
  • 网络A Room of One's Own;A Room of Oneps Own
  1. 女性的自觉意识与妇女解放&《一间自己的屋子》引发的思考

    Feminine Consciousness and Women 's Liberation & Thoughts Aroused on A Room of One 's Own

  2. 并且以《一间自己的屋子》和《到灯塔去》为例,阐述她对女性话语方式的选择更是彻底摒弃了父权文化统治下传统的表现手法。

    In A Room of One 's Own and To the Lighthouse , Woolf abandons the traditional utterance pattern of man-dominated literature and adopts the suitable expression method of women .

  3. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙在其经典论著《一间自己的屋子》中提出了雌雄同体(androgyny)概念以及女性失语症问题。(2)女性主义美学研究。

    Virginia Woolf has put forward in her famous work A Room for One 's ( hvn the " Androgyny " concept and the problem of female " aphasia " . B ) Study on aesthetics of feminism .

  4. 住房的故事(英文)私人空间,一间自己的屋子

    Story of Housing Private Space

  5. 为此,我必须有一间自己的屋子,储存爱、阳光和温暖。

    For you , I must have a room of my own , to store love , sunshine and warmth .

  6. 其中,《一间自己的屋子》、《妇女的职业》和《三个基尼》直接涉及女性在教育、法律、经济、政治和社会权益方面所遭受的不公正待遇和劣势地位。

    Among them , A Room of One 's Own , Professions for Women and Three Guineas are directly concerned about women 's educational , legal , economic , social and political status .

  7. 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫在她广为讨论的著作《一间自己的屋子》中,赞美了双性同体这个概念,并称赞柯勒律治将双性同体的意识与他的创作天赋结合起来。

    Virginia Woolf , in a much-discussed passage from A Room of One 's Own ( 1929 ), celebrated the notion of androgyny and Coleridge 's association of the androgynous mind with creative genius .

  8. 摘要这里从剖析弗吉妮娅?伍尔芙的名著《一间自己的屋子》关于女性作家的私人空间理论,揭示英国维多利亚时代文学女性在创作中所承受的物质和精神的双重压力。

    Starting from the exploration into the theory of the private space of women writers illustrated in Virginia woolf 's a room of my own , this paper reveals both material and spiritual pressures women writers were confronted with in the literary creation during Victoria age .