
  • 网络humanism;humanistic ideas;humanist thought;humanistic thought
  1. 中国人文思想与东方传统体育实践

    Chinese Humanism and Oriental Traditional Sports

  2. 弗洛伊德人文思想对银行基层行人力资源管理的启示

    References to Freudian Humanism in Human Resources Management of Banking Branches

  3. 基于Web和协同理念的工作流管理平台利用先进的计算机技术、网络和通讯技术,并借鉴国内外先进的管理和人文思想,从而较好地支持企业经营过程的运行、管理和监控。

    Cooperation Workflow Management Platform ( CWFMP ) takes advantages of the advanced computer technology , network and communication technology , and also uses the advanced management and the humanities at home and abroad for reference , which further promote corporations ' running , managing and monitoring .

  4. 儒家人文思想精华与大学生人文素质教育

    The role of Confucianism in humanity-based quality education of college students

  5. 凸显人文思想营造诗意的语文教学&师范院校语文教学论课程教学探究

    Create Poetic Environment in Chinese-Language Teaching by Presenting Clearly Humanistic Thought

  6. 大学图书馆建筑思想与人文思想的交融

    The Blending of Architectural Thought and Humanistic Thought of University Library

  7. 浅谈莎士比亚戏剧的人文思想和语言特色

    On Humanism and language Features of Shakespear 's Dramatic Plays

  8. 论数字图书馆建设中技术与人文思想的融合

    On the Amalgamation of Technicalization and Humanistic Spirit in Constructing Digital Library

  9. 从汉英谚语探讨人文思想

    An Exploration of Humanistic Thought from Chinese and English Proverbs

  10. 客家地域文学的乡土性及其人文思想研究

    A Study of Localism and Humanistic Thoughts in Hakka Literature

  11. 试论中国现代护理理念的人文思想基础及其建构

    The Construction of Chinese Modern Philosophy of Nursing and Human Ideational Foundation

  12. 流动的意象异化的象征&康拉德人文思想研究

    Flowing Image , Symbolic Dehumanization & On Conrad 's Views on Humanities

  13. 李渔建筑人文思想摭遗

    A Collection of Li Yu 's Humanistic Ideas on Architecture

  14. 文艺复兴时期的人文思想对服装的影响

    Influence of Humane Thoughts Upon Dress During the Renaissance

  15. 人文思想是人文素质的本源;

    Humanity idea is the origin of humanity quality .

  16. 借鉴儒家人文思想,构建高职院校图书馆组织文化

    The Construction of Organization Culture in the Vocational College Library from Confucian Thoughts

  17. 微创人文思想的创立和实践

    The Foundation and Practice of Minimally Invasive Medical Humanity

  18. 人文思想在语文教学中的体现浅议

    Comments on the Humanity Thoughts in Chinese Teaching

  19. 包装设计中人文思想的再思考

    Reconsideration of the Humanism Thought in Package Design

  20. 外国文学与人文思想

    Cultivation of Humanistic Spirit in Foreign Literature Teaching

  21. 论中国武术技击与人文思想的对立统一

    The Oppositions and Unities between the Attack and Humanistic Spirit of Chinese Martial Art

  22. 追求人性解放是鲁迅人文思想现代性的核心

    Pursuing human nature liberation is a modern kernel of Lu Xun 's humanistic thought

  23. 新课程背景下化学教学中人文思想的渗透

    The infiltration of humanistic thoughts in chemical instruction under the reform of new curricula

  24. 二战时期西方反法西斯文学的人文思想

    The Humanistic ideology of Anti-fascist literature in the West during the Second World War

  25. 中国古典学重视小学传统与文献学传统,相对轻视了人文思想的阐扬与发掘。

    Nevertheless , there is a different value orientation between Chinese classics and Western classics .

  26. 在图书馆建筑中体现人文思想

    Reflecting humanistic idea on the library building

  27. 中国传统园林植物的人文思想

    Humanistic Idea of Chinese Traditional Ornamental Plants

  28. 人文思想研究是潘光旦学术与教育、教学实践的主要领域。

    The study on humanities thoughts is the main field of his academic and teaching practice .

  29. 同时,顾拜旦的人文思想与人文实践仍存在某些局限性。

    Minewhile , there were some limitations in Pierre de Coubertin 's humanistic thought and practice .

  30. 中国传统人文思想刍议

    Discussion on Traditional Chinese Humanist Thoughts