
  • 网络postnatal care;Postpartum;postpartum care
  1. 高收入国家的几乎所有妇女至少做过四次产前检查,在分娩和接受产后护理期间都得到了熟练卫生工作者的照料。

    In high-income countries , virtually all women have at least four antenatal care visits , are attended by a skilled health worker during childbirth and receive postpartum care .

  2. 关于产后护理的指引,NICE指出父母应知晓在婴儿满12个月之前,和婴儿同睡与婴儿猝死综合征之间有关联。

    In separate guidance on postnatal care , Nice said parents should also be informed about the association between falling asleep with their baby on a bed , sofa or chair and sudden infant death syndrome until the baby is 12 months old .

  3. 结论引入足部按摩护理可提高产后护理质量。

    Conclusions It can improve postpartum nursing quality by using plantar massage .

  4. 产后护理干预及随访的效果评价

    Effect evaluation on postpartum nursing intervention and follow-up

  5. 200例产妇产后护理保健体会

    Experience in postpartum nursing care of 200 parturients

  6. 目的:提高产后护理工作的内涵质量,减少产后晕厥的发生。

    Objective To improve the content of post-natal care quality and reduce the incidence of postpartum syncope .

  7. 在卫生设施分娩的许多母亲由于经济、社会或其它方面的障碍,不能回家接受产后护理。

    Many mothers who give birth in health facilities cannot return for postnatal care because of financial , social or other barriers .

  8. 这28名企业家都是来自新兴市场的女性,她们出售的商品种类繁多,从珠宝到服装,还有用于产后护理的产品。

    The 28 entrepreneurs , all women from emerging economies , were selling goods ranging from jewellery and clothing to products for post-natal care .

  9. 例如,重庆市正在进行医疗消费券试点,让妇女得到更好的产后护理服务和儿童营养补充品。

    In Health , coupon programs are being piloted in Chongqing , allowing mothers to better access post-natal care services and child nutritional supplements .

  10. 声明指出,要努力改善产前和产后护理服务,发展普惠托育服务体系,并减少家庭的教育支出。

    Efforts are being urged to improve prenatal and postnatal care services , develop a universal childcare services system and reduce family spending on education .

  11. 两组产妇均实施母婴皮肤早接触、母乳喂养宣教、喂养技术指导等常规产后护理;

    The women in the two groups were given opportunity to have early mother-baby skin contact , the education of breast-feeding , the guidance of feeding technique and so on .

  12. 我们本着专业的知识,关懐体贴的爱心,配合优秀的人才,为全港准妈妈和初生婴儿提供专业陪月、产前产后护理及婴儿照顾服务。

    With our years of knowledge and experienced confinement ladies , we provide professional paternity , pre-natal and post-natal care , and infant care services for all mothers and newborn babies .

  13. 我反复思考过关于母子产前产后护理的有效性、关于给予老年人口充足的设施、关于完善的医疗卫生服务、关于慈善护理和临终关怀。

    I mulled over the effectiveness of ante - and post-natal programmes and mother and childcare ; of adequate facilities for the aging population ; of comprehensive health services ; of compassionate nursing and hospices .

  14. 产房产后出血护理风险管理的效果分析

    Effect of Nursing Risk Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage in the Delivery Room

  15. 目的探讨产后出血护理风险管理的效果,为今后的管理提供依据,使护理风险管理更有效率。方法转变管理理念,进行护理风险教育,强化风险意识;

    Objective To explore the effect of nursing risk management of postpartum hemorrhage in the delivery room so as to provide a base for future management and make nursing risk management more effective .

  16. 为了探讨健康教育渗透在围产期护理中的作用,通过产前健康教育、分娩期健康教育,强化自我护理能力训练、产后社区护理延续服务进行针对性补课,使健康教育贯穿围产期始终。

    In order to study the function of health education in perinatal nursing , by labor health education , parturition education and ability training of oneself-nursing and postpartum community nursing , health education is carried out all perinatal period .

  17. 产妇产后两小时护理服务需求调查

    Need of two hours nursing service after delivery for lying-in woman

  18. 孕妇产前产后运动及护理指导。

    Teach them ante-natal and post-natal exercises and care .

  19. 健康教育应用于预防产后抑郁症的护理体会

    Application of Health Education to Prevention from Postpartum Depression

  20. 提高助产及缝合技术,加强产后观察及护理;

    Promote midwifery and suture techniques . Careful postpartum observation are very important ;

  21. 接生并提供产前和产后保健和护理,在产科医师指导下实施治疗。

    Deliver infants and provide prenatal and postpartum care and treatment under obstetrician 's supervision .

  22. 预防产后出血的护理

    Prevent nursing of postpartum hemorrhage

  23. 除非所有的母亲都能够获得产前、分娩期间和产后的熟练护理,否则,塞内加尔将不能在2015年前实现与卫生相关的千年发展目标。

    Unless all mothers get access to skilled care before , during and after childbirth , Senegal will fail to achieve the health-related Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) by2015 .

  24. 介入治疗产后出血病人的护理输卵管再通术的护理

    Nursing care of postpartum hemorrhage patients underwent intervention therapy

  25. 产后出血52例护理体会

    Nursing experience on 52 patients with postpartum haemorrhage

  26. 硫酸镁湿敷加坐式按摩膀胱预防产后尿潴留的护理观察

    Nursing observation on magnesium sulfate hydropathic compress plus bladder massage in sitting position to prevent postpartum urine retention

  27. 目的探讨酚妥拉明治疗产后尿潴留的护理干预效果。

    Objective To explore the effect of the intramuscular injection of phenolamine plus nursing care on the postpartum urinary retention .

  28. 结果46例前置胎盘孕妇经产前健康教育、生活指导、严密临床观察护理及输液、输血、抗感染等治疗,产后做好围产儿护理,预防产后出血,均治愈出院。

    Results Forty-six pregnant women with placenta previa were cured and leaved hospital by health education before delivery , living guidance , clinical nursing , transfusion treatment and blood filtering and anti-infection , strengthening fetus nurse and prevent postpartum hemorrhage .

  29. 产后尿潴留病人的护理200例产妇产后护理保健体会

    Nursing care of postpartum cases with urine retention

  30. 目的观察家庭化病房对产后康复的影响,为提高产后护理质量、论证家庭化病房的可行性提供依据。

    Objective To observe the influence of homey ward on postpartum rehabilitation in order to provide evidence for improving postpartum nursing quality and demonstrate the practical value of the homey ward .