
jià ɡé zhé kòu
  • Price discount;price mark-down
  1. 基于价格折扣下的EOQ模型(Ⅱ)研究

    Research on the EOQ model (ⅱ) based on price discount

  2. 多级价格折扣下基于损耗控制的生鲜农产品EOQ模型

    EOQ model for fresh agricultural product under progressive price discount and loss-controlling

  3. 进而建立改进的基于价格折扣的EOQ模型,通过推导、求解,得到模型最优解。

    And then the improved EOQ model based on price discount has been proposed .

  4. 通过解一个Stackelberg博奕模型求出供应商最优的补货期和价格折扣值。

    The optimal replenishment period and the price discount to be offered by the vendor are determined as a solution to a Stackelberg game .

  5. 本论文的创新点在于该优化模型把公司的资金、价格折扣和资金预付比例等因素考虑进来,有效地改善了ERP系统进货批量决策的效果。

    The innovation is that in the optimizing model I have taken some factors into consideration , such as fund , discount and prepay proportion , etc , which efficiently improves value of the use of the ERP system .

  6. BOSC环境下考虑价格折扣因素的利润模型

    Profit Model Under BOSC by Considering Price Discount

  7. 建立了求解Stackelberg主从对策问题的成本优化模型,并考虑了累积价格折扣激励和买方库存成本合理化。

    The cost optimization model is established to solve this Stackelberg game , in which the incremental price discount and the stock cost rationalization of buyer are considered .

  8. 本文在阐述无资产型TPL提供者特征的基础上,建立了基于价格折扣的无资产型TPL提供者供应商选择与采购量分配模型。

    Based on expounding the characters of Third - Party Logistics Service Provider , this paper constructs the model of its supplier selection and order quantity allocation at price discount .

  9. 文章的主要部分为第三、四、五章,分别从价格折扣、产品的可替代性以及供应商管理库存(VMI)三个方面研究了随机需求下多产品的库存策略。

    The main parts of the article are chapter three , chapter four , chapter five , which research the multi-product inventory strategies from price discounts , product substitutability and VMI respectively .

  10. 结合满足供应商和销售商Pareto有效性,建立了含价格折扣的供应链系统整体盈利最大的库存模型。

    For the case that the revenue of the vendor and the retailer coincides with Pareto-affection , another inventory model with price discount is set up for maximizing the total profit of the supply chain .

  11. 在传统模型的基础上给出供需双方通过线性价格折扣政策的Stackelberg博弈模型,并给出一个算例加以说明。

    Based on traditional inventory model , in this paper we propose a Stackelberg game model with linear quantity discount under MTO ( make to order ) and a numerical example is analyzed to illustrate the proposed model .

  12. 在排名中,参与价格折扣和发展中国家所使用药物研发的葛兰素史克位居榜首。而位列第三的默克公司(Merck),是排名前7位公司中唯一一家美国企业。

    GSK , which is involved in price discounts and researching drugs for use in the developing world , rates highest , while Merck , in third place , is the only US company among the top seven .

  13. 根据折扣形式不同将该机制分成三种类型:I.总量价格折扣机制;II.线性数量价格折扣机制;III.非线性数量价格折扣机制。

    Base on the different discounts form , the paper divided the mechanism of price discounts into three different types : I. The price discounts mechanism of the total amount . II . The mechanisms of linear quantity discounts . III. The mechanisms of nonlinear quantity discounts .

  14. 在BOSC环境下,考虑回收策略及模块化影响的利润模型基础上,进一步研究了价格折扣因素对于该利润模型的影响,使得模型更能体现接单式生产的特点。

    The profit model on the condition of considering return policy and modular design under the BOSC environment was improved by considering the price discount , in which the character of BTO ( build-to-order ) can be expressed sufficiently .

  15. 需求率基于库存的带有价格折扣的两货栈系统

    A two-warehouse system with quantity discounts and a stock-dependent demand rate

  16. 基于提前期和价格折扣的延迟交货和库存策略研究

    Strategy of Backorder and Inventory Based on Lead Time and Discount

  17. 两货栈库存模型:考虑时变需求和价格折扣

    Two-warehouse inventory model : Considering time-varying demand and price discounts

  18. 短生命周期产品的临时价格折扣模型

    A Model of Temporary Price Discount for Short Lifecycle Products

  19. 价格折扣/运输折扣的库存&运输联合优化模型

    Inventory and transportation integrated optimization model with price discount and transportation discount

  20. 价格折扣条件下的生产系统物流批量优化

    The Analysis of Material Flow Batch Size Optimization in Discrete Production System

  21. 带有提前购买价格折扣的易逝品库存模型

    Inventory Model for Perishable Products with A Price Discount for Early Purchase

  22. 基于价格折扣策略的供需协调模型

    The Model of Vendor-Purchaser Coordination Based on the Price Discount

  23. 临时价格折扣下变质性物品的最优订货策略

    Optimal order policy of deteriorating items under temporary price discount

  24. 供应链中供需协调下含价格折扣的两阶段订货模型

    Two-stage Order Model Under Vendor-Purchaser Coordination Including Price Discount in Supply Chain

  25. 基于价格折扣的采购量在供应商之间的分配决策

    Allocation of Purchasing Quantity among Suppliers Based on Price Discount

  26. 中国封闭式基金价格折扣问题研究

    The Study of the Close - end Fund Discount Phenomenon in China

  27. 一类价格折扣运输问题的改进表上作业法

    Improved Table-manipulation Method for Solving Transportation Problem with Price Discount

  28. 价格折扣与商品相关度对消费者心理账户的影响

    Effects of Price Discount and Semantic Relation on Mental Accounting in Decision-Making

  29. 基于价格折扣的生命周期产品库存模型

    Product Inventory Model for a Lifecycle Based on Price Discount

  30. 定期信用支付期影响价格折扣的最优订购模型

    The Optimized Strategy of Price Discount Dependent Supplier Timed Credit