
chuán jiē qiú
  • pass and catch
  1. CBA球员在内线的传接球比较少,也就是有进攻威胁性的传接球比较少。

    The inner lane passing and catching basketball of CBA players is less so the threat offensive of passing and catching basketball is less .

  2. CBA的助攻次数明显偏少,CBA在进攻方面依赖传接球技术比较小,比NBA球员相差较多,体现在传接球技术和传接球意识上差距。

    4 , the secondary offensive number of CBA is significantly decreased , and CBA offensive rarely rely on passing and catching basketball technology , so the gap of the technology and consciousness on passing and catching basketball between CBA and NBA is obvious .

  3. 研究表明:CUBA的优秀球队在投篮命中率、抢断球、以及传接球等基本技术上逐年有所提高,但与WCBA相比较还有较大差距;

    The research suggests that although the basic skills , such as shooting , stealing and passing , are improved year by year , there is still a wide gap between the outstanding woman teams of CUBA and topnotch youth teams or WCBA teams .

  4. 他在后院里同儿子玩传接球游戏。

    He played catch with his son in the backyard .

  5. 室内五人制足球比赛传接球特征的研究

    Research on Characteristics of Passing and Receiving Ball in Five-people Room Soccer

  6. 他带球能力出色,传接球的技术也很完美。

    He has the ability to dribble and has a perfect touch .

  7. 足球训练中对运动员快速传接球的培养

    Football training medium spread the development for catching the ball quickly to the athlete

  8. 篮球运动中最基本的东西包括投篮,传接球,篮板球等。

    The fundamental of basketball includes shooting , passing and catching , rebounding , etc.

  9. 篮球课传接球技术与教法

    The teaching mathod on basketball passing and receiving

  10. 浅析少儿篮球队员的传接球技术的训练

    Discussion on Basic Skills Training of Juvenile Basketball Players in Passing and catching a Ball

  11. 大部分时间都是简单的传接球,要注意细节。

    Most of the time it 's about receiving and passing , attention to detail .

  12. 加强传接球的突然性和隐蔽性练习,学会做假动作。

    4 , strengthen the sudden and covert practice , learn to do bogus action .

  13. 王建民将在星期日进行传接球练习,并预定在星期一进牛棚练投。

    Wang will play catch Sunday and is scheduled to have a bullpen session Monday .

  14. 传接球是导致进攻中断的主要原因;

    The main cause leading to the interruption of attack is passing and receiving a ball ;

  15. 中国女子足球国家队传接球失误原因的分析与启示

    Enlightenment and Analysis on Fault Reasons of Pass-and-Receive Technique of Chinese National Women ′ s Soccer Team

  16. “我感觉的到-我们的传接球很差,而且注意力不够集中。”莫里尼奥说。

    " I could smell it-we were passing the ball badly and losing concentration ," added mourinho .

  17. 低的节奏意味着球员不会太多跑动来传接球,而且会惯于控球在脚。

    A slow tempo means players won 't rush with passing and hold the ball up a lot .

  18. 我们比赛传接球都很不错,不得不表扬一下泰国,因为他们非常卖力。

    We got the ball down and passed it well but credit to Thailand because they worked very hard .

  19. 中国男篮锋卫摇摆人的失误形式以传接球失误为最多,持运球失误次之。

    Chinese basketball swingman form of human error failures for up to pass the ball , holding dribble Failure times .

  20. 中国队队员在传接球、运球突破和时间违例方面容易造成失误。

    China team players in passing , dribbling breakthrough and easy to cause the mistakes in time violations . 2 .

  21. 传接球技术是篮球比赛中不可缺少的一项重要技术,也是教学中的重点部分。

    Passing and catching basketball is not only an important technique in matches , but also a key in field teaching .

  22. 各队使用一根顶部带网的球杆来传接球从而进球。

    Teams try to make goals with a ball caught and thrown using a net at the end of a stick .

  23. 大学生篮球运动员篮球意识的培养主要包括传接球、投篮、跟进、防守、战术意识等方面的内容。

    The development of college players ' basketball consciousness includes mainly passing and catching balls , moving , defending and strategic consciousness .

  24. 加深对传接球重要性的认识,培养传球意识。

    2 , deepen the understanding of the importance of passing and catching basketball , and bring up the consciousness of passing and catching basketball .

  25. 但我现在试着训练他们基础的东西&传接球,这也是足球中最主要的东西。

    But I tried to teach them to go back to basics – receiving and passing the ball are the most important things in football .

  26. 虚拟人足球是人工智能和虚拟人领域的基础研究课题,而传接球是虚拟人足球的一个重要组成部分。

    Virtual human football is the basic research subject in the field of artificial intelligence and virtual human , of which football pass is an important part .

  27. 阐述篮球传接球在比赛中的重要性、传接球的基本原则、传球时机的要点、传球失误的主要因素。

    The importance of basketball skill of catch and pass the ball , the basic standard and the key opportunity and the main factor of muffing the ball were expounded .

  28. 员工可以离开办公桌到小咖啡馆里找张桌子继续办公,换下心情;或者到人力资源自助机的小亭子里签到;或者在屋顶呈拱形的室内玩传接球。

    Workers can take a break from their desks to work at a bistro table , or check in at the human-resources kiosk , or play catch in the vaulted interior .

  29. 传接球作为篮球运动基本技术之一,其在比赛中为完成全队战术,达到进攻得分目的起到了很好的桥梁和纽带的作用。

    Passing and catching basketball is one of the basic technology of its game , and it plays a good bridge role for the completion of the team tactics and offensive score .

  30. 通过对少儿篮球基本技术的分析和比赛训练的调查,阐明篮球传接球技术在训练和实战中的重要作用;

    From the analysis of basic skills training of juvenile basketball athletes and the investigation of the training for competition , we know that passing and catching skills play an important role in basketball training and competition .