
rén zhì
  • hostage;pawn
人质 [rén zhì]
  • (1) [pawn]∶为迫使对方履行诺言或接受某项条件而拘留的人

  • 他必须把他的母亲、妻子和儿子留下来作为人质

  • (2) [hostage]∶通常指被交给另一方的人,以作为对交付人或交付机构的良好意图的保证

人质[rén zhì]
  1. 在银行抢劫案中有三名儿童被扣为人质。

    Three children were taken hostage during the bank robbery .

  2. 他被扣为人质几近一年。

    He was held hostage for almost a year .

  3. 持枪歹徒用人质作人体盾牌。

    The gunman used the hostages as a human shield .

  4. 劫持者已同意再释放十名人质。

    The hijackers agreed to free a further ten hostages .

  5. 政府正就释放人质进行谈判。

    The government is negotiating the release of the hostages .

  6. 除非某些条件得到满足,否则他们不会释放人质。

    They refused to release their hostages unless certain conditions were met .

  7. 人质正被用作政治卒子。

    The hostages are being used as political pawns .

  8. 他们的首领遭到暗杀,他们为了报复,枪杀了十名人质。

    They shot ten hostages in reprisal for the assassination of their leader .

  9. 我们成功地达成了释放人质的协议。

    We successfully negotiated the release of the hostages .

  10. 人质被当成了人体盾牌。

    The hostages were used as a human shield .

  11. 他们站在人道主义立场要求释放人质。

    They are calling for the release of the hostages on humanitarian grounds .

  12. 人质公开陈述了他们所遭受的非人的折磨。

    The hostages spoke openly about the terrible ordeal they had been through .

  13. 他们对人质丝毫不讲仁慈。

    They showed no mercy to their hostages .

  14. 营救人质的计划失败了。

    Plans to spring the hostages have failed .

  15. 人质被捆绑起来并蒙上了眼睛。

    The hostages were tied up and blindfolded .

  16. 劫机者释放了人质。

    The hijackers set the hostages free .

  17. 不使用武力不可能使人质获释。

    The release of the hostages could not be achieved without the use of force .

  18. 有关人质身份的报道相互矛盾。

    There are conflicting reports about the identity of the hostage .

  19. 在更多人质获得自由之前他们期望看到对方也有相应的表示。

    They expected a reciprocal gesture before more hostages could be freed

  20. 任何射击线上的人质就都会成为牺牲品。

    Any hostages in the firing line would have been sacrificed

  21. 他仍然声称军火没有被用来交换人质。

    He still claims the arms weren 't traded for hostages

  22. 想想人质曾遭受的折磨,获救后其身体状况已经是出奇地好了。

    The former hostage is in remarkably good shape considering his ordeal .

  23. 人质的获释可能会为发动战争扫清障碍。

    The hostage release could clear the decks for war .

  24. 你所控制的这些人不是客人,而是人质。

    The people in your grasp are not guests , they are hostages

  25. 英国正加紧努力确保人质的获释。

    Britain is intensifying its efforts to secure the release of the hostages

  26. 丝毫没有释放人质时的那种激动和如释重负的感觉。

    There was none of the drama and relief of a hostage release

  27. 他唯一关心的是人质的危险处境。

    He would concern himself solely with the plight of the hostages .

  28. 利比亚领导人卡扎菲上校反复呼吁释放人质。

    The Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi repeated his call for the release of hostages

  29. 尽管这篇关于人质的报道有些夸大其词,但还算公正。

    The reporting of the hostage story was fair , if sometimes overblown .

  30. 大约300名法国人质即将被遣送回国。

    About 300 French hostages are to be repatriated .