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  • 网络traditional cuisine;Traditional food
  1. 传统美食和饮食习俗受偏爱;

    Secondly , most visitors had preference for traditional food and food custom ;

  2. 传统美食的美妙传说

    Leged of Traditional Food

  3. 在这些美食中,有些传统美食十分抢眼:

    Among these delicacies , some of the traditional ones are eye-catching :

  4. 家庭式餐馆提供的传统美食和更多。

    The family-style diner offers traditional Greek cuisine and more .

  5. 西湖醋鱼一这是杭州的一道传统美食。

    West-lake braised fish in vinegar-a traditional delicacy in Hangzhou .

  6. 不过,所有这些都正在改变&传统美食开始大反击了!

    However , all that is changing as traditional tastes are fighting back .

  7. 至于最让我吃得舒心的,应该算是意大利南部传统美食了。

    The consistently best restaurant food I , ve ever had is Vietnamese .

  8. 传统美食是提供一道真正的麦芽啤酒和收集的单麦芽威士忌。

    Traditional cuisine is offered alongside real ales and a collection of single malts .

  9. 饺子是中国一大传统美食,深深蕴藏着鲜香美味与古人的智慧。

    Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food , full of delicious taste and ancient intelligence .

  10. 当地人对传统美食有着极大的热情。

    The country has a culinary tradition that locals covet with tremendous fervor and passion .

  11. 贝蒂:并且要求每个人都要准备一道自己国家的传统美食。

    Betty : And everyone has been told to prepare a traditional dish form our own countries .

  12. 这位同学兴致勃勃地给了我一些他老家,湛江的传统美食的相片。

    This student graciously sent us some photos of some delicious Chinese food from his home city of zhanjiang .

  13. 扬州炒饭是运河文化的产物,是中华传统美食文化的精品。

    Yangzhou fried rice is the product of the Canal culture and the quality works of Chinese traditional food culture .

  14. 师生和市民们在纽约佩斯大学孔子学院品尝中国传统美食。

    Teachers , students and local residents enjoy traditional Chinese cuisines in the Confucius Institute at New York 's Pace University .

  15. 苏格兰英格兰地区有许多传统美食,比如诺福克火鸡,胡萝卜布丁,绿豌豆等。

    There are many traditional recipes in England , Norfolk Turkeys , carrot puddings , green peas and some other delicious food .

  16. 尽管如此,他在过去十年里的发现,确实将他摆到了传统美食理念的对立面。

    Nevertheless , his findings over the last decade do put him at odds with a controversial range of culinary belief systems .

  17. 此外,极限运动、钓鱼、打猎和当地传统美食都对游客极具吸引力。

    In addition , extreme sports , fishing and hunting , and local gastronomic traditions prove to be highly attractive to visitors .

  18. 国民信托所最近发出了一份倡议,该倡议通过日渐增多的各种活动建议英国人要重拾他们品尝传统美食的能力。

    The National Trust 's research is the latest initiative in a growing movement to reconnect British people with their traditional foods .

  19. 英式羊排也是英国的传统美食。在英国,肉排这一概念在17世纪出现,那时伦敦的饭店才开始烹制个人分量的肉类食品。

    In Great Britain , the idea of a chop comes from the 17th century , when London chophouses started cooking individual portions of meat .

  20. 在肯尼亚召开的委员会会议上,联合国教科文组织将法国传统美食列入世界非物质遗产。

    UN cultural organisation Unesco has added France 's traditional gastronomic meal to the world 's intangible heritage list at a committee meeting in Kenya .

  21. 点击传统美食、流行菜品、营养菜品、烘烤、甜品、素食等类别按钮可进入相应的菜品列表。

    Click to traditional cuisine , popular dishes , nutritional dishes , baking , desserts , and other types of vegetarian dishes button to enter the corresponding list .

  22. 美国有关方面最近终于允许进口伊比利亚火腿。至此,一个潜在的巨大市场终于向这种西班牙传统美食敞开了大门。

    The US has finally given the go-ahead for Spain to export one of its great food delicacies , Iberian ham , opening up a potentially huge market .

  23. 西方人过新年,总免不了开怀畅饮,而中国人过春节,讲究的则是亲朋好友团聚,享用传统美食。

    While the Western New Year is more about drinking , the Chinese New Year is an opportunity to honor family and friends , and to enjoy some culinary traditions .

  24. 乌来乡主道上的泰雅婆婆美食店供应泰雅传统美食,大多是蔬菜,比如南瓜饺子、竹筒饭和炒蕨菜。

    Taiya Popo , a restaurant on Wulai 's main drag , serves traditional Atayal cuisine , much of it vegetable-based like pumpkin dumplings , rice-stuffed bamboo and stir-fried fern .

  25. 这个节日位于法拉盛,著名的亚洲美食街区,所以这里会有许多传统美食,比如茶叶、饺子和刨冰。

    Located in Flushing , which is a neighborhood known for its Asian cuisine , the festival has served many a traditional fare like bubble tea , dumplings and shaved ice .

  26. 希腊美食是希腊的传统美食,一个典型的地中海菜肴,分享类似特点的美食,意大利,巴尔干,土耳其和中东。

    TheGreek cuisine is Greece 's traditional cuisine , a typical Mediterraneancuisine , sharing similar characteristics with the cuisines of Italy , the Balkans , Anatolia , and the Middle East .

  27. 随着近年来人们越来越富裕,这种传统美食日益受欢迎,然而收集鱼翅的过程会造成鲨鱼最终死亡,令鲨鱼数量锐减。

    The traditional delicacy has grown in popularity with the rise of affluence in recent years , yet the process of fin collection resulting ultimately in the death of sharks depletes shark populations .

  28. 一方面,越来越多的外国朋友来到中国进行旅游和投资,他们必然不能错过品尝中国美食的大好机会;另一方面,数量众多的海外中餐馆将中国的传统美食和饮食文化带到了世界各地。

    They will not miss the chance to taste Chinese dishes . On the other side , a large number of overseas Chinese restaurants bring Chinese dishes and Chinese culinary culture to various regions all over the world .

  29. 传统美食、饰品及药材的制作,助长了对鲨鱼、大象、海马和世界上其它物种的捕杀,而这种需求预计只会增长,不会下降。

    The manufacture of traditional delicacies , ornaments and medicinal ingredients has helped to cut swathes through populations of sharks , elephants , seahorses and other species across the world and that demand is only expected to increase .

  30. Nahm是一家位于曼谷的高级餐厅,主要供应传统泰式美食,由澳大利亚厨师戴维·汤普森(DavidThompson)掌勺,今年它的排名上升19个名次,至第13位。

    Nahm , the region 's top restaurant which serves traditional Thai cuisine in Bangkok by Australian chef David Thompson , moved to No. 13 , up 19 places from last year 's list .