
tǐ diàn zǔ
  • bulk resistor
体电阻[tǐ diàn zǔ]
  1. GaAs太阳电池的体电阻及旁路漏电对电池结特性的影响

    The Influence of the Bulk Resistance and Shunt Current on the Characteristics of GaAs Solar Cells

  2. MCP带膜后电子增益下降,体电阻增加,暗电流降低,探测效率下降。

    The volume resistance increase , the electron gain , dark current and detection efficiency decreases for MCP with film .

  3. 通过XRD、SEM、TEM、XPS、粉体电阻测试及电化学测试等分析手段,研究了ATO、TiO2粉、ATO/TiO2包覆粉体及其电极的相关物理性能和电致变色特性。

    The preparation process , interrelated physical properties and electrochromic characterization of ATO , TiO2 and ATO-coated TiO2 powder coating were tested and analyzed by means of XRD , SEM , TEM , XPS , resistance and electrochemical of powder .

  4. 以Brace等人研究表面电导的方法为基础,我们引入给定含水岩样的体电阻系数和面电导系数两个专用术语以分析实验结果。

    On the basis of Brace 's method of investigating surface conduction , we analysed the experimental results by introducing two special terms namely the volume resistance coefficient and the surface conduction coefficient for a given wet rock sample .

  5. 在理论分析和大量实验的基础上,提出CFRC的电阻由碳纤维电阻、水泥浆体电阻和碳纤维及水泥浆体之间的界面电阻三部分组成的解释CFRC材料压敏性的串联模型。

    The series model that resistance of CFRC is composed of carbon fiber resistance , cement paste resistance and contact resistance between carbon fiber and cement paste is proposed on the basis of theoretic analysis and experiment .

  6. 测试结果表明,新工艺不影响MCP的体电阻、暗电流和工作寿命,对MCP的电子增益影响较小,新工艺制备的防离子反馈膜膜层含碳量低。

    The experimental results show that the new processing technique has no effect on the volume resistance , dark current and operating life , has little effect on the gain of MCP , the barrier film prepares by new technology is low carbon content .

  7. 导电橡胶及塑料制品的体电阻系数测试方法

    Testing method for volume resistivity of electrically conductive rubber and plastic materials

  8. 在相同条件下测量了器件辐照前后及不同退火温度、不同退火时间下的体电阻、响应率、探测率和响应光谱。

    The responsivity and detectivity of devices declined under the same conditions .

  9. 微通道板真空体电阻与Ⅱ代倒象微光管匹配关系的研究

    Matching Relation between MCP Vaccum Body Resistance and Generation ⅱ Inverting Low-light-level Tube

  10. 铌酸锂单晶的表面电阻和体电阻

    Surface and Body Resistance of Lithium Niobate Single Crystal

  11. 多根针体电阻自动并联不可靠;

    Autoparallel connection of multi-resistance rod is unreliable .

  12. 有效体电阻对对数-反对数式交直流转换器转换误差的影响

    The influence of the effective bulk resistance on the conversion error of log-antilog AC-to-DC converters

  13. 结果表明,微通道板带膜后电子增益下降、体电阻增加、暗电流降低。

    It is found that the volume resistance increases , the electron gain and dark current decreases for MCP with film .

  14. 提出了一个可靠的方法排除热释电讯号的干扰,利用同一个样品将高绝缘铁电单晶的表面电阻和体电阻分开来测量。

    A method is suggested for finding the correct conduction current from the pyroelectric interference signals of a high insulation ferroelectric crystal .

  15. 实验发现γ辐照使其峰值波长和截止波长向短波方向稍许移动;器件体电阻上升;

    It is found that gamma irradiation makes the peak wavelength and cut-off wavelength slightly move to shorter and the bulk resistance increase a little .

  16. 以单导电粒子接触为对象,建立了考虑电流弯曲效应的导电粒子体电阻模型,揭示了电流弯曲效应对导电粒子的体电阻具有重要影响,甚至起决定作用。

    An bulk resistance model is established considering the current bending effect , and the results show that this bending effect is very important on bulk resistance and even play a decisive role .

  17. 基于新模型讨论了导电粒子的变形度和几何尺寸与体电阻的关系,提出了导电粒子几何尺寸的建议范围。

    Based on the new model , the effects of the deformation degree and geometry on bulk resistance is discuss , then the reasonable ranges of the geometric dimensions of the particle is obtained . 2 .

  18. 分析了几次研制结果发现,注入载流子的收集途径、体电阻和发射区的面积是影响单波导电光开关功耗的主要因素。

    Analyzation on research results is made which shows that the way of collecting injected carriers , bulk resistance and the area of emitting region are the main factors affecting the power loss of single waveguide electro-optic switches .

  19. 分析了降低采样率的影响;优化了数字解调方法;对四种温度补偿电路进行了比较,并且设计了基于体电阻的温度补偿方案。

    The influence of lowering the sampling rate of the digital processing circuit is analyzed and the demodulation method is optimized . Four kinds of temperature compensation circuits are compared and the compensation circuit based on bulk resistance is implemented .

  20. 文章采用有限元计算与实测温升相结合的分析方法,系统研究了不同热源(包括电弧热、接触电阻热、摩擦热以及体电阻热)对各种滑板材料体温升的影响。

    According to the results of finite element analysis and the temperature measurement of the tested pantograph pan , the effects of different heat sources caused by electric arc , contact resistance and friction were studied systematically on various pantograph pan materials .

  21. 为了避免求解复杂的偏微分方程并且得到解析的结果,这里采用了将场区等效为积累层电阻、扩展电阻、体电阻和漏极分布电阻的串联等效电路。

    In order to avoid the complex differential equations and get an analytic result , we provide an equivalent series circuit of the drift region , including the resistance of accumulation layer , the distributed resistance , the body resistance and the distributed resistance at drain .

  22. 将覆冰视为一种特殊的污秽形式,其电阻可用冰体电阻与冰面水膜电阻的并联电阻来等效。

    The authors regard the ice coated on insulator as a special pollution form and hold that the resistance of the ice - coating can be equivalent to that of the ice body resistance in parallel with the water film resistance on the surface of ice body .

  23. 用热处理方法降低PTC陶瓷发热体的电阻值

    Reduction of resistance of PTC ceramic heaters by heat treatment

  24. SPICE模拟表明体串联电阻对体接触SOI数字D触发器速度特性有明显的影响。

    The characteristics of the body contact devices show the existence of floating effect . SPICE simulation of the circuit indicates that body resistance has obvious influence on the speed of BC ( body contact ) D flip-flop circuit .

  25. 铁电体高电阻的测量

    Measurement of High Resistance of Ferroelectrics

  26. 提出了一种实用的体接触电阻及其版图寄生参数的模型化方法。

    As a solution to body-contact effect , a model for distributed body resistance and parasitic capacitive load is presented .

  27. 自蔓延燃烧法合成ZnO粉体及其压敏电阻的制备

    Varistors prepared by self-propagating combustion ZnO powders

  28. 长圆柱形接地体接地电阻的计算头部的顶体为细长柱形,末端渐细,电子密度较小;

    The acrosome in the head is long cylindrical in shape and has low electronic density .

  29. 该传感器采用先进的贴片工艺和密封技术,其良好的弹性体性能和电阻应变计性能可保证在野外长期稳定工作。

    Being adopted advanced sheet-contact process and seal technology , the transducer has better elastomer and resistance strain gauge performances , which can guarantee stable long term running .

  30. 在体兔脑组织电阻抗频率特性测量及EIT初步成像

    In Vivo Measurement of Rabbits Brain Impedance Frequency Response and the Elementary Imaging of EIT