
  • 网络Hereditary;hereditary system;patrimonialism;hereditary rule
  1. 启建立了夏朝(公元前21世纪至公元前16世纪)并开启了君主世袭制。

    Qi founded the Xia Dynasty ( 21st-16th century BC ) and initiated the hereditary system of monarchy .

  2. 君主制国家实行世袭制,国王产生的范围很小。

    The monarchal regime is a hereditary system state , and the produce of the king is limited to a small range .

  3. 它实行职业世袭制和内婚制度,它的存在,严重阻碍了印度社会的发展,是印度进步和强盛道路上的障碍。

    It has become a critical hindrance to the Indian development and social progress .

  4. 该国被视为旧欧洲世袭制社会的对立面。

    Here is a country that was conceived as the antithesis of the patrimonial societies of old Europe .

  5. 从此,中国历史上的“禅让时代”结束,王位世袭制开始。

    From then on , the period of Abdication came to an end , while the hereditary monarchy started .

  6. 国王有名无实,而首相很有权力并实行世袭制。

    The king was made a titular figure , and the post of Prime Minister was made powerful and hereditary .

  7. 在威尼斯,贡多拉船夫被誉为崇高的职业,而且是世袭制的。

    In Venice , it is considered a noble profession that has been passed down from generation to generation through the centuries .

  8. 到了埃及第一中间时期(约公元前1500年)开始有了正式法官,而且这个职位通常都是世袭制。

    But by the middle kingdom ( around 1500 B.C.E. ) , there were official judges , and a judgeship was typically passed down from father to son .

  9. 商鞅变法包括废除过时的井田制,使土地私有制合法化,取消职级的世袭制,改用县制。

    Shangyang 's reforms include abolishing the outdated well-field system , legalizing the private ownership of land , canceling the hereditary system of rank and initiating a county system .

  10. 第四部分,比较了世禄制和俸禄制的异同,指出世禄制实质上是贵族世袭制下爵禄合一的制度,因爵而制禄。

    Pointed out in the hereditary title system essence is under the aristocrat hereditary system the rank and emoluments gathers a system , but because of title makes the wealth .

  11. 由于晋朝建立在世袭制之上,政策都倾向于保护贵族的利益,这引得了一些大家族的不满。

    Since the Jin was based on the power of hereditary aristocrats , measures were taken to protect the interests of the privileged , which often upset the big family .

  12. 与世袭制无关的终身贵族则是出现于1958年,目前他们是议会上议院的主体。

    At present , the Peers of Life which were emerged in 1958 and have nothing to do with the hereditary system , are the cardinal part in the House of Lord .

  13. 在野蛮时代结束以前,不大可能有严格的世袭制的,因为这种世袭制是同富人和穷人在氏族内部享有完全平等权利的秩序不相容的。

    Until the end of barbarism the probability is always against strict heredity , which is quite incompatible with conditions in which rich and poor had completely equal rights within the gens .

  14. 中国传统社会历经几千年的封建统治,社会等级森严,专制主义和宗法制度高度融合,形成了世袭制、家长制与特权制为特征的社会等级制度。

    After thousands of years of feudal rule , strict social hierarchy , absolutism and patriarchal system as well as a high degree of integration , traditional Chinese society has formed a kind of a hereditary system , patriarchal privilege system characterized by social hierarchy .

  15. 王位世袭制:西周实行王位世袭制,此制度是与宗法制度结合在一起的。宗法制度是以嫡长子继承制为基本特点的权力分配制度。

    The System of Hereditary Kingship : The Western Zhou practiced the system of hereditary kingship combined with a patriarchal clan system , which is a power division system with the essential feature of having the wife 's eldest son a heir . Within the clan there was a distinction between major and minor lineages .

  16. 因此,就出现了“世袭精英制”这个术语。

    Hence the term " hereditary meritocracy . "

  17. 尤其是在一个世袭身份制特征非常明显的社会,一个人的政治地位和政治身份直接决定和影响着其权利的享有和发展的路径。

    Especially in such kind of society where the hereditary system is very obvious , one 's political status and political identity can decide or affect his control of right and the way of development .