
  • 网络personal media;we media
  1. Blog作为一种新兴的个人媒体,正逐步流行于互联网中。

    Blog is a new personal media which is gradually popular in the Internet .

  2. 摄像机、部分新型数码相机、游戏机甚至个人媒体播放器,也开始支持HD分辨率。

    Cameras , some new digital cameras , game consoles and even personal media players , have also begun to support HD resolution .

  3. 个人媒体不仅是个人话语、知识和思想的工具,更在结构一种新的社会、社会关系和社会资源。

    Personal media is not only an implement , but also build new social and social relation .

  4. 个人媒体的兴起和发展是必然的,堵是堵不了的。

    Of individual media arisen with development it is inevitable , blocking up cannot be blocked up .

  5. 2006年,个人媒体使用量下降了半个百分点,至3530小时。

    In 2006 , media usage per person per year declined half a percentage point to 3,530 hours .

  6. 因此,他们与独立媒体、战术媒体、纯粹个人媒体建立了千丝万缕的联系。

    Therefore , they have built up links with the independent medium , tactics medium , and pure personal medium .

  7. 个人媒体将在构建一个个人性和公共性互动、互塑和制衡的未来社会中发挥积极作用。

    Personal media will have positive influential on the future social in which personal and the public can interactive , check and balance .

  8. 随着无线设备,如移动电话、寻呼机、个人媒体设备和智能手机变得无处不在,越来越多的人携带着这些装置出现在一些社交性的和特殊的地点。

    As wireless devices such as cellular telephones , pagers , personal media devices and smartphones become ubiquitous , more and more people are carrying these devices in various social and professional settings .

  9. 尤其是网络视频、个人媒体、传统电视等媒体向互联网的渗入使得网络中的流量急剧上升,这使得运营商的运营和管理成本大幅度增长。

    Especially the infiltration of video , personal medium , traditional television and other forms of medium into the Internet made the network traffic increased dramatically , which cause the operating and managing cost of ISP grow rapidly .

  10. 它借助延伸信息空间的多维度传播方式和传受合一的传播形态,使公共领域的个人化传播和双向反馈传播成为可能,预示着个人媒体时代的真正到来。

    With the help of the multi-dimensional communication means of extending information space and the communication form of the integration of spreading and receiving , blog makes possible the personal spreading and the two-way feedback of public realm and it indicates the coming of the era of personal media .

  11. 目前,这一错误推文是否出自莫迪之手尚不明确。据报道,莫迪的推文由他的个人社交媒体经理HirenJoshi负责撰写。

    It is not known if Modi himself wrote the erroneous tweet . His posts are reportedly written by his social media manager , Hiren Joshi .

  12. 分别从经济、社会、个人和媒体四方面分析倾向的原因。

    This part analyses reasons from the economic , social , personal and media separately .

  13. 罗德曼也在自己的评论中支持托马斯的看法,于是这两个人被媒体普遍的痛击批评。

    Dennis Rodman supported Thomas in his comments and the two were largely criticized by the media .

  14. 星期三贝索斯通过他的个人社交媒体账户分享了这份由他和麦肯齐签字的声明。

    Bezos shared the announcement on his personal social media account on Wednesday , signed by both him and MacKenzie .

  15. 而且,这样看来乔治王子、夏洛特公主和路易斯王子都不会有个人社交媒体账户,对吗?

    Also , it looks like Prince George , Princess Charlotte , and Prince Louis won 't have personal social media accounts , right ?

  16. 诚然,他们每一个人都因媒体曝光而名誉扫地,但是现在也许该考虑考虑能否采取更好的方式处罚违规者了——兴许我们可以从希腊先辈们那里学点经验。

    Each has suffered a certain disgrace at the hands of the media , to be sure , but perhaps it is time to consider a more refined punishment for such offenders . Here we might learn something from our Greek forebears .

  17. 纽约营销机构ICED媒体(ICEDMedia)的共同创始人莱斯莉・霍尔(LeslieHall)说,她有一次需要聘用一个人来处理在线媒体宣传活动中博主与作家的关系。

    Leslie Hall , co-founder of New York marketing agency ICED Media , said she once needed to hire someone to handle relationships with bloggers and writers for online media campaigns .

  18. 我们网上的个人主页和社交媒体的账户在我们去世之后会发生什么。

    what happens to our online profile and our social media accounts after we die .

  19. 代表私人和个人的权利以及媒体自由,以其全部的能量来保留其它相关有益条款;

    to preserve in their full energy the other salutary provisions in behalf of private and personal rights , and of the freedom of the press ;

  20. 只能容纳四到六个人和一个媒体中心的小会议室很快将成为办公会议环境的新常态。

    Instead , smaller conference rooms that simply fit four to six people and a media center are quickly becoming the new norm for office meeting environments .

  21. 众所周知,危机应对主体应是相关组织或是个人,但与媒体之间的关系是任何一个危机主体都不可忽视的工作内容之一。

    As well known , crisis response subject should be a relevant organization or individual , but the relationship between the media is the one of the work objects for any crisis subject .

  22. 无论你是一个著名的大公司,还是有着忠诚粉丝的个体户,或者仅仅是个有想法和建议的个人,社会化媒体都是与那些关注你的人进行交流的新渠道。

    Whether you 're a big established company , an individual with loyal fans , or simply someone with ideas and opinions , social media means new ways to create and communicate with people who care .

  23. 在沃纳错误地把洋葱网当做新闻来源一事被指出,并在社交网站上遭到嘲笑后,这个视频就未做任何解释地在他的个人网站和社交媒体账号上消失了。

    After Mr. Warner 's error in mistaking The Onion for a news source was noted , and mocked , on social networks , the video disappeared without explanation from his website and social media accounts .