
  • 网络funeral culture
  1. 元杂剧中的丧葬文化

    The funeral culture in the proto-drama in the Yuan Dynasty

  2. 回族的丧葬文化及其人文主义精神

    The Funeral Culture of the Huis and its Humanist Spirits

  3. 论吴越丧葬文化的区域性特征

    Regional Features of Funeral Culture in Wu Yue Area

  4. 事死如生:云南马关苗族的丧葬文化

    Funeral Culture of Maguan Miao People in Yunnan Province

  5. 孝道与六朝丧葬文化

    Filial Piety and Funeral Cultures of Six Dynasties

  6. 从贵州彝族丧葬文化透视彝族生死观

    On Yi People 's Concept of Living and Death from Guizhou Yi People 's Burial Culture

  7. 最后一章点明这种规律所反映出来的文化,即丧葬文化的一种表现。

    The last chapter explains the culture reflected by this law , which is a representation of funeral culture .

  8. 丧葬文化作为一种社会文化,有它自己产生、演变和发展的规律。

    Funeral culture , as a kind of social culture , has the rule of generating , evolving and developing itself .

  9. 车马埋葬制度是我国古代丧葬文化中有关埋葬制度的重要内容之一。

    The institution of burial with chariot and horse is one of the important burial institutions of funeral culture in ancient China .

  10. 丧葬文化复杂的构成,反映了一个地方的生活状态、文明程度和观念变化等。

    Funeral culture of the complex , they can reflect the life of a local state of civilization and the idea of change .

  11. 土家族丧葬文化,是土家族人在长期的社会历史发展中形成的丧葬习俗、丧葬观念及丧葬行为的总和。

    That the culture of funeral service and burial in Tu-jia minority was a kind of local custom formed in a long historic society development .

  12. 丧葬文化是文化的重要组成部分,传统的丧葬仪礼对社会秩序的调节与稳固起着重要作用。

    Funeral is an important part of culture , the traditional burial rituals of the social order has an important role in regulation and strong .

  13. 巍山彝族丧葬文化是其传统文化中不可或缺的重要部份,它较完整地保存了该地彝族的传统文化内涵。

    With a complete connotation of the local culture , the funeral culture of the Yi people in Weishan is one of the most important components of their traditional culture .

  14. 由于中华民族地域广阔,民族众多,丧葬文化又是一种相对复杂的文化形态,所以不同地区的丧葬文化具有自己的独特性。

    The Chinese nation is vast , with many ethnic groups , funeral culture is a rich and relatively complex cultural patterns , different regions in the funeral culture is unique .

  15. 普洱地区少数民族丧葬文化的社会功能主要体现在社会教化、文化传承、历史教育、群体凝聚、人生教育等诸多方面。

    The social functions of the funeral culture of minority nationalities in Puer area embody social education , culture hang-down , historical education , cohering groups , life-long education and so on .

  16. 丧葬文化极其丰富,在彝族传统文化中具有底蕴深厚、源远流长而变异缓慢的特质。

    Their funeral culture is particularly rich , and in Yi traditional culture it has deep roots , a long history from a remote origin , and a slow pace of change .

  17. 第一部分主要探讨从敦煌文书、敦煌壁画、考古发掘中所反映的唐五代宋初敦煌丧礼、丧俗的仪程和丧葬文化的特点。

    This thesis is divided into two parts : The first Part will elaborate the specialty of the Dunhuang 's funeral customs which is revealed in the Dunhuang Manuscripts , Dunhuang Frescoes and archaeological excavation .

  18. 将这两个时期的习俗纵向比较,可以看出其传承性,即共同的特征:厚葬、隆祭、久祀,这也是中国古代丧葬文化的主要特征。

    Compare the funeral customs vertically , we may find some common features : extravagant funeral ceremony , grand sacrifice , long lasting funeral period which were also the major character for funeral customs in ancient C-hina .

  19. 各个民族由于经济发展水平不一、所处的地理环境、地区环境的不同,再加上原始的宗教信仰、民族传统的不同,形成了风格迥异、独具特色的民族丧葬文化。

    Various ethnic groups has built national funeral culture because of varying levels of economic development , geographical environment , the area of the environment , together with the original of different religious beliefs , different traditional styles .

  20. 被称为土家族民间交响乐&建始丝弦锣鼓有着深厚的文化底蕴和广泛的群众基础,随着时代变迁,丝弦锣鼓现主要活跃于丧葬文化。

    The so-called Tujia " folk symphony ", the gongs and drums in Jianshi county , has profound cultural foundation and mass base . With the change of time , the gongs and drums are very popular in funeral culture now .

  21. 它的发展变化不仅反映出丧葬文化的进步,而且从另一侧面折射出各个时期的政治、经济,文化的真实面貌,为我们研究社会发展提供了宝贵的材料。

    Its development and changes not only reflect the progress of the funeral , but also refract the true face of politics , economic , and culture of each periods from the other side , and provide us a valuable material in researching the development of our society .

  22. 在现存的火葬墓地中保存有大量的梵文碑刻,其时代从大理国后期至明代中期,这些碑刻是我们今天研究南诏大理国乃至元明时期白族密宗和白族丧葬文化的重要材料。

    There are many Sanskrit tablets found in these tombs which were built from the late Dali Kingdom to the middle of the Ming Dynasty and are precious data for the study of the Esoteric Buddhism of the Bais in this period and for the Bai 's funeral culture .

  23. 本文讨论的是玉文化中的一个分支&丧葬玉文化。

    The focus of this paper is a branch of the jade culture-mortuary jade .

  24. 从夫妻合葬习俗看唐代丧葬礼俗文化中的性别等级差异

    An Investigative View on the Grading Difference Between Genders in the Funeral Conventions of the Tang Dynasty in Terms of the Custom of Husband and Wife Sharing the Grave

  25. 夫妻合葬习俗所蕴藏的性别文化内涵在于妻从夫葬,这是封建伦理道德观念在丧葬礼俗文化中的反映。

    The implication of gender culture embodied in this custom was the wife following her husband in the grave , a typical example of representation of feudal values in funeral customs .

  26. 佤族丧葬习俗的文化背景与社会功能

    The Cultural Background and Social Function in the Wa Funeral Customs

  27. 丧葬礼俗的文化意蕴及文学功能

    The Cultural Idea and Literature Functions of the Funeral Etiquette and Custom

  28. 丧葬习俗作为文化传承的重要组成部分,集中体现了人们精神领域的本质特征。

    As an important section of culture , the custom of funeral demonstrates essential features of human mental world .

  29. 通过本次发掘,不仅获取了大量实物和信息资料,为研究当时的丧葬习俗及文化特点提供了可靠资料。

    Throughout this excavation , not only copious amount of artefacts and data are attained , but also reliable information in terms of burial customs and cultural significance are acquired .

  30. 主要包括汉英服饰、饮酒、嫁娶、丧葬等民俗文化的对比分析;两译本中具体实例的语言、文化、语用三维转换方式的解析;两译者不同翻译策略选择的理由和效果评析。

    It mainly includes a contrast analysis of the Chinese English differences in clothing , drinking alcohol , marriage , funeral and other folk culture . It studies " three-dimensional " cultural conversion modes , the two translators ' different translation strategies and their reasons and effect .