
  • 网络internet phone
  1. 布朗大学医学院睡眠研究员玛丽·卡斯卡顿博士说:"越来越多的孩子睡觉时开着电视,不睡觉的机会增加了,用在家庭作业、互联网和手机上的时间增加了。"。

    " More children are going to bed with TVs on , and there are more opportunities to stay awake , with more homework , the Internet and the phone , " says Dr . Mary Carskadon , a sleep researcher at Brown University Medical School .

  2. “零科技旅游”指不带手机等通讯设备去旅行,尤其是到屏蔽或没有互联网和手机信号的地方旅游。

    Tech-free tourism refers to travelling without a mobile phone or similar devices , particularly to places that block or cannot access Internet and cellular signals .

  3. 由于那时还没有互联网和手机,因此作为保持联络的一种途径,英国皇家邮政(RoyalMail)要比今天重要得多。

    This was before the internet and mobile phones , so the Royal Mail was a much more important way to keep in touch than it is now .

  4. 魅族m8是一款触屏多媒体互联网智能手机。

    The Meizu M8 is a touch-controlled , multimedia and internet-enabled smartphone .

  5. 威廉姆斯表示,twitter在规避政府审查方面有一个优势,因为它是以结合了互联网与手机应用的网络方式来运行的,而不是单一的网站。

    Mr Williams said twitter had an advantage in evading government censors through operating as a network of Internet and mobile applications , rather than as a single website .

  6. 以互联网、手机为主体,同时包括博客、播客、RSS、手机短信、手机报等形式的新媒体俨然成为了当今社会的主流媒体。

    Leading by World Wide Web and cell phone , many new media , such as blog , RSS , cell phone message , cell phone newspaper , already become the main media in our lives .

  7. 网络法律专家律师PawanDuggal说,用互联网和手机技术来制造社会恐慌,这还是第一次。

    Cyber law expert , lawyer Pawan Duggal says this is the first time the Internet and mobile-phone technology have been used to create fear in a community .

  8. 互联网与手机的融合尤为突出,潜力巨大。

    The combination of cellphone and internet is remarkable and has huge potential .

  9. 土耳其的互联网和手机服务没有中断。

    Turkish internet and cellphone service remained in operation .

  10. 市面上可以接入互联网的手机越来越多了。

    More and more cell phones capable of accessing the Internet are on the market .

  11. 移动互联网在手机媒体的带动下也在不断发展。

    The development of mobile media has also supported the mobile Internet with more users and applications .

  12. 电视、互联网和手机:优点和缺点,互联网和报纸与书籍的比较

    Television , Internet and Mobile Phones : positives and negatives , Internet compared to newspapers and books

  13. 它会像计算机、互联网和手机那样给我们的生活带来翻天覆地的变化。

    They would change it with the same magnitude as the PC , Internet and mobile phones did .

  14. 这个年轻群体预订旅游产品高度依赖互联网和手机客户端。

    The young group depends highly on Internet and mobile apps when it comes to booking travel products .

  15. 互联网、手机等新媒体已在当代大学生群体中高度普及。

    Nowadays , internet , mobile phones and other new media have been highly popular among college students .

  16. 在此技术基础上,以互联网、手机媒体为代表的新媒体在全世界范围内蓬勃发展起来。

    Based on this technology , many new media , represented by the Internet and mobile media , flourish in the worldwide .

  17. 以互联网与手机为骨干的新媒体正在迅速取代既有媒介的市场。

    The so-called new media , based on the internet and mobile phone , is overtaking the market of existing media swiftly .

  18. 它以互联网、手机、移动电视等新型的传播媒介为载体,悄然改变着人们的生活工作方式。

    It is using new transmission media such as internet , mobile phones and mobile TVs as carriers to change our lifestyles quietly .

  19. 第三,互联网和手机的普及并未带来生产率增速的持续提高。

    Third , the arrival of the internet and mobile phones has failed to generate a sustained upturn in the growth of productivity .

  20. 但是,当我需要充电,或想“偷懒”一下时,我就去找个没有互联网或手机的地方呆着。

    But when I need to recharge and have a little time off , I go somewhere where there 's no Internet or cell phone .

  21. 作为人体延伸的媒体呈现出多种形态并存的局面:报纸、广播、电视、互联网及手机等等。

    As an extension of the body showing a variety of media forms coexist : newspapers , radio , television , Internet and cell phones .

  22. 互联网和手机的用户的增加,使电信业得到了迅猛的发展,同时也为我们的生活带来了极大的便利。

    As the Internet and mobile phone users increased , the telecommunications industry has developed rapidly , and also brings great convenience for our life .

  23. 在庞大的利益面前,越来越多的黑客将目光锁定于移动互联网,手机安全面临着空前的挑战。

    In face of enormous interest , more and more hackers ' eye locked on mobile Internet , so that mobile security is facing unprecedented challenges .

  24. 人们可以从报纸、广播、电视、互联网和手机等多种渠道获取新闻信息。

    Nowadays , people can get information in a great number of ways , such as newspapers , broadcasts , TV , the internet and cellular phones .

  25. 其次,观众习惯的视频接触方式发生改变,从以前的电影院、电视转向互联网、手机等,喜欢看短视频。

    Second , video contact way of the audience habit has changed . From the previous cinema , television , turning to the internet , mobile phones .

  26. 许多行业都因为互联网、手机应用,以及人们能够找到过去他们会为之付费的免费信息而遭受重创。

    Many sectors have been ravaged by the internet , mobile phone apps and people 's ability to find free information that they used to pay for .

  27. 传统体育电视媒体以往在声画、内容等方面的优势在互联网和手机网面前被大打折扣。

    The advantage in picture , sound , content and other areas of traditional sports television in the past has given place to internet and mobile phone network .

  28. 随着互联网和手机网络的不断进化,媒体传播的平台越来越多,相应的传播平台支持的媒体格式也越来越多。

    As the Internet and mobile phone networks continue to evolve , more and more media platform , and the corresponding media platform to support more and more media formats .

  29. 实际上,有一些研究还认为,多达90%的医生利用互联网来手机药学,生物学和医疗设施的信息。

    In fact , some studies suggest that as many as90 % of physicians are using the internet to gather information about pharmaceuticals , biotech , and medical device information .

  30. 随着互联网、手机等新媒体的发展,传统媒体在信息传播的时效性上开始表现出弱势的一面。

    With the development of the new media , such as Internet , mobile phones , traditional media has began performing a vulnerable side in the dissemination of information on the timeliness .