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  1. 1810年,卡莱姆为拿破仑和他来自奥地利的第二任夫人玛丽·路易斯的婚礼设计了一款特别的蛋糕。

    In 1810 , Car ê me designed the extraordinary cake for the wedding of Napoleon and his second bride , Marie-Louise of Austria .

  2. 汤普森的太太罗林也很快成为他的第二任夫人波琳的好朋友。

    His wife Caroline Thompson soon became his second wife Pauline 's friend .

  3. 在他第一位夫人去世后不久,他就和他的一个性感年轻的学生喝咖啡(确切地说是茶),12个月后这个学生成了他的第二任夫人。

    Not too long after his first wife passed away from cancer he started to have coffee ( tea actually ) with one of his " sexy young students ", who would become his second wife within twelve months .

  4. MaryWise经常下班后到这里待会,她在附近的Mountverlen工作,扮演美国第一任总统夫人马瑟华盛顿,华盛顿总统夫妇曾经在那里居住过。

    Mary Wise often stops by after work . She plays the role of Mather Washington , wife of the first U.S President at nearby Mountverlen where the Washingtons lived . Wise says Primo 's feels comfortable .

  5. 我是第一任格雷森夫人

    I 'm the first Mrs. Grayson .

  6. 第一任罗彻斯特夫人与她的世界&试探《茫茫藻海》中的人物形象

    The First Mrs. Rochester and Her World : A Tentative Study on Characters in Wide Sargasso Sea

  7. 据日本一家报纸本周一报道,据日本下任首相夫人鸠山幸透露,鸠山由纪夫爱洗碗、爱看动物电影,还有个秘密的爱好&爱吃虾片。

    Japan 's next prime minister , Yukio Hatoyama , likes to wash dishes , enjoys animal movies and is secretly addicted to shrimp crackers , according to his wife Miyuki , a newspaper said on Monday .

  8. 只因为她具有与银行第一任老板史密斯夫人惊人的相似之处,所以她为人处世就能按照自己的意愿,率直果断,而无需处处防备。

    It was only because she bore such a striking resemblance to Mrs. Smith , the original owner of the bank , that she was able to be as blunt as she wanted to be without having to brace herself one bit .

  9. 在那起丑闻中,伯爵本人也是被指责的对象,因为据透露,他与已婚情妇有三个私生子,这才导致他的第一任妻子奥古斯塔·费恩夫人跟一位家庭朋友私奔了。

    The Earl himself became mired in scandal after it was revealed that he had fathered three illegitimate children with his married mistress , leading his first wife , Lady Augusta Fane , to elope with a family friend before the two divorced in 1809 .

  10. 下午茶是由第七任贝德福公爵夫人安娜在1840年创造出来的。

    Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna , the seventh Duchess of Bedford , in the year 1840 .