
  • 网络Country road;country lane;Take me home country roads
  1. 一天,道恩走在一条乡间小路上,看见一个小女孩在打碎石头。

    One day , while walking down a country road , Doyne saw a little girl breaking up rocks .

  2. 一天早晨,在爱尔兰一条乡间小路上,我从我的旧车中醒来,看见了一所房子。

    One morning I awoke in my old car on a country road in Ireland and saw a single house .

  3. 沿着爱尔兰的乡间小路漫步是多么惬意。

    It 's so restful to meander along Irish country roads .

  4. 我们从这儿走乡间小路去卡温顿。

    From here we walked across country to Covington .

  5. 他们离开干道,转入乡间小路。

    They branched off from the main road and turned down a country lane .

  6. 在这些弯弯曲曲的乡间小路上你得慢慢开车。

    You have to drive slowly on these crooked country roads .

  7. 农用大车在乡间小路上磨出了车辙

    The farm carts have worn ruts in the lane .

  8. 这是他们的成员丹尼尔‧罗伯茨(DanielRoberts)的主意,起因于他曾在瑞典的乡间小路上散步时,看到的一些神秘的动物粪便。

    The idea for the museum originated when a member , Daniel Roberts , was walking on a country path in Sweden and happened upon some mysterious animal droppings .

  9. 克劳迪娅:我想的是行驶于乡间小路的画面。

    Claudia : I was picturing a drive in the country .

  10. 你可以在乡间小路上看到刚屙下不久的水牛粪。

    You can see the fresh buffalo dung on the country road .

  11. 乡间小路两旁斜坡上长的花。

    Flowers growing on the banks on each side of the country lanes .

  12. 上了油的乡间小路;涂过油的胡桃木桌子。

    Oiled country roads ; an oiled walnut table .

  13. 杰克架着摩托车,在乡间小路上飞驰。

    Jack was driving his motor-bike hell for leather down the country lane .

  14. 学童零零落落地走在乡间小路上。

    The school children straggled along the country lane .

  15. 乡间小路全让摩托车给轧坏了。

    The paths get all ploughed up by motorbikes .

  16. 我住在一条两边满是枫树的乡间小路上。

    I live on a country lane that is lined with maple trees .

  17. 一天晚上,在一条双车道的乡间小路上,一位男子正驾车回家。

    He was driving home one evening , on a two-lane country road .

  18. 在冬天经常不能通行的乡间小路

    Country lanes that are often impassable in winter

  19. 我可以抄乡间小路走。

    I can cut across country easily enough .

  20. 今晚,一个男人驾车走在一等双车道的乡间小路上。

    A man was driving home ome everyning , on a twoalne country road .

  21. 乡间小路,请带我回家,去到属于我的地方。

    Take me home , country roads , to the place where I belong .

  22. 然后他们朝一个乡间小路向下走去。

    Then they walk down a country road .

  23. 沿着德文郡蜿蜒的乡间小路驾车本身就乐趣无穷。

    Driving along Devon 's winding country lanes is a treat all of its own .

  24. 我可以抄乡间小路走这很容易

    I can cut across country easily enough

  25. 我喜欢晚上在乡间小路散步、看星星。

    I like to walk along a country road at night and look at the stars .

  26. 你是否还记得,那条乡间小路上,我们曾手牵手,走过无数个日日夜夜?

    Do you still remember that footpath along which we went shoulder to shoulder many times ?

  27. 数小时后,格兰特将军骑马穿过乡间小路,来到阿波马托克斯法院的一座山村。

    A few hours later , General Grant rode into the crossroads village of Appomattox Court House .

  28. 这些神经就像是一条洛杉矶超速干道而不是乡间小路。努南说。

    The nerves were more like a Los Angeles freeway than a country road , Noonan said .

  29. 我想象某人由人行小路,骑马路和乡间小路能穿越大部分的英国。

    I imagine one could traverse most of England via footpaths , bridleways , and country lanes .

  30. 我做学生时,每逢星期六下午就沿着乡间小路散步。

    When I was a student , I would walk along the country road on Saturday afternoons .