
  • 网络traditional instruments;Traditional musical instrument;DIDGERIDOO
  1. 琵琶作为中国传统乐器之一,有着繁多的演奏技巧和丰富的艺术表现力。

    Pipa is one of the Chinese traditional musical instruments , there are many performance technique and abundant artistic expression .

  2. 钢琴作为一种西方乐器,它产生于不同的文化环境里,与中国传统乐器有着迥异的风格和特征。

    Content : Piano , a kind of western musical instrument , originating from different culture environments , possesses entirely different styles and characteristics from Chinese traditional musical instruments .

  3. 模仿传统乐器音色的演奏;

    The performance in order to imitate the traditional instrument ;

  4. 在那里一位老人和两个孩子在演奏柬埔寨的传统乐器。

    An old man and two children were playing Cambodian traditional instruments .

  5. 她在弹琵琶,一种吕国传统乐器。

    She 's playing Pipa , a kind of traditional Chinese musical instrument .

  6. 它是达尔马提亚内陆的传统乐器,也是拥有大量克罗地亚人口的黑塞哥维那的传统乐器。

    It is the traditional instrument of inland Dalmatia and of Herzegovina , with dominant Croatian population .

  7. 中国钢琴的民族化进程中许多民族乐器的音色和技巧被引入钢琴曲的创作,这些演奏技术直接反映出中国的钢琴音乐创作对于本民族传统乐器和乐曲的模仿和借鉴。

    These techniques directly shows that Chinese piano music creation depends on our traditional instruments and music .

  8. 音乐表演艺术和其它艺术品种一样,很早就形成了各具特色的流派,中国的传统乐器古筝也不例外。

    Like other kinds of arts , music performance has given birth to various genres and schools .

  9. 筝在中国已有2500至3000年的历史了,是地道的华夏传统乐器。

    Zheng , a traditional musical instrument of China , has a history of 2500 to 3000 years .

  10. 你觉得小提琴或大提琴这样的传统乐器非常枯燥,而且一点也不酷。

    Classical instruments like the violin or the cello are boring , you say , and definitely not cool .

  11. 这是来自英国和澳大利亚的四个漂亮姑娘。她们给手中的传统乐器赋予了全新的意义。

    These four stunning ladies from the UK and Australia bring a whole new meaning to the classical instruments they play .

  12. 搭配著冲绳传统乐器三味线弹唱,夏川里美能将每个音符直指听者的心。

    Strumming an Okinawan three-string guitar , Rimi is somehow able to send every note straight to a listener 's heart .

  13. 1949年的革命促成了一种把中国传统乐器与旋律改编成西方规的狂热,正如其苏维埃顾问所知的。

    The1949 revolution precipitated an energetic effort to adapt Chinese traditional melodies and instruments to Western norms , as understood by Soviet advisers .

  14. 因此要紧紧掌握这些风格技巧并不断发挥完善,使扬琴这种民族传统乐器增添光辉。

    So firmly in the hands of these skills and continue to play a sound is to add Yangqin this glorious instrument of national security .

  15. 表演融合了武术、歌唱和舞蹈的元素,配乐是用扬琴和四弦的琵琶等中国传统乐器演奏的。

    The performance mixes elements of martial arts , singing and dancing , accompanied by music played on traditional Chinese instruments like the hammered dulcimer and the four-stringed pipa .

  16. 之后,一代民族音乐先驱刘天华,中西合璧改革传统乐器二胡,使之正式登上高等学校音乐殿堂,于是,二胡教材随着专业二胡学派的不断形成而逐渐发展起来。

    Then Liu , Tianhua , the pioneer musician of Chinese music reforms Erhu by combining Chinese music and Western music , which renders the teaching of Erhu become a specialty in University .

  17. 在云杉有悠久的历史传统乐器:小提琴,中提琴,大提琴,低音提琴以及今天的更昂贵的电吉他,有深厚的爵士乐云杉上衣。

    Spruce has a long history in classical musical instruments : The violin , viola , cello , double bass as well as today 's more expensive electric jazz guitars all have solid spruce tops .

  18. 第三部分写与山东民间器乐的联系,将《山东风俗组曲》中的某些特色音效与山东民间传统乐器鼓、古筝等的演奏进行对比。

    The third part was the link with Shandong folk instrumental music , the " Shandong Folk Suite " in some of the characteristics of traditional folk music sound and Shandong drums , koto , etc. compare performance .

  19. 这首歌曲结合了现代的旋律以及中国传统乐器,其中有屠化冰演奏的笛子、常静演奏的古筝以及马凌与李宗励演奏的琵琶。

    The song , features contemporary melodies and traditional Chinese musical instruments , such as the bamboo flute played by Tu Huabing ; the guzheng played by Chang Jing and the pipa by Ma Ling and Li Zongli .

  20. 本文通过对20世纪民族弦乐器改革的论述,以期为认识我国现代传统乐器快速演变的现象和传统音乐的发展提供一定的参考。

    Through the analysis on the promotion of stringed instrument in 20th century , the thesis aims to supply a certain reference to understand the rapid development of our modern traditional musical instrument , as well as our traditional music .

  21. 在北京的高科技中心的一座豪华写字楼里,60名工程师和20名乐师日以继夜地完善一种产品,他们希望有一天它能与施坦威这种传统乐器制造商的产品竞争。

    In a sleek office tower in the heart of Beijing 's high-tech hub , 60 engineers and 20 musicians work day and night to perfect a product they hope will one day compete with traditional instruments from makers like Steinway .

  22. 二胡是富有民族特色的中国传统乐器,由于音色接近人声,所以它更善于表现各种不同的风格特色,表达乐曲深沉含蓄的情感,这也正是二胡演奏艺术的魅力所在。

    Erhu is rich with the national characteristics of the traditional Chinese Musical Instruments , due to sound , so it sounds more prefer to show many-different styles characteristic , expression of emotion deep music implicative , which is also the urheen art charm .

  23. 中国传统民族乐器琵琶的声功率测试

    Sound Power Level Measurement for Pipa-One of Chinese Traditional Instruments

  24. 你们国家特殊或传统的乐器有哪些?

    What are some special or traditional musical instruments in your country ?

  25. 它们使作曲家可以不使用传统的乐器。

    They enable the composer to dispense with traditional instruments .

  26. 电子音乐中中国传统吹管乐器音色制作与创新

    On the Making and Innovation of Chinese Traditional Pipe Instruments in Electronic Music

  27. 琵琶,作为中国传统弹拨乐器,有着悠久的历史。

    Pipa , as Chinese traditional plucked string instrument , has a long history .

  28. 古筝是中国传统弹拨乐器之一。

    Guzheng is a traditional Chinese musical instrument .

  29. 传统的乐器包括鼓、沙球、吉他和海龟壳,用于宗教典礼和日常生活。

    Traditional instruments including drums , maracas , guitars and turtle shells are used for religious and secular occasions .

  30. 笙是我国古老的传统民族乐器,历史悠久,能奏和声。

    Sheng is the national musical instrument of ancient tradition , has a long history , can play sound .