
  • 网络world science center
  1. 世界科学中心形成的一般模式与我国的对策

    The Formation Mode of World Science Center and the Strategies of China

  2. 世界科学中心的转移研究与我国科学发展状况分析

    Research on the Transfer Mode of World Science Center and Analysis on the Development of Science in China

  3. 世界科学中心的转移与一流大学的崛起

    The Shift of World Scientific Center and the Development of First-class Universities

  4. 我国要成为世界科学中心应采取的对策分析

    A countermeasure analysis for enabling China to become the center of world science

  5. 论世界科学中心的转移

    On Diversion of the Centre of World Science

  6. 汤浅理论揭示了世界科学中心转移的规律。

    The Yuasa theory reveals the laws of the transfer of the world science .

  7. 研究过去的和现在的世界科学中心及其转移,研究其究竟,并不只为知晓那段辉煌的历史。

    Researching for the past and present of world science center and its transfer is not only to know its glorious history .

  8. 通过分析,本研究发现,一流大学的形成与发展是一个国家成为世界科学中心的重要原因。

    Through studying , we can find that the formation and development of the first-class universities is an important reason of the shift of the scientific center .

  9. 我们探究世界科学中心的话题,为了是在历经这四次转移后,了解、抓住世界科技中心转移的脉搏。

    We explore the topic of science center to understand and seize the pulse of the world science and technology transfer after the four times of the transfer .

  10. 科学的运行环境和组织形式等的变化,使得单一的世界科学中心不再成为可能,多元科学中心或许是未来科学发展的趋势。

    The changes of the scientific operation environment and the scientific organization , which make the impossible of the single world science center ; the multi-world science center is perhaps the scientific development trend of the future .

  11. 本文从作为一种文化的科学的角度,对近代科学诞生以来教育的发展及其与世界科学中心转移之间的互动关系进行了分析,并初步探讨了科学文化对于社会现代化进程的重要意义。

    From the viewpoint of science as a kind of culture , this paper analyses the relationships of education development with the transfer of world science center , and discusses the important role played by science culture in the social modernization .

  12. 世界科学活动中心特点的历史回顾

    The Characteristics of the World Center of Science

  13. 英国在17世纪成为世界科学活动中心。

    In the 17th century , Great Britain became the centre of the world scientific activities .

  14. 19世纪德国从封建落后的农业国一跃为世界的科学中心。

    In 19th century , Germany became the world centre of science from a feudal agricultural country .

  15. 积极向上的学习氛围和开放的社会环境促进世界科学活动中心的产生。

    Aspiring learning atmosphere and open social environment advance the rise of a world center of science .

  16. 17世纪下半叶,英国成为继意大利之后的第二个世界科学活动中心。

    In the 2nd half of the 17th century , England became the second world-wide scientific activity center after Italy .

  17. 然而,18世纪以后,英国失去了世界科学活动中心的地位,这一地位先后被法国、德国和美国所取代。

    However , after the 18th century , Great Britain lost its position as the centre of the world scientific activities and was replaced by France , Germany and the United States .

  18. 文章通过对世界科学活动中心与社会环境各种因素的互动关系进行分析,得出以下基本结论:在世界科学活动中心形成的过程中,制度创新发挥了重要的作用;

    The paper concludes , through analysis of the interactive relationship among the various social factors in forming a world center of science , institutional innovation plays an important role in the formation of world center of science .

  19. 世界航空科技中心的转移,与世界科学中心及高等教育教育中心的转移密切相关。

    The transference of world aviation center is closely related to that of world science center and that of world higher education center .

  20. 我国建设世界一流大学是实施科教兴国战略,争取成为世界科学中心之一的必然选择。

    If our country tries to become the world scientific center , building first-class universities will be a certain choice .