
  • 网络accounting information;accounting data
  1. 该系统与“FA一软件”相比,增加了查询功能和统计分析,可为木材销售管理工作提供各项会计资料。

    Compare with " FA-software ", the inquiry function and statistical analysis have been added to this system , so it can provide various accounting information for wood selling management .

  2. 现行条件下,计量高等职业院校教育成本的现实方法是利用会计资料进行转换计算。

    Under current conditions the practical approach to measuring educational cost of higher vocational colleges is convertible calculation by using accounting information .

  3. 传统的经济信息(指“企业的统计报表和会计资料”所提供的信息)的生产主要基于个体进行。

    Traditionally , the economic information production depends on the individual .

  4. 委托人故意不提供有关会计资料和文件的;

    The client intentionally refuses to provide relevant accounting materials and documents ;

  5. 论隐匿、销毁会计资料罪

    On Crime of Hiding and Destroying Accounting References

  6. 经济犯罪不可避免地在财务会计资料中留下痕迹。

    It is unavoidable for those who commit economic crimes to leave traces in financial accounting .

  7. 对会计资料定期进行内部审计的办法和程序应当明确。

    The measures and procedures for regular internal auditing of accounting documents shall be explicit and clear .

  8. 对于企业改制上市需提供的会计资料,法律、法规有强制性要求。

    For enterprise go on market , must supply accounting data , law , code and concern force demand .

  9. 那个时代也没有人要求公司有透明的会计资料和看得见的业绩。

    It was also a time when no one demanded that companies have transparent accounting records or a visible performance .

  10. 向不同的会计资料使用者提供的财务会计报告,其编制依据应当一致。

    The basis for the preparation of financial documents and accounting reports provided for different users of accounting shall be consistent .

  11. 计量结果表明,利用现有会计资料可以设计一套方法计量学院教育成本。

    This indicates that it is practicable to design a feasible program to measure the college educational costs using the available accounting data .

  12. 试算平衡表是列示所有帐户余额,且按资产、负债和所有者权益顺序列示会计资料。

    A trial balance is a list of all accounts with their balances-as-sets first , followed by liabilities and then owner 's equity .

  13. 被审计单位负责人对本单位提供的财务会计资料的真实性和完整性负责。

    Leading persons of auditees shall be responsible for the authenticity and completeness of the financial and accounting information provided by their units .

  14. 然而目前中国企业提供的会计资料却常常因为不符合国际通行做法而被西方国家驳回。

    However , at present , Chinese enterprises provide accounting information is often not in line with international common practices by Western countries rejected .

  15. 未按照规定保管会计资料,致使会计资料毁损、灭失的;

    Failure to keep in accordance with the provisions the accounting documents , and thus resulting in destruction and loss of such accounting documents ;

  16. 因此,一整套电算化模式下的科学的内部控制制度必须建立起来以保证会计资料真实而完整。

    Thus a set of scientific inner control system with accounting computerization should be set up in order to ensure truthfulness and integrality of accounting data .

  17. 真实性是经济工作中对会计资料的起码要求,也是法律上对会计资料的根本要求之一。

    The authenticity is minimum request to accountant material in the economical work , also is one of basic requests to accountant material in the law .

  18. 确保会计资料真实与完整的重要举措&明确单位负责人为会计责任主体

    An Important Measure of Assuring the Truth and Completion of Accounting Materials ── Clearly Defining the Leader of the Department as the Responsibility Body of Accounting

  19. 主要是利用企业的会计资料,将马尔可夫预测方法运用到对企业的资本结构预测中,从而获得企业资本结构极限状态的信息。

    By utilizing accounting materials of enterprise , apply Markov 's course method to predicting enterprise 's capital structure , thus obtained information of terminal state .

  20. 经济犯罪案件所涉及的会计资料与经济犯罪案件侦查的内在联系使得会计资料勘验能够从主体、行为、结果、时间、地点、手段、方法等多个方面全面客观地反映经济犯罪事实的全过程。

    The accounting materials in economy crime can reflect the whole process of crime on subject , behavior , result , time , place , and methods .

  21. 贵单位的责任是,对所提供的与财产损失相关的会计资料及证明材料的真实性和合法性负责。

    Your company is responsible for the truth and validity of the account literature and certificate literature of the deduction of property loses provided by your company .

  22. 你可以视这些课程要求有若你日后作为资料制作者或是会计资料的使用者时自我反问的一系列问题。

    You can view the challenges as a series of questions you will ask yourself later in your career as either a preparer or user of accounting information .

  23. 对一所大学的案例研究证明,利用现有会计资料计量学生培养成本是可行的,可以满足社会对学校成本信息的需要。

    A case study of a university indicates that it is feasible to calculate the costs for the cultivation of college students on the basis of accounting materials available .

  24. 审计的供给方是独立审计人员,需求方是委托者及相关利益集团,双方围绕被审查会计资料及财务报表的真实公允问题寻求供求均衡。

    The supply side of audit is independent audit worker and demand side is trust agency and the two sides seek balance around audit accounting materials needed and financial statements .

  25. 商业银行应当按照中国人民银行的要求,提供财务会计资料、业务合同和有关经营管理方面的其他信息。

    Commercial banks should provide financial accounting data , business contracts and other information about its business and management in accordance with the requirements of the People 's Bank of China .

  26. 在我国,伴随着职务犯罪案件的日益增多,会计资料的证明作用愈加受到人们的重视,而会计证据作为诉讼证据的一种,早已被司法实践所运用。

    In China , with the increasing of functionary crime , people pay attention to accounting data as evidence playing an important role improve role in judicial practice more and more .

  27. 前款所列监督检查部门对有关单位的会计资料依法实施监督检查后,应当出具检查结论。

    The supervision and inspection departments listed in the preceding paragraph shall provide conclusions after the supervision and inspection on the accounting documents of the relevant units have been conducted according to law .

  28. 当前全球经济快速发展,经济主体之间的关系日益复杂,财务会计资料的证明作用突显。

    Nowadays , with the rapid development of the global economy , the relationship between economic agents become more and more complex , the function of financial accounting materials ' certification is outstanding .

  29. 已经遵守执业准则、规则确定的工作程序并保持必要的职业谨慎,但仍未能发现被审计的会计资料错误,不承担民事赔偿责任。

    Have to comply with practice guidelines , rules and procedures established to maintain the necessary professional care , but have not yet been able to detect the audited accounting data errors , do not bear civil liability .

  30. 内部控制,是指单位为了保证业务活动的有效进行,保护资产的安全和完整,防止、发现、纠正舞弊,保证会计资料的真实、完整而制定和实施的政策和程序。

    Internal control is a policy or program constituted and implemented to ensure that business in effective progress , asset secure and intact , error discovered , prevented and corrected , and accounting data true , legal and integrate .