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  1. 近紫外CD曲线与胰岛素很不相同,谷顶在266毫微米,[θ]负值变小。

    The near UV CD curve for DPI differs from that for insulin and has an extremum at 266 nm and a low negative value of [ θ ] .

  2. 针对图像直方图为单峰、双峰不明显或谷区较宽且出现波动的情况,将已有两种直方图变换方法结合,得到一种新的直方图变换方法,进一步提高了模糊阈值分割方法的效果。

    The dissertation obtains a new histogram transformation method by combining two existing histogram transformation methods , which can improve efficiency of fuzzy threshold segmentation method .

  3. 除大蒜群落结构合理外,其它群落结构都不合理,粮谷群落结构尤其不合理。

    All the structures of insects communities , especially the structure of grain insects community , were not rational except that of the garlic insect community .

  4. 水库封闭条件好,不存在向邻谷渗漏问题。

    The closure condition of the reservoir is very good , so that there is no problem of water leakage from the reservoir to adjacent valley .

  5. 阳光谷钢结构对几何初始缺陷不敏感,阳光谷上由索膜结构传来的索拉力可进一步降低其缺陷敏感性;

    The Sun Valley steel structures are not sensitive to initial geometric imperfections in general , and the tensile forces from cable-membrane structure further reduce the imperfection sensitivity .