲气体氮碳共渗,探讨在固定温度、时间下脉冲幅度、保压时间对氮碳共渗渗层的影响。

    The pulse gas nitrocarburizing was carried out by use of NH_3 and a little CO_2.The effect of pressure-holding time and pulse amplitude on the gas nitrocarburizing layer depth under the given temperature and time condition was investigated .

  6. 结果表明:ZA27合金冲头式挤压铸造工艺参数影响的主次顺序为比压、铸型温度、浇注温度和保压时间。

    The result shows the order of influential factors as : specific pressure , die temperature , pouring temperature and pressure holding time .

  7. SHS工艺参数主要包括压坯相对密度、压坯轴向压力、预压力、延迟时间、高压压力、高温保压时间等,对这些参数和材料性能之间的关系进行了探讨。

    The relations between properties and SHS processing parameters , including relative density of preform , axial pressing pressure of preform , preliminary pressing pressure , delay time , high pressing pressure , holding time were examined .

  8. 结果表明,SiC-5%Al基复合材料的最佳工艺参数为烧结温度600℃、高温压力70MPa、保压时间7min。

    The results show that optimal process is sintering at 600 ℃, under an axial pressing pressure of 70 MPa for 7 min.

  9. 研究结果表明:①在浇注温度、挤压压力和保压时间三个工艺参数中,浇注温度对AZ91D合金的影响最大,其次是挤压压力,保压时间的影响最小;

    Results show that : ( 1 ) of the three process parameters , the casting temperature exerts the greatest influence on the alloy , next to it is the squeezing force , while the influence of force extension time is the slightest ;

  10. 正交试验确定了复合材料最佳成型工艺条件:成型温度为160℃;成型压力为12MPa;保压时间为30min;复合材料中碳纤维含量为4%。

    The optimum conditions of the composite materials forming process were determined : the molding temperature was 160 ℃; the molding pressure was 12 MPa ; the holding time was 30 min ; In composite materials , carbon fibers content was 4 % .

  11. 保压时间:不低于3min;升压速率宜缓,在3min内达最大值。

    The appropriate pressure conditions were that the maximum pressure was about 150 ~ 200 MPa , the holding time at maximum pressing was not less than 3 min , and the pressing velocity should not be great , being the maximum in 3 min.

  12. 实验结果表明:在同样的保压时间下(保压1min),随着压型压力的增加,合金的密度、硬度和强度均逐步提高,而电导率则逐步下降;

    The results show : when the pressure is increase , the density , strength and hardness of the alloy rise and electric conductivity is decreasing in same dwell time ( insure to press 1 min ) .

  13. 工艺参数研究表明:模压温度110~120℃、成型压力15~35MPa、保压时间1~2min,制备的材料具有较高冲击强度和优良的摩擦磨损性能。

    It is also indicated by the experimentation of process parameters that much better properties of friction and wear are achieved for warm-press friction materials at the conditions of the molding temperature 110 ~ 120 ℃, the pressure 15 ~ 35MPa and the holding time 1 ~ 2 minutes .

  14. 液态模锻保压时间的研究

    Research on the Maintaining Pressure Period of Liquid Metal Forging

  15. 在同样的压型压力下,保压时间对合金性能的影响较弱。

    The influence of dwell time for alloy performance is weak comparatively .

  16. 通过试验获得了最佳的加载速率及保压时间。

    Loading rate and holding time are obtained by experiments .

  17. 在这里,冷却时间定义为保压时间。

    Here , cooling time is defined as holding time .

  18. 保压时间对型砂紧实和成型性能的影响

    The Influence of Squeeze Acting Time on the Compacting and Mold-forming Properties of Foundry Sands

  19. 保压时间对于坯体相对密度的影响很小。

    And the holding time of pressing pressure has little influence to he relative density .

  20. 其中保压时间、冷却时间及保压压力是最重要的因子。

    The packing time , cooling time and packing pressure are the most important factors .

  21. 蒸汽的压力、保压时间是影响模样品质的主要因素;

    The main factors to effect quality of mould are pressure of vapour and pressure-holding time .

  22. 降低注塑压力,减少成型和保压时间。

    Lower to note the pressure of mold , reduce to model and protect to press time .

  23. 研究分析了热压烧结工艺(烧结温度、烧结压力和保温保压时间)对新型金刚石-硬质合金复合柱齿性能的影响。

    The influences of sintering parameters on the properties of composite button are also analyzed in this paper .

  24. 在一定保压时间范围内,延长保压时间可以有效降低冲裁噪声。

    In a certain range of maintaining time , extension of maintaining time can effectively reduce blanking noise .

  25. 保压时间,熔体温度和模具温度是其主要的影响因素。

    During the holding pressure time , melt temperature and mold temperature are the main factors of shrinkage .

  26. 这个系统能随着热压板温度的变化自动调整保压时间。

    By using the system , pressing time could be automatically changed with the temperature of hot press platen .

  27. 该控制系统能随着热压板的温度变化自动调整保压时间,提高了实时控制质量。

    The pressing time can automatically be changed with the temperature of hot platen . The real-time control is upgraded .

  28. 试验结果表明:热压温度、保压时间等工艺参数对梯度合金的热压致密化及梯度组织的形成有着明显的影响;

    The results show that a continuous gradient distribution of Co could be obtained by controlling the hot pressing parameters .

  29. 研究了模压温度、压力、加压时机、保压时间等模压工艺参数对制品力学性能及表面质量的影响,并通过正交试验确定最佳的模压工艺。

    Furthermore , optimal molding parameters such as molding temperature , molding pressure and cure time are determined by orthogonal test .

  30. 而产生最大净顺向流量的保压时间为心动周期的1/4~1/3;

    The sustaining time of inflation that produced the maximal net quantity occupied 1 / 4-1 / 3 of the cardiac cycle .