
  • 网络Knowledge Distance;knowledge gap
  1. 信息系统中的知识距离与知识粗糙熵

    Knowledge Distance and Rough Entropy in Information Systems

  2. 在此基础上,为知识距离测度模型研究进行了必要的假设,并对模型变量进行了设置。最终构建出知识距离测度模型。

    Furthermore , this paper also made a necessary suppose on the model of knowledge distance measurement , set its variables and constructed a model for knowledge distance measurement .

  3. 文化与知识距离、知识转移媒介对知识接受意向的影响作用不显著。

    Cultural distance , knowledge distance , or knowledge transfer media has no significant effect on knowledge reception intention .

  4. 其次,本文深入分析了知识距离测度模型的基本框架,对知识距离测度的难点,以及构成知识距离的两个主要因素:知识梯度与知识转移概率进行了详细的分析。

    Then , the paper deeply analyzed the measurement framework , difficulties and key factors which constituted knowledge distance , knowledge gradients and the probability of knowledge transfer .

  5. 基于知识距离的知识交易定价模型与知识定量的计算有效地衔接起来,对知识或知识产品的定价实践具有指导意义。

    The model of pricing knowledge based on distance of knowledge has been combined efficiently the calculation of knowledge quantification , and has more significance value to be carried out .

  6. 试论知识经济时代距离因子的作用

    Analysis of the Effect of Distance in the Ear of Knowledge Economy

  7. 在语文教学中实施情境教学能够缩短学生与知识之间的距离,帮助学生有效快速的掌握教学内容,深刻理解文本内涵,发展学生的思维。

    Carrying on the situational education in Chinese teaching can reduce the distance between students and knowledge , help students master the teaching content quickly and effectively , comprehend the connotation excellently , develop the thinking of students .

  8. 采用文献资料研究方法,运用运动生物化学基本理论知识,对短距离跑项群中生化机理和特点进行了探讨分析。

    This essay is a tentative analysis of bio-chemical mechanism and characteristics existing in short-distance run item groups training .

  9. 高一化学教学中,学生对化学的学习普遍感到困难,其中的原因之一是初中化学知识与高中化学知识有一定的距离。

    In senior high school , grade one students usually find it difficult to learn chemistry , and one of the reasons is that there is a difference between the chemical knowledge in junior high school and that in senior high school .

  10. 本文基于知识即划分的观点,证明了论域中所有知识构成一个距离空间,研究了知识距离空间中知识距离的一些性质,并应用知识距离度量信息系统中知识的粗糙熵。

    In the present paper , based on the view of knowledge induced by partition , all knowledge in the universe constructs a metric space , and the properties of knowledge distance are studied . Moreover , the knowledge distance is used to measure rough entropy of knowledge .

  11. 针对他们在知识共享过程中存在的困难,笔者结合常见的知识共享现象,提出用知识距离、共享阈值、共享比率以及自学习等参量将知识共享的影响因素加以量化。

    Focusing on the difficulties in the knowledge sharing process , the author integrated the phenomenon of knowledge sharing and suggested using parameters such as knowledge gap , sharing threshold , sharing rate and self-studying to quantify the factors of knowledge sharing .

  12. 首先对中小企业创新网络中知识转移影响因素的进行了选取,剔除了接受意愿,增加了知识内隐性、复杂性和控制变量,并提出了信任机制和知识距离等12个主要研究假设。

    First , we select the factors and reject the willing to accept , and put forward 12 main research hypothesis of trust mechanism , knowledge distance and so on , which increases the internal covert gender , complexity and control variable of knowledge .