
  • 网络Ivan Lendl;lundell;Lendl;Ruth Rendell
  1. 从伦德尔开始,随着越来越广泛地运用,强力正手已经取代截击成为主要的进攻手段。

    With increasing frequency since the days of Ivan Lendl , the big forehand has replaced the first volley as a primary offensive shot .

  2. 在此之前,大满贯男单决赛耗时最长的比赛时1988年的美网决赛。那场决赛中,维兰德和伦德尔打了4小时54分钟。

    The previous longest major singles final was Mats Wilander 's win over Ivan Lendl at the U.S. Open in 1988 , which lasted 4 hours , 54 minutes .

  3. 在1/4决赛中他击败了伦德尔,闯入半决赛。

    He reached the semis after beating Lendl in the quarterfinal .

  4. 许多人都称赞伦德尔的想法很有远见。

    Many are hailing Rendell 's ideas as visionary .

  5. 伦德尔市长强加了新的合同条款。

    Mayor Rendell imposed the new contract terms .

  6. 两个人达成协议,伦德尔获得相当于经理所得的一半。

    The two struck a deal in which Rendell took half of what a manager would

  7. 但是欧睿分析师卡拉•伦德尔(KarlaRendle)说,同店销售额的下滑表明,麦当劳的总体表现比较“脆弱”。

    But the decline in like-for-like sales means that the performance overall is " fragile , " said Euromonitor analyst Karla Rendle .

  8. 法国人安东尼•伦德尔(AnthonyRendall)原来的工作是为法国出版社Gallimard撰写旅行指南,如今他开设了一家公司,为香港市场进口法国红酒。

    Anthony Rendall , a French expatriate , swapped a life penning travel guides for French publisher Gallimard to launch a business importing French wine for the Hong Kong market .

  9. 安德森有望接替伦德尔担任董事长。

    Anderson is expected to succeed Rondell as president of the board .

  10. 伦德尔以一比三败北。

    Lendl went down by three sets to one .

  11. 伦德尔在比赛中始终占优势。

    Lendl was on top throughout the match .

  12. 伦德尔和凯西的威望和他们的选举倾向一致。

    Both Rendell and Casey have put their prestige on the line in this election .

  13. 伦德尔在香港长大,对香港有着很深的感情,他发现香港在质量上乘的平价法国红酒销售市场存在一个空白。

    Mr Rendall , who retained a deep affection for Hong Kong after being brought up there , spotted a gap in the market for selling good quality , affordable French wine .