
  • 网络Specialty Cognitive Practice
  1. 制药工程专业认识实习的实践与思考

    Practice and thinking on cognition practice of the pharmaceutical engineering specialty

  2. 建筑装饰专业认识实习中的问题与对策探究

    Problems and Countermeasures in the Practice of Architecture Ornament Specialty Understanding

  3. 城市规划专业认识实习的探索与实践&以浙江师范大学城市规划专业认识实习为例

    Exploration and practice of recognizing practice : A case study of City Planning recognizing practice of Zhejiang Normal University

  4. 我们认为,这种实习模式对土木工程专业认识实习的改革是一种有益的尝试。

    We think that this kind of practice mode is a good try on the reformation of cognition practice for civil engineering speciality .

  5. 介绍了过程装备与控制工程专业认识实习的实践教学过程,总结全过程的优点与不足。

    The article introduces the progress of practical teaching of the speciality of process equipments and control project , summarizes the merits and shortcomings of the whole progress .

  6. 专业认识实习是高职建筑装饰专业针对大一新生,有针对性地安排到与专业对口的建筑装饰企业、建筑装饰材料市场所开展的为期一周的实践性教学环节。

    The practice of specialty understanding is a teaching procedure scheduled for the first grade students of architecture and ornament major to visit related enterprises and markets for one week .

  7. 我院自1998年以来对土木工程专业认识实习进行了改革,提出了自主认识实习的改革模式,并从着手设计、部署实施、反馈总结到逐步完善几个方面对这种实习模式进行了阐述。

    This paper introduces the reformation of the cognition practice for civil engineering speciality in our faculty science 1998 , puts forward the reforming mode of independent cognition practice , which is described in detail from the several phases of design , arrangement and practice , summarization and consummation .

  8. 轮机工程专业学生海上认识实习安全问题探究

    Exploration on Safety During Practice Teaching at Sea for the Students in Marine Engineering Department

  9. 实践性教学是培养高职专业人才不可缺少的重要的教学环节,实践性教学环节主要包括专业认识性实习、课程实验(实习)、专业生产实习、毕业实习四个方面。

    Practical teaching is an important part of vocational colleges ' talent cultivating , including cognitive practice , experiments , producing practice and graduation practice .