
  • 网络unjust enrichment;Unjustified enrichment
  1. 不当得利请求权是民法上一项重要的权利。

    The claim for returning unjustified enrichment has been an important right in civil law .

  2. 文章以比较法为视角,对德国与法国的不当得利制度进行了系统的分析与研究。

    This article outlines the unjustified enrichment institution in Germany and France from the perspective of comparative law .

  3. 对于民法学习者来说,“quasicontract”一词并不陌生,我国法学界对于准契约的论述几乎都将其解释为无因管理和不当得利。

    Quasi contract is not a strange expression for students who focus on civil law . Quasi contract is generally interpreted as negotiorum gestio and unjust enrichment in our country .

  4. 美国联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission,简称FTC)周二提交的一份寻求让大众汽车偿还“不当得利”的诉状显示,该机构正在为消费者们争取最高或超过150亿美元的赔偿。

    The Federal Trade Commission is pursuing compensation for consumers that could rise beyond $ 15bn , according to a lawsuit filed on Tuesday seeking the repayment of " ill-gotten monies . "

  5. 论不当得利在澳门法中的构成及其法律后果

    Constitution and Consequence of the Unjust Enrichment in Macau Civil Code

  6. 不当得利由罗马法创设,至今已发展为现代民法上的一项一般制度。

    Unjust enrichment is a general institution in modern civil law .

  7. 构成不当得利有四个条件:必须一方获得利益;

    It has four conditions : one side obtains the profits ;

  8. 不当得利返还请求权的基础。

    The foundation of right of the claim for unjust enrichment .

  9. 故而对不当得利的法律构成、法律效果及法律研究进行探讨。

    So the lawful structure and lawful effect and study are discussed .

  10. 不当得利源于罗马法的规定,为债的发生的原因,是法律事实的一种。

    Unjust enrichment originates from the stipulations in Roman law .

  11. 最后本文针对我国现今民法中不当得利制度立法中的不足提出了自己的观点与看法,希望对我国立法的完善提供借鉴。

    I hope to provide reference for the improvement of our legislation .

  12. 第二部分:不当得利与侵占罪的认定。

    Part two identified unjust enrichment and offense of misappropriation .

  13. 对于当事人请求财产返还的依据,理论界有两种不同看法,即所有权返还请求权或不当得利返还请求权。

    There are two different opinions on the claim ' basis for restitution .

  14. 物权行为理论与不当得利

    The Theory of Real Right Act and Illegal Profit

  15. 合同终止过程中还涉及双方当事人的不当得利及其返还问题。

    The parties ' unjust enrichment and restitution in the termination of contracts .

  16. 不当得利制度由来已久,在人类社会生活中发挥着不可或缺的重要作用。

    Unjust enrichment system plays an indispensable and important role in human social life .

  17. 必须依法确认敲诈勒索与不当得利的本质区别。

    We must know the essential differences between the unlawful profits and blackmail and extortion .

  18. 不当得利若干问题研究

    Study on the Issues of Unjust Enrichment

  19. 对不当得利制度中两个问题的认识

    Understanding two issues About Unjust Enrichment System

  20. 保险利益原则的主要目的在于防止保险上的不当得利。

    The principle of insurance interests aims at preventing the unjust enrichment on the insurance .

  21. 以求理清不当得利制度的理论基础和适用范围。

    Such effort is made to make clear the theory foundation and its useful situation .

  22. 论不当得利制度的功能&种体系化取向的民法学思考

    On the Function of Unjust Enrichment System

  23. 关于不当得利的构成要件,两大法系都有自己的规定。

    About the components of unjust enrichment , there is each regulation in two law system .

  24. 我国不当得利制度研究

    On the System of Undue Enrichment

  25. 本文拟在阐明不当得利一般原理的基础上,探讨其在商标权民事救济上的适用。

    So the general theory of unjust enrichment could be applied to protect trademark exclusive rights .

  26. 试论不当得利的准据法适用原则

    On application principles of unjust enrichment

  27. 不当得利行为认定及赔偿探讨

    Unlawful Profits and Its Compensation

  28. 不当得利制度是一项古老的制度,在罗马法中即能搜寻到它的身影。

    Unjust enrichment is an ancient system , which has been able to search in Roman law .

  29. 构建非原物返还类型的返还财产责任以不当得利的返还为中心。

    Construction of this type return of property liability needs to center the return of unjust enrichment .

  30. 不当得利是民法中的一项基本法律制度。试论不当得利的准据法适用原则

    Unjust enrichment is a basic legal system in civil law . On application principles of unjust enrichment