
  • 网络the world revolution
  1. 我们现在正处于世界革命的一个新的伟大的时代。

    We are now in a great new era of world revolution .

  2. 中国革命是世界革命的一部分

    The Chinese revolution is part of the world revolution

  3. 而是新的世界革命,而是社会主义的世界革命。

    It refers to the new world revolution , the socialist world revolution .

  4. 我们再也不能促进世界革命事业了。

    We are no longer able to further the cause of world revolution .

  5. 三是世界革命的过程呈现了不同的多样化特征。

    Third , the process of world revolution must show " diversified " characteristics .

  6. 因此,这种革命,就不能不变成无产阶级社会主义世界革命的一部分。

    Therefore , such a revolution inevitably becomes part of the proletarian-socialist world revolution .

  7. 从此以后,开始了第二种世界革命,即无产阶级的社会主义的世界革命。

    The second kind , namely , the proletarian-socialist world revolution , thereupon began .

  8. 看来世界革命不能期待这些欧吉桑。

    I don 't expect these guys to realize the world revolution of proletarians .

  9. 评列宁世界革命的理论与实践

    Lining 's Theory and Practice about World Revolution

  10. 世界革命风暴对帝国主义的冲击是非常强大的。

    The impact of the storm of the world revolution on imperialism is very powerful .

  11. 我只好假扮王子,自己招收世界革命的年轻人。

    I have to disguise as a prince to find the youth for world revolution .

  12. 世界革命的即将爆发。

    The imminence of world revolution .

  13. 世界革命人民决不会在核威胁面前屈服。

    The revolutionary people of the world will never knuckle under to the threat of nuclear weapons .

  14. 自从有了这样的革命党,世界革命的面目就起了变化了。

    With the birth of revolutionary parties of this type , the face of the world revolution has changed .

  15. 第三部分:从主体的角度出发,在马克思主义哲学所开创的现实世界革命及哲学革命的基础上提出了价值理性在当代重建的目的,理论基础,现实基础及几个基本途径。

    Part 3 : We have put forward several ways to rebuild value reason in contemporary and Marxism philosophy .

  16. 其基本特征是双重性,即世界革命与和平共处、国际主义与大国主义相互交错。

    Its basic characteristic is the dual nature that the world revolution and peaceful coexistence , internationalists and big country intertwined .

  17. 以苏联为首的世界革命统一战线,战胜了法西斯主义的德意日。

    The world revolutionary united front , with the Soviet Union at its head , defeated fascist germany , Italy and japan .

  18. 由此可见,有两种世界革命,第一种是属于资产阶级和资本主义范畴的世界革命。

    From this it can be seen that there are two kinds of world revolution , the first belonging to the bourgeois or capitalist category .

  19. 当历史关系和社会状况成熟时,要求现实的人使现实世界革命化,为人的解放开辟道路。

    When the history relations and social conditions are ripe , the real person require to make real-world revolutionary , opening the way for human liberation .

  20. 这种“世界革命”,已不是旧的世界革命,旧的资产阶级世界革命早已完结了;

    The " world revolution " no longer refers to the old world revolution , for the old bourgeois world revolution has long been a thing of the past ;

  21. 现在变得越来越清晰的是尼泊尔人民战争在不久的将来在促进世界革命新浪潮中将发挥历史性的作用。

    It is now becoming clear that the Nepalese people ? S war will have a historic role in developing new wave of world revolution in the near future .

  22. 1760&1840年间,史称双元革命的工业革命和欧美资产阶级世界革命,是生产力和世界交往双向互动的结果。

    In 18ths the double-member revolution ( die industrial revolution and the Occident bourgeois world revolution ) took place in western because of the bi-directional movement of productivity and communication .

  23. 作为马克思主义在新的历史条件下的发展和继续,列宁主义指导了20世纪轰轰烈烈的社会主义实践,被世界革命人民看作是一面胜利飘扬的旗帜。

    As a development of Marxism in the new historical conditions , Leninism guided the practice of socialism in the 20th century and was seen as a flag of victory .

  24. 美国的对外扩张在冷战时期由经济扩张转向政治扩张,而苏联始终以世界革命为名推行政治扩张。

    During Cold War Era , American external expansion has became political expansion from economical expansion ; Soviet Union continue to take political expansion by the name of " Interenational revolution " .

  25. 马克思从当时世界革命发展的趋势出发,提出了经济落后国家能够不通过资本主义制度进入社会主义的“卡夫丁峡谷”理论。

    In the light of the particular revolutional circumstance in the world , Marx put forward the theory of " Cauldine Forks " that undeveloped countries could leap over the stage of capitalism .

  26. 早期法兰克福学派的学者认为批判是理论的主要的功能,因而理论本身不应该成为目标,更为关键的在于使现存世界革命化进而达到改造世界的目的。

    Theoreticians of the Early Frankfurt School believed that the main function of the theory was critical , so revolutionary objectives should not be the theory itself but to change the whole world .

  27. 列宁提出无产阶级社会主义革命本质上是世界革命、俄国革命只是世界革命的序幕等思想继承和发展了社会主义是世界历史性事业的思想。

    Lenin put forward proletarian socialist revolution , is essentially a world revolution , the Russian revolution was the prelude to world revolution etc. , inheritance and development Socialism is a world historic ideas .

  28. 设想的核心在于强调西欧革命与俄国革命的互相补充,这仍属于马、恩一贯主张的世界革命理论;

    The major idea of the anticipation laid emphasis on " mutual complementarity " of West European revolution and Russian revolution , Which was belong to the world revolution theory held by Marx and Engels all along ;

  29. 这种世界革命的时期早已过去了,还在一九一四年第一次帝国主义世界大战爆发之时,尤其是在一九一七年俄国十月革命之时,就告终结了。

    The era of this kind of world revolution is long past , having come to an end as far back as1914 when the first imperialist world war broke out , and more particularly in1917 when the October Revolution took place .

  30. 之前,它继续进入第四个阶段,叙事,现在必须回到二十年来开始的世界革命,并考虑哪一部分,如有的话,是所扮演的“犹太人”在这方面。

    Before it continues into that fourth phase , the narrative now must move back twenty years to the start of the world-revolution , and consider what part , if any , was played by " the Jews " in that .