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  1. 何处合成愁,离人心上秋。

    Where makes the word heart-fallen ? In the fallen heart of the traveling man .

  2. 各项营养盐在四季变化上呈现秋、冬高,春、夏低的趋势。

    The nutrients are higher in autumn and winter , while lower in spring and summer .

  3. 黄绿的稻田上掠过秋云的阴影,后面是狂追的太阳。

    Over the green and yellow rice-fields sweep the shadows of the autumn clouds followed by the swift chasing sun .

  4. 该病毒多爆发于猪身上,秋冬季为多发期,全年可传播,类似流感。

    Swine influenza viruses may circulate among swine throughout the year , but most outbreaks occur during the late fall and winter months similar to influenza outbreaks in humans .

  5. 树木披上绚烂的秋装,林中的小径晒得干爽。

    The trees are in their autumn beauty , The woodland paths are dry ,

  6. 从香气上来看,秋茶的花香明显,夏茶高香带花香,而春茶则香气不高略带花香。

    On the aroma , autumn tea flowers of clear , summer tea high aroma with fragrance , aroma is not kind of scent in spring .

  7. 季前系列每年通常推出两次:早秋季从现在(六月)一直持续到九月,届时正好与拥趸们耳熟能详的秋季装接上茬(秋装请参看今年2月的时装秀)。

    There are two " pre " collections ; pre-fall will trickle in store from now until September , when the clothes will be joined by the more familiar autumn pieces ( seen on catwalks in February ) .

  8. 树木披上了绚丽的秋装。

    The trees were ablaze with the colours of autumn .

  9. 树木披上了绚丽的秋装。

    The trees were ablaze with the colours if autumn .

  10. 凡湿度大、肥力足的桔园寄生率较高,春梢上寄生率比秋梢和果实上的高,不喷农药的桔园比喷药的寄生率高出一倍以上。

    Parasitization of the scale on the spring shoots was found to be higher than that on the autumn-shoots and fruits .

  11. 除此之外,中高纬地区脊区前方和槽区的后方易于冷空气的南下输送,这在很大程度上也促使了秋旱的发展。

    And in the middle and high latitude area , the positions of the trough and the ridge is favorable for the southward motion of the cold air , which will be propitious to the development of the drought .