
yī ɡēn jīn
  • one muscle/tendon/ fiber
  • stubborn;inflexible
  1. 没有,我是一根筋。

    No.I just one track & minded not to be harmful .

  2. 她只是一根筋,但并无恶意。

    She is just one track-mind , not to be harmful .

  3. 或许,大多数女性并不希望这么一根筋。

    Perhaps most women do not want to be so single-minded .

  4. 和一根筋儿的人在一起工作真憋气。

    You feel choked to work with those who are one track-minded .

  5. 但令人担忧的是,政策一根筋先生的理由听上去很有说服力。

    But Mr Policy Wonk 's case sounds worryingly persuasive .

  6. 别跟他较劲了。他一根筋,你还不知道?

    Stop reasoning with him . don 't you know he is one track-minded ?

  7. 他一根筋,你还不知道?

    Dont you know he is one track-minded ?

  8. 我觉得,跟他比起来,比尔有点儿一根筋。

    ' I think Bill is more single-minded . ' - By Nick Wingfield and Robert A.

  9. 天啊,你是一根筋还是怎么着?!难怪你就我这么一个朋友!

    Gee , do you have one track mind or what ?! No wonder I 'm your only friend !

  10. 在我的眼睛里,英国人是比较一根筋的那种。

    In the eyes of Meg , British people are quite proud , they pride almost all of their life on being British .

  11. 一直以来,他都是个一根筋的工作狂,而没有什么比一次擦肩而过的危机更能让人把心思放到工作之外的事情上。

    He had always been a single-minded workaholic , and there was nothing that focused someone on matters other than work more than a narrowly averted catastrophe .

  12. 政策一根筋先生认为,自去年10月在经济危机最严重时发布了上一份稳定报告以来,新兴市场的风险加剧最为显著。

    For Mr Policy Wonk , emerging market risks have risen the most since the last stability report came out during the worst of the crisis in October .

  13. 生命太短暂,如果想有所成,你必须对某样东西倾注你的深情。我在你们这个年龄,是超级的一根筋,我的目标就是非成为物理学家不可。

    Life is too short to go through it without caring deeply about something . When I was your age , I was incredibly single-minded in my goal to be a physicist .

  14. 我努力让他相信我最想要的就是,他把这件事统统忘掉——尤其是,实际上他根本就没给我带来任何伤害——可他就是一根筋儿地坚持。

    I tried to convince him what I wanted more than anything else was for him to forget all about it - especially since nothing had actually happened to me - but he remained insistent .

  15. 夏洛克是自闭症患�2013年底,自闭症慈善组织英国全国自闭症协会指出夏洛克可能是自闭症患者,证据就是他过于一根筋,搞不懂社交规范,不懂讽刺,记忆力超群。

    But he may be autistic Late 2013 , autism charity the National Autistic Society cited Sherlock 's single-mindedness , inability to understand social norms such as sarcasm , and incredible feats of recall as evidence that he might be autistic .

  16. 一根橡皮筋-把我们的心总是紧紧地缠绕在一起。

    A rubber band-to keep our hearts tied together always .

  17. 用一根橡皮筋把这些书扎住。

    Put a rubber band round these books .

  18. 它的马达是一根橡皮筋,必须旋转很多次直到旋紧为止。

    The motor was a rubber band that had to be turned many times until it was tight .

  19. 这是困难的,因为从思嘉身上找不出一根随机应变的筋来;

    This was difficult , for Scarlett had not a subtle bone in her body ;

  20. 本文对受均布载荷,具有一根纵向加筋多根横向加筋的加筋板结构的残余变形导出了近似理论分析方法。

    S An approximate , theoretical analysis in order to estimate the permanent deflection is presented herein for a uniformly loaded , stiffened plates with one stiffener in the longitudinal direction and many stiffeners in the transverse .