
  • 网络master equation
  1. 针对二能级开放量子系统的相干保持问题,首先将系统的主方程模型转化为实向量空间上的状态空间模型。

    Aiming at the problem , in order to reduce this unexpected decoherence effect , the quantum master equation was mainly investigated .

  2. 第二部分介绍计算分子马达的理论计算方法&主方程方法,着重计算了分子马达一维周期性N态跃迁模型的稳态情况。

    In the second part , a method on studying stochastic transition of the Master equation is introduced . Mainly describes one-dimension N-state period model under steady state .

  3. 本文提出了雪崩矩的概念,LC雪崩的雪崩矩的精确形式能够由主方程和标度函数推出。

    The exact explicit form of scaling function for LC avalanche size distri-bution is obtained from the master equation .

  4. 利用电子通过量子系统的传输理论,通过求解量子主方程(QuantumMasterequation),研究了量子点中单电子共振隧穿的性能特征。

    Based on the theory of electron transport through a quantum system , by solving quantum master equation , the performance characteristics of a single electron tunnelling through the quantum dot are studied .

  5. J-C模型非微扰约化密度矩阵主方程

    Non-perturbation Master Equation for the Reduced Density Matrix of the J-C Model

  6. 基于主方程法单电子晶体管的Verilog-A行为模型

    A Verilog-A Behavioral Model for SET Based on the Master Equation Method

  7. 当该系统中存在一个外加磁场时,电子的自旋简并被破坏,分裂成两个能级,电子的整个隧穿过程可以用量子主方程(QuantumMasterequation)来描述。

    Once a magnetic field is applied to the system , the spin degeneracy is broken and the energy of the electron is cut into two energy levels . The whole tunnelling process of the electron through the quantum dot is described by quantum master equation .

  8. 第二部分介绍了一种研究随机跃迁的方法&主方程方法,着重推导了粒子做一维周期性N态随机跃迁时达到稳态的速度、扩散系数的一般表达式。

    In the second part , a method studying stochastic transition which is the master equation method is introduced , and explicit solutions of velocity V and diffusion constant D of the steady state are obtained when a particle hops among a dimensional and periodic N states .

  9. 在介绍了模型的主方程和探测器的输出电流后,我们利用数值方法研究体系和电流以及纠缠和量子discord演化动力学。

    After introducing the rate equation of the model and the current though the detector , we numerically calculate the dynamics of entanglement , quantum discord and the current of the system .

  10. 采用生成函数方法,由光场密度算符主方程,求得光场压缩度s,二阶相干度g~(x)和光子统计分布的严格解析表达式,同时讨论它们随标度时间τ的演化。

    The exact analytic expressions for the photon statistics distribution , the squeezing degree S and the second order degree of coherence g ( 2 ) of light field are obtained by using the master equation for the density operator of light field and applying the generation-function method .

  11. 广义主方程(GME)与连续时间无规行走(CTRW)之间的等价性以及它们的严格解,一般解和渐近解

    Equivalence between generalized master equation ( GME ) and continuous-time random walks ( ctrw ) and exact , general and asymptotic solutions of them

  12. 在对单电子晶体管主方程模型及主方程的解法详细的分析的基础上,把单电子晶体管主方程模型和SPICE的ABM功能结合,提出了基于主方程的单电子晶体管SPICE模型。

    Basing on the analysis of master equation model of single electron transistors , we combine master equation model of single electron transistors with SPICE'ABM function . A SPICE model of single electron transistors based on the master equation is proposed .

  13. 发现,在任意测量电压下,该测量问题不能用标准的Lindblad量子主方程描述。

    We find that the conventional Lindblad-type master equation is not appropriate for describing the underlying measurement dynamics .

  14. 本文从主方程入手,使用投影算符和Laplace-Fourier变换方法导出了广义主方程。

    Starting with the master equation and using projection operater and Laplace-Fourier transform method , the generalized master equation is derived .

  15. 并引进了量子小系统和环境库耦合的Bloch-Redfield主方程。

    Also we introduced the Bloch-Redfield master equation for the dynamics of the small quantum system and the environment bath .

  16. 文中采用饱和吸收体的快饱和模型,使用分步傅利叶方法对描述固体激光器的Haus主方程进行了数值求解,讨论了色散和自相位调制对脉冲形成的影响。

    The Haus master equation which described the femtosecond pulse solid laser dynamics is studied numerically adopting the fast saturable absorber model , and the effects of dispersion and self phase modulation on pulse shaping are discussed .

  17. 在激光模式近似理论和Born-Markov近似理论下,建立了包含纯消相、非相干泵浦和受激辐射项在内的相互作用量子主方程。

    Under laser model approximation theory and Born-Markov approximation , we build a quantum dissipative master equation , which taking into account of pure dephasing , incoherent pumping and stimulated emission .

  18. 压缩真空场中系统约化密度主方程

    Master Equation for Reduce Density of the System in Squeezed Vaccum

  19. 基于主方程单电子晶体管模拟新方法

    Novel Simulation Method of Single Electron Transistor Based on Master Equation

  20. 蒙特卡罗模拟主方程的一般技巧

    The general techniques for Monte Carlo simulation of the master equation

  21. 同时,得到双模光场的主方程。

    We get the master equation of the two-mode field .

  22. 周期场作用下自旋的主方程及其稳定态

    Master equation of a spin in periodic field and the steady state

  23. 基于主方程的加速生长网络分析

    Analyses of accelerated growing network based on master equation

  24. 本文利用劣腔近似条件得到原子约化密度算符主方程,在此基础上讨论了二能级原子的双光子共振荧光光谱。

    Using the master equation technique , the two photon resonance fluorescence is discussed .

  25. 广义耗散双模量子光学系统主方程的精确解

    An Exact Solution to Master Equation of the Generalized Dissipative Two-mode Quantum Optical System

  26. 非广延反应扩散系统的广义主方程

    Generalized master equation for the nonextensive reaction-diffusion systems

  27. 应用母函数的方法,我们精确解了这主方程。

    On the ba - sis of the generating function the master equation is solved .

  28. 推导出耗散系统下的简并参量放大器中的主方程。

    We obtain the master equation of degenerate optical parametric amplifier in the dissipative systems .

  29. 晶格置于周期性的锯齿势垒中,采用粒子的几率主方程来描述粒子在晶格中的动力学特性。

    The dynamic property of particles in the lattice is described by the master equation .

  30. 投影算子与主方程

    Projection Operators and Master Equations