
  • 网络Main control system;DCS;MCS;SMCS;CMCS
  1. 广州地铁4号线主控系统

    MCS in Guangzhou Metro Line 4

  2. 阐述了广州市轨道交通4号线主控系统的应用情况。

    This paper introduces the application of MCS in Guangzhou Metro line 4 .

  3. 基于DSP的小型质谱仪主控系统研究

    Research on Master Controlling System of Miniature Mass Spectrometer Based on DSP

  4. 在主控系统当中引入单神经元PID控制算法有效解决了这一问题。

    The induction of single-neuron PID in main control system can effectively solve this problem .

  5. 因此,我们设计了一个嵌入式USB主控系统。

    Therefore , we designed an embedded USB Host system .

  6. 主控系统、实时图像系统、3D音响系统则基于PC机开发实现。

    Main-control system , real time image system and 3D sound system are developed by us , which based on PC computer .

  7. 本文从LED显示屏屏体电路和LED显示屏主控系统两个方面对整个系统的硬件设计作了说明。

    Then author takes part the overall system hardware design into chapter 3 and 4 : the LED panel driven circuit and the host control system .

  8. 冲击脉冲探地雷达主控系统主要采用可编程逻辑器件CPLD和单片机控制。

    A method of uses the programmable logic device CPLD and MCU to control the system of Impulse GPR .

  9. 我们首先通过对国内外现有虚拟现实可用设备的研究分析,最终确定的硬件系统,包括:头盔、数据手套、空间定位系统、主控系统、实时图像系统、3D音响系统等。

    Then we determine the hardware system , which includes HMD , digital gloves , location system , main-control system , real time image system , 3D sound system , etc.

  10. 同时利用设备描述技术及其扩展技术以及OPC软件总线技术,实现独立先进控制应用与主控系统之间的无缝集成和数据交换。

    Extensible device description and OPC technology are used to exchange data among advanced control applications and the underlying control system .

  11. 作为单元机组的主控系统,有效的火电厂单元机组协调控制系统(CoordinatedControlSystem,CCS)是提升热工自动化水平、提高电厂经济效益的关键。

    As the main control system of unit plant , an effective thermal power plant unit coordinated control system is the key to raise the level of thermal automation and the economic efficiency of power plant .

  12. 在分析边界扫描测试技术的工作机制对测试主控系统的功能需求基础上,提出了一种基于PCI总线采用FPGA实现的低成本边界扫描测试主控器的硬件设计方案。

    Reviewing the test mechanism of boundary-scan and the functional requirement of boundary-scan tester , this paper presents a hard-ware design project based on PCI-bus boundary-scan master controller by using FPGA .

  13. 采用主从控制思想,即PLC主控系统与单片机测量系统,文中对其进行了详细设计。

    By using the idea of master slave control , the system is divided into two parts : PLC control system and SCM control system . The functions of the two parts have been analyzed in detail in this thesis .

  14. 算法的仿真采用S函数编程实现,算法的实际编程采用C语言离散编程实现,信号采集与主控系统的软件是在CCS开发环境下采用C语言编写的,采用模块化程序设计。

    The compile the simulation arithmetic adopts S-function , and the actual programming of the algorithm adopts C language dispersed programming . Signal acquisition and control are developed under the development environment of CCS with the C language and modular programming .

  15. 然后设计了高压变频调速装置的控制系统,包括主控系统、上层控制器、PLC控制器、与工业控制系统的接口、人机界面、功率单元控制系统以及控制系统电源。

    Then the control system of the high voltage variable frequency variable speed device was designed , which included master control system , the upper controller , PLC controller , and industrial control system interface , man-machine interface and power unit control system and control system power supply .

  16. 协处理器CPLD将检测到的输入信号预处理之后发送给ARM,并接收ARM传输的输出控制信号,实现了主控系统I/0口的扩展和对信号的预处理。

    The CPLD chip sent the input signals that have been detected to the ARM after pretreatment and received the control signals from the ARM . In this way , the I / O ports extension of the main control system and the signal preprocessing have been realized .

  17. 为解决单元串联多电平高压变频器中主控系统与功率单元之间存在的强弱电隔离及功率单元与功率单元之间的电磁干扰问题,提出了采用光纤连接方法实现功率驱动PWM信号的远距离传送。

    High voltage isolation between main control system and power units , EMI immunity in different power units are the key problems in the cell series muti-level high voltage frequency converter . In this paper a method using optical fiber link is proposed to solve the problems .

  18. 基于上述目的,本文主要工作和研究成果如下:1.开发了多CPU的开放式CNC控制系统:以一台PC机作为中央主控系统和以DSP为基础开发了电控系统。

    Based on the above purpose , the main work and research results of this paper are as follows : 1 . Developed the opening CNC control system of multiple CPU : using a PC computer as central control system and developed the electric control system based on DSP .

  19. RHW63P型绕线机的主控系统采用国际先进的控制技术,全部电器为模块化设计。

    The main control system of RHW63P winding machine adopts the internationally advanced control technology and all electric appliances are modularly designed .

  20. 设计了一种交流电机控制系统用于水处理过程控制,采用数字信号处理器TMS320LF2407配合复杂可编程器件EPM7256E构成主控系统,并对驱动模块进行设计。

    The digital signal processor ( DSP ) TMS320LF2407 and the complex programmable logic device ( CPLD ) EPM7256E are used as the main control system and the drive module is also designed .

  21. 广州地铁3号线主控系统的工程设计

    The Design of Main Control System in Guangzhou Metro Line 3

  22. 经过软、硬件调试,主控系统板已能正常工作,实现了所有预期功能。

    The control subsystem functions well after software and hardware debugging .

  23. 一种大型导航装备主控系统的通信设计

    Communication Design of a Large Scale Navigation Equipment Main Control System

  24. 气象雷达模拟训练器主控系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Control Subsystem in Weather Radar Simulation System

  25. 棒材半连轧机组主控系统的设计与研究

    Research to Main Control System of Bar Semi-continuous Rolling Unit Design

  26. No.7-Ⅶ型村田自动络筒机主控系统分析

    Analysis of Main-control System of No.7 - ⅶ Mach Coner Automatic Winder

  27. 其次,研究了足球机器人主控系统的硬件设计方法。

    Secondly , the methodology of hardware design is studied .

  28. 广州地铁主控系统接口冗余通信分析

    Analysis for Redundant Communication of Main Control System Interface in Guangzhou Subway

  29. 地铁主控系统研究与实现

    Study and programming of metro main control system

  30. 焦炉生产计算机主控系统

    The Computer Primary Control System of Coke Production