
  • 网络personal needs;Individual demand
  1. 区域高等职业教育个人需求是一个复杂的综合系统。

    Individual demand for regional higher vocational education is a complex system .

  2. 区域高职教育个人需求系统分析及其评价

    Systematic Analysis and Its Evaluation of Individual Demand for Regional Higher Vocational Education

  3. 卧室是按照她的个人需求来设计的。

    The bedroom is designed to suit her individual needs .

  4. 诸如电话、email及个人需求等工作中断所导致的上下文切换成本在现有文献中已有所讨论。

    In the available literature the cost of context switching is discussed for workplace interruptions like phone calls , emails and personal requests .

  5. RMC为典型项目情境提供预定义的过程分类,它们可以适应个人需求。

    RMC provides catalogs of predefined processes for typical project situations that can be adapted to individual needs .

  6. 有些财富帝国设立了家族理财室(familyoffice)来管理自己的财务,但比起世界其它地方,通过专业化管理来满足家族集团财务及个人需求的理念在亚洲流行得比较慢。

    Some have set up family offices to look after their financial affairs , although the idea of professionally run businesses to serve the financial and personal needs of a family group has been slower to catch on in the region than in other parts of the world .

  7. 因此,S3和日常生活中的许多物品一样,是廉价便利的,并且由您决定它是否适合您的业务或个人需求。

    So S3 is , like most things in life , a convenience at a cost , and only you can decide if it 's right for your business or personal use .

  8. 杜罗夫说,他创建两家公司的最初动力,是满足个人需求:想和大学朋友交流的愿望使他创建了VKontakte,打造一个安全消息系统的必要性让他创建了Telegram。

    The initial impulse for both of his companies has stemmed , Durov says , from satisfying a personal need : the wish to communicate with his university friends in the case of VKontakte , and the necessity of creating a secure messaging system with Telegram .

  9. 这取决于您的个人需求和经验水平。

    It depends on your individual needs and level of experience .

  10. 要考虑的重要问题是你的个人需求。

    The most important thing to consider is your personal requirement .

  11. 一对一或者小组教导学习,针对个人需求拟定课程。

    We provide personal one-to-one coaching and also in small groups .

  12. 论职业技术教育的社会需求与个人需求

    On the Social and Personal Needs of Vocational and Technical Education

  13. 可根据你的个人需求制定工作行程表。

    Setting a schedule based on your own personal needs .

  14. 这使得这些传统的信息检索技术不能很好地提供吻合用户个人需求的搜索结果。

    This makes the traditional information retrieval techniques hard to meet individual needs .

  15. 涉外护理专业英语教学必须与学生个人需求、社会需求接轨。

    English teaching must be consistent with students ' individual needs and social needs .

  16. “一般”的解决方案能够解决业务和个人需求。

    " Good enough " solutions are sufficient to address business and personal needs .

  17. 另外,用户也不能轻松地配置自己的屏幕,以适应个人需求。

    Also , a user cannot easily configure his screen to his own personal requirements .

  18. 指出了满足教育的个人需求的主要途径。

    It also puts forward the main methods to satisfy the personal need on education .

  19. 全民健身路径的5类因素中,按影响程度大小依次是:社会环境固素,健身路径因素,组织因素,锻炼环境因素和锻炼者个人需求与条件囚素。

    Fitness Routes factors ; organizing factors ; exercising circumstantial factors and individual need factors .

  20. 关照好自己的个人需求。

    Take care of your personal needs .

  21. 它通常非常适合娱乐使用,但考虑自己的个人需求。

    It 's usually well-suited for recreational use , but consider your own individual needs .

  22. 单位不再是满足个人需求的单一组织,人们可以在单位外寻求满足自身需求的空间和机制。

    People can seek the space and mechanism to satisfy the individual demand outside the unit .

  23. 即便如此,如果没有补贴支持,它们也很少能满足严苛的个人需求。

    Even so , they can rarely , without subsidized support , address serious personal needs .

  24. 所以你确实要有意愿去帮助顾客来满足他们的个人需求。

    So you really need to have a desire to help customers with their individual needs .

  25. 这样做,使得斯隆管理学院能够提供更多有针对性的选修课程,以满足学生们的个人需求。

    This will enable Sloan to offer more focused elective tracks to suit students ' individual needs .

  26. 企业必须适应员工的个人需求,激发员工创造价值的能力。

    Enterprises must adapt to the individual needs of employees and stimulate their abilities to create value .

  27. 浅议教育的个人需求

    Personal Need on Education

  28. 好的设计要在保存、补充建筑原有风貌的基础上满足个人需求。

    Good design preserves the architect 's original intention and at the same time fulfills individual client needs .

  29. 二是根据个人需求,金融服务机构与政府部门应该为个人提供怎样的金融支持(包括金融资产与金融策划服务的供给)?

    To this personal financial demand , what should financial service institutions supply ( including financial assets and planning services )?

  30. 从高职教育的目标人群出发,分析了区域高等职业教育个人需求系统的概念、系统组成和作用机理;

    The concept , composition and action mechanics of it are analyzed in the paper from view of target people group .