
  • 网络Enterprise Bionergy
  1. 丰田生产方式(TPS)是提高企业生命力的一整套概念和方法的体系。

    Toyota Production System ( TPS ) is to improve the vitality of a set of concepts and methods of the system .

  2. 企业生命力持续性的动力系统分析

    An Analysis on the Dynamic System of the Enterprise Vitality Sustainability

  3. 基于商业生态系统的企业生命力及其战略研究

    Research on Vitality and Strategy of Enterprises Based on Business Ecosystem

  4. 名牌产品是企业生命力的源泉。

    Famous brand products are the source of enterprise vitality .

  5. 首先是企业生命力的提出。

    The first is enterprise vitality statement .

  6. 家族企业生命力刍议

    A Review of Vitality of Household Enterprises

  7. 人才、质量和创新&新形势下提高企业生命力和竞争力的探索与研究

    Talents , Quality and Innovation

  8. 国内外的分析表明,海量数据管理水平将成为下一轮衡量企业生命力的指标之一。

    The analysis both at home and abroad shows that , management level of mass data will become the index that measured the enterprise vitality in the next round .

  9. 他还强调了经理的责任问题,并认为这包含三个层面:实现经济效益,维持企业生命力,管理企业对其环境产生的社会效应。

    He also stresses the responsibilities of managers , which he says are threefold : to achieve economic performance , to make work productive and to manage the social effects that any enterprise has on its environment .

  10. 虽然许多国家努力增强中小型科技企业生命力,但它们依然短命,原因是成长的复杂性、成长机制和成本管理的不完善。

    Although many countries have tried to enhance the vitality of small and medium-sized technological enterprises , but they are still " short-lived ", the reasons are the complexity of their growth , the imperfect of their growth mechanism and cost management .

  11. 其中比较突出的尝试性论述包括:有关企业生命力概念的详细阐释、有关保险企业生命周期的阶段划分、有关中国保险企业持续发展的基本条件的论述等等。

    Among them , striking tentative exposition includes detailed illustration of the concept of corporate vitality , the division of insurance corporations ' vital phases , and fundamental prerequisites of the sustained development of Chinese insurance corporations and so on and so forth .

  12. 企业生命力是表现企业生命强度的一种能力,它不仅是自身内在的新陈代谢的状态,是有内在生命周期的过程,还是适应环境变化的能力。

    The vitality of enterprises is a kind of ability which can display the strength of life of enterprises . It is not only the metabolic status of itself and the process of inherent life-cycle , but also the ability to adapt to environment .

  13. 技术创新是使企业保持生命力的重要因素。

    Technical innovation is an important factor for a living enterprise .

  14. 况且,证券公司属于知识高度密集型产业,不断创新是才是企业的生命力所在。

    Moreover , securities companies are a knowledge-concentrated industry and continuous innovation is its life-fore .

  15. 作为海内第一品牌的美的中央空调视技术开发为企业的生命力,新产品不停推陈出新。

    As the first brand of the beautiful central air conditioning depending on the technology development for enterprise vitality , new products constantly innovation .

  16. 中小企业由于生命力旺盛、市场应变能力强、经营富有弹性等优势在我国经济发展、社会稳定等方面,发挥着举足轻重的促进作用,已经成为我国国民经济中一支重要的经济力量。

    As a result of vigorous , strong market adaptability , flexibility and other advantages , SMES have played an important role in Chinese economic development .

  17. 从某种程度上说,市场的生命力决定了企业的生命力,销售队伍的生命力决定了市场的生命力。

    To some extent , the market determine the vitality of the vitality of the enterprise sales force determines the vitality of the vitality of the market .

  18. 当前,在世界经济一体化和知识全球化不断深入的大背景下,技术创新已经成为一个国家、地区和企业强大生命力的来源。

    Nowadays , with the deepening of world economy integration and knowledge globalization , technology innovation has become a life source of power for countries , regions and firms .

  19. 一个企业的生命力不仅在于他的品牌和市场,更在于他的员工,对于人员依赖性较高的饭店行业来讲更是如此。

    Vitality of an enterprise lies not only in his brand and the market , but in his employees , the restaurant which is more depend on personnel , is even more speaking so .

  20. 企业的生命力受三方面因素影响,一是企业的自身能力;二是企业在所处商业生态系统中的生态位:三是企业所处的整个商业生态系统的状态。

    The vitality of enterprises is affected by three factors , the abilities of enterprises , the ecological niche of the company in the business ecosystem , and the status of the business ecosystem .

  21. 商业生态系统主要受三方面因素的影响,一是成员企业的生命力的健壮程度;二是针对商业生态系统的共同问题的平台状况;三是系统内部生态位的分布是否均衡。

    The business ecosystem is mainly affected by three factors , the vitality of the member enterprises , the situation of the platform of common problem of business ecosystem and whether the distribution of the ecological niche is balanced .

  22. 在我国,中小微企业的生命力并不顽强,其存活期普遍较短的现状并不是单一原因造成的,但当下尤为凸现的矛盾是融资难问题。

    In our country , the vitality of micro , small and medium enterprises is not strong , the status quo of its shorter survival time is generally not a single cause , but the present is especially protruding contradiction is the financing difficult problem .

  23. 企业持续的生命力源于顾客。

    Continuous vitality of enterprises lies in the customers .

  24. 创新是企业发展的生命力,是企业的灵魂。

    Innovation is the vitality of enterprise development is the soul of the enterprise .

  25. 历史以铿锵的步伐跨入信息时代,赋于本企业无穷的生命力。

    The history enters the info era with sonorous steps , endowing enterprise with infinite vitality .

  26. 作为构成产业主体的众多中小企业,其生命力才是最终产业发展之源。

    The numerous SMEs as the industrial subject , their vitality are the ultimate source of industrial development .

  27. 在日新月异的知识经济时代,激发员工的积极性和创造性,是企业保持旺盛生命力和强大竞争力的关键。

    At the ever-changing era of knowledge economy , stimulating all the staffs ' enthusiasm and creativity , is the key to maintain vitality and enhance competitiveness of the enterprise .

  28. 本文以企业吉祥物的生命力为出发点,结合实际案例和对背景现状的分析,就存在于企业吉祥物设计中尚未完善的生命力体系问题进行论证并展开思考。

    Combine with real cases and the current background analysised , we demonstrate the vitality of systemic issues and start to think of the corporate mascot designs yet to be perfected .

  29. 家族企业并非没有生命力的落后的组织形式,家族规则是在政策博弈中产生的,在温州经济发展的初级阶段具有强大的生命力。

    Household business is not an operation system out of date , and the household rules are established in policy game and have a strong vitality at the primary stage of economic development in Wenzhou .

  30. 小型企业是经济的生命力所在。

    Small businesses are the lifeblood of the economy