
  • 网络Corporate economies of scale
  1. 基于DEA模型的中国轿车企业规模经济效益评估

    Evaluation of Scale Economy Benefits of Chinese Car Enterprises Based on DEA Model

  2. 集装箱公路运输企业规模经济水平研究

    The Study on Scale-Economic Level for Container Road - Transportation Enterprises

  3. 我国企业规模经济现状及实现途径

    Scale economy of our firms : situations and ways to it

  4. 信息技术的发展对企业规模经济的影响研究

    Study on the Affection of Information Technology upon Economics of Scale

  5. 中国企业规模经济现状分析

    Analysis on the Present State of the Scale Economy of Chinese Enterprises

  6. 战略联盟与企业规模经济理论探讨

    Strategic Alliance and the Theory of Scale Economy in Enterprises

  7. 中国轿车企业规模经济效益实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Chinese Car Enterprises ' scale Economy

  8. 针织内衣企业规模经济的分析

    Analysis on Scale Economy in Knitted Underwear Companies

  9. 这表明企业规模经济和人力资本能够抑制企业退出。

    This shows that scale economy of firms and human capital can inhibit the exit .

  10. 论文研究了乡镇企业规模经济战略遵循的基本原则,行业选择,投资决策等,并以格兰仕规模经济战略为例,分析了规模经济战略成功的基本条件。

    Firstly . the thesis analyze basic principles , industry choice . investment decision-making to TVEs .

  11. 在市场经济体系中,企业规模经济性研究是一个重要的持久不衰的理论研究课题与实证测度课题。

    In the market economy , the research on scale economy of enterprises is an important and long task for theory and practice .

  12. 由此可见,发展企业规模经济成为企业提高竞争力和优化产业组织结构的当务之急。

    Consequently , it is urgent that economies of scale of enterprises should be developed in order to enhance their competitiveness and optimize their industrial structures .

  13. 第一章是文献综述,从古典经济学、新古典经济学、其他西方经济学家和中国学者对相关问题的论述,回顾总结了中小企业规模经济理论的研究成果。

    The first chapter reviews the theory of scale economy from the view of classical economy , neo-classical economy , other western economists and Chinese scholars .

  14. 陕西还没有建立专门的果农培训机构和体系;果业技术推广机构不健全;6、加工企业规模经济优势不明显。

    Shaanxi has not established specific farmers training institutions and systems ; Fruit technology promotion agencies are not perfect.6.Processing enterprises obvious advantage of economies of scale .

  15. 它不但能够提高企业规模经济和专业化水平,而且有利于形成适度市场进入壁垒,避免过度竞争。

    It could not only raise the levels of scale economy and production specialization , but also establish moderate barrier to market access to avoid excessive competition .

  16. 为了达到企业规模经济效果,发挥企业集团在经济增长中的重要作用,必须采取相应的措施与对策。

    In order to obtain the effect of scale economies and make the enterprise play an important role in the economic growth , the corresponding measures and countermeasures must be taken .

  17. 一方面,云提供商致力于通过使用尽可能少的资源来满足用户对应用的性能需求,最大化资源利用率,提高企业规模经济效益。

    On the one hand , the cloud providers aim to meet the performance requirements of user application by means of employing fewer resources , which maximize the resource utilization and minimize costs .

  18. 其早期研究视角可概括为从成本节约角度研究企业规模经济性,并形成了基于这一视角的规模经济概念与研究范式。

    Its early research can be generalized to study the scale economy of enterprises from the point of saving cost and has formed the concept of scale economy and formula on this point .

  19. 叙述了判断分析法的一般理论,重点阐述了判断分析法在评价企业规模经济性方面的应用,并运用实例对企业的规模经济性进行了研究。

    In this paper , theoretical study has been made on the judgement analysis method , and its application in the evaluation of enterprises ′ scale economy is particularly , with practical examples given .

  20. 资产重组是发挥企业规模经济优势、提高资产质量、改善经营效益、进行资源优化以及产业结构升级的有效手段。

    Assets rearrangement is an effective method to bring the scale economy of enterprise into full play . It can also improve the quality of assets , enhance the economy benefit , optimize disposition of resource and upgrade industrial structure .

  21. 同时要提高国内本土钾肥生产企业规模经济和资源利用率,加快建设国内钾肥生产基地,从而保证国内钾肥供给量。

    At the same time , we should improve the economies of scale and resource utilization of the domestic potash producer and accelerate the construction of domestic potash fertilizer production bases , thus ensuring the supply of domestic potash fertilizer .

  22. 重庆市中小型企业实现规模经济的举措

    How Do Small-Mid Enterprises Achieve Scale Economic in Chongqing City

  23. 应用判断分析法评价企业的规模经济性

    Evaluation of Enterprise ′ s Scale Economy Applying Judgement-Analysis Method

  24. 企业集团是规模经济的发展趋势。企业实现规模经济的途径:一是内部扩张;

    The enterprise groups are the tendency of scale economies .

  25. 对中国发电企业的规模经济进行分析。

    This paper analyzes the economy scale of Chinese electricity generation enterprises .

  26. 中国重点钢铁企业的规模经济分析

    Study on economical analysis on scale of key steel enterprises in China

  27. 房地产企业发展规模经济初探

    An Initial Probe Into The Scale Economy In The Real Estate Enterprise

  28. 建筑施工企业的规模经济及实施方略

    Economies of scale of construction enterprises and implementation strategy

  29. 建筑企业的规模经济分析

    Analysis of the Economies of Scale of Construction Enterprises

  30. 中国企业具有规模经济效应吗?

    Does Chinese enterprise possess the scale economy effect ?