
jià ɡé ɡuǎn lǐ tǐ zhì
  • price control system
  1. 我国天然气价格管理体制及定价模式研究

    A Study on China 's Price Control System and Pricing Mode for Natural Gas

  2. 合理有效的价格管理体制是商品流通中的润滑剂,它有利于促进商品的生产、流通和消费。

    The rational and effective price management system is lubricant in the circulation of commodities , and it is conducive to the promotion of commodity production , circulation and consumption .

  3. 在政策方面,对卷烟品牌影响较大的是计划管理体制、价格管理体制、流通管体制和财税管理体制。

    On the policy side , a greater impact on cigarette brand is the plan management system , the price management system , the flow control system and financial and tax management system .

  4. 提出了我国天然气工业价格管理体制改革的路径:改革传统价格规制,实行以价格为主体的激励规制体系,时机成熟的条件下放松规制。

    The price management structural reform course of the Chinese natural gas industry is put forward : Substituting price incentive regulation system for traditional price regulation , on due time put deregulation into effect .

  5. 俄罗斯天然气价格及管理体制

    Russian Gas Pricing and Management System

  6. 我国的价格改革已经进入以建立适应社会主义市场经济体制的价格管理体制的新阶段。

    China 's price reform has entered a mew stage of the establishment and perfection of price management system suitable for socialist market economic system .

  7. 但这一模式有种种弊端,应逐步实行政府控制下的浮动价格制,促进企业进入市场,最终建立国家间接调控、企业自主定价的价格管理体制。

    However , due to the many problems inherent in this type of system , a government controlled floating pricing system should gradually be implemented , thus encouraging enterprises to enter the market and ultimately establish an independent pricing system under indirect governmental regulation .