
zhǔ dǎ ɡē
  • leading (or prop) song
  1. 主打歌是对一个误入歧途的大陆的深刻沉思。

    The title track is a pointed meditation on a continent gone wrong .

  2. 专辑中的主打歌《IWillAlwaysLoveYou》,成为音乐史上女艺人作品的销量冠军。

    Its lead single , I Will Always Love You , became the best-selling single by a female artist in music history .

  3. 该专辑的主打歌《ShakeitOff》一经发布就荣登公告牌百强单曲榜冠军。

    Lead single Shake it Off debuted at number one on Billboard 's Hot 100 chart .

  4. 婕西的主打歌《PriceTag》发布了近4年,至今依旧拥有稳定的播放量,这足以证明她的“江湖地位”。

    Jessie J 's hit song Price Tag , almost four years after its initial release , still regularly gets airplay , proving that the star is here to stay .

  5. Min-woo在其首张个人专辑中所呈现给歌迷的就是R&B歌手的一面,不过他的首支主打歌《JustOneNight》听上去更偏向于爵士。

    Min-woo 's first album show him as an R & B singer , though his first hit song , Just One Night , is more of a jazz genre .

  6. 而在其八辑《StateOfTheArt》的制作中,神话延续了其舞曲风格,不过其主打歌《OnceInALifetime》呈现的却又是一种更为舒缓的流行乐风。

    With the release of their 8th album , State Of The Art , Shinhwa can still be seen having dance songs as well as , though their hit song , Once In A Lifetime , shows a more slow pop style .

  7. 我孩子们已经告诉了所有的朋友,他们阿姨为Cora写了新主打歌。

    Those kids have told all of their friends that their aunt wrote Cora 's new hit song .

  8. 而一些乐评人也认为,主打歌Starships包含了过多的流行音乐元素。

    With lead single Starships , critics said Minaj had veered too far into pop territory .

  9. 主打歌『半斤八两』是许氏兄弟的第三部电影《半斤八两》主题曲。

    Title song is the theme song for the Hui brother 's third film the private eyes .

  10. 她前几张专辑中的主打歌,例如《旅行的意义》和《失败者的飞翔》,往往会探讨她对于情感的看法和困惑。

    Title songs from her previous albums , such as Travel with Sound and Fly for You , often dealt with her perception of and confusion in relationships .

  11. 不过杰克逊先生1983年耗巨资给《颤栗》主打歌制作的录影把这种艺术形式提升到了新的高度。

    But he took this art form to new heights with the lavishly expensive video he made in1983 for the title track of the " Thriller " album .

  12. 欧阳靖出现在王力宏最新专辑《盖世英雄》的主打歌,展示美籍华人的团结,并不惊讶。

    It may not be surprising , then , that Jin appears on the title track of Wang 's latest album Heroes of Earth , showing his Chinese-American solidarity .

  13. 在新专辑的一首主打歌中,碧昂斯回首过去:“看看我——我现在是大姑娘……是成熟的女人。”但是从无知到成熟的老套路线与碧昂斯的生活和事业都不吻合。

    In one of the centerpiece songs on the new album , Beyonc é gazes backwards : " Look at me - I 'm a big girl now ... I 'm a grown woman . " But the innocence-to-experience clich é doesn 't square with Beyonc é 's life , or art .