
  • 网络diyala province;Diyala Governorate
  1. 在临近巴格达的迪亚拉省也报告了越来越多的急性水性腹泻病例。

    An increasing number of cases of acute watery diarrhoea has also been reported in Diala , a province neighbouring Baghdad .

  2. 当天晚些时候,作为伊拉克残酷现实缩影的迪亚拉省最新伤亡数据是:17名武装分子死亡,15人被捕,20名公民被绑架并发现3具尸体。

    By the end of the day , the province 's latest casualty figures were a microcosm of the brutality in Iraq : 17 insurgents killed , 15 detained , 20 civilians kidnapped and three bodies found .

  3. 报告说,另有将近7万2千人返回伊拉克其它地方,其中大多数回到安巴尔和迪亚拉两省。

    And it says nearly 72000 more people have returned to other places in the country , mostly to the provinces of Anbar and Diyala .