
  • 网络Henry Paulson;Hank paulson
  1. 在这一点上,盖特纳获得了其前任,前财长亨利·保尔森的支持。保尔森在NBC的“会见媒体”节目发表讲话。

    On that point , Geithner has the backing of his predecessor , former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson , who spoke on NBC 's " Meet the Press " program .

  2. 美国财政部长亨利·保尔森和其他人表示,没有证据表明是投机者造成了高油价。

    Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and others say it is not clear that speculators are to blame for high oil prices .

  3. 伯南克和前财政部长亨利·保尔森因没有提前发现次贷市场的问题而受到批评。

    Bernanke and former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson were criticized for not seeing the problems in the subprime mortgage markets earlier .

  4. 在任何钞票的右手边,你都能找到蒂莫西·盖特纳、亨利·保尔森或约翰·斯诺的名字。

    On the right hand side of any bill , you might find the name of Timothy Geithner or Henry Paulson or John Snow .

  5. 鲍卡斯在批准尼尔·沃林为财政部副部长的听证会上称赞上一任财长亨利·保尔森为改善美中经济关系“开了个好头”。

    Baucus , speaking during Neil Wolin 's confirmation hearing as deputy treasury secretary , complimented former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson for making a " good start " in improving relations .