
  1. 来吧,跟我一起唱吧,孩子们,哦吼。

    Come on , sing with me boys and girls , wo-oh .

  2. 我想是的,一起跟着唱吧!

    I think he is . Let 's sing along !

  3. 即便是忘了歌词,我也会很自然地对观众说“我们一起来唱吧”,然后由观众把我忘掉的歌词带出来,这是个小技巧。

    Even if I forget the lyrics , I calm down immediately by saying " let 's sing together ," and then the audience will give me some hints . It 's tricky .

  4. 来跟我们一起唱首歌吧

    Hey , you should come and sing on a track .

  5. 蒂娜:咱们选咱俩能一起唱的歌吧。

    Tina : Let 's choose a song that we can sing together .

  6. 亲爱的家长们,在本周和宝贝们一起唱这首歌吧。小朋友们都很喜欢哦。

    Dear parents , let 's learn this song with our kids this week .

  7. 大家跟我一起唱!男人哭吧哭吧哭吧不是罪!

    I love you all too ! The next song is : 'Cry , Man , Cry . It 's Not a Crime .

  8. 天真的小乡巴佬带着大大的梦想来到动物邦嘿,看我,我会搬到动物乌托邦…掠食者跟猎物会和睦相处,一起唱着来这吧!

    Naive little hick with good grades and big ideas decides , Hey , look at me , I 'm gonna move to Zootopia ... Where predators and prey live in harmony and sing Kumbaya !

  9. 凯伊:那么让我们一起做些事情,不如一起唱圣诞歌吧。

    Kate : then let 's do something about that . let 's sing some carols .