
  • 网络deegan;Diegem;Bruce Degen;Robert Cook-Deegan
  1. 马迪根的马用蹄子扒着地面。

    Madigan 's horse pawed the ground

  2. 在华盛顿州塔科马的马迪根军队医学中心(MadiganArmyMedicalCenter)工作的韦德莫尔说,这些方法对很多人奏效,“但不是对所有人。”

    These work for many people , " but not all , " said Dr. Wedmore , who practices at Madigan Army Medical Center in Tacoma , Wash .

  3. 迪根在2001年由现任市长克劳斯·沃维雷特(KlausWowereit)接替,后者是社会民主党人,文质彬彬也很上镜。

    Mr. Diepgen was replaced in 2001 by the current mayor , Klaus Wowereit , a suave , telegenic Social Democrat .

  4. 这场泡沫最终导致迪根丢掉了工作,也让柏林背上了沉重的债务。

    That bubble eventually cost Mr. Diepgen his job and saddled Berlin with billions in debt .

  5. 这架单引擎飞机在布朗克斯区的迪根高速公路降落,当时机上搭载三名乘客。

    The single-engined craft had three people on board when it landed on the Major Deegan expressway in the Bronx .

  6. 不过,这个州首席律师、州总检察长莉萨.马迪根说,州长或许在重新考虑他的立场。

    Governor Blagojevich has resisted . But the top lawyer in Illinois , State Attorney General Lisa Madigan , says the governor may be rethinking his position .