
  • 网络knowledge codification
  1. 知识编码研究是知识管理领域的一个新主题。

    The study of knowledge codification is becoming a new theme in knowledge management discipline .

  2. 现有研究从知识编码、组织学习、知识转移、知识共享和知识创造等几方面展开并取得相当成果。

    Existing researches on the knowledge codification , the organizational learning , the knowledge transfer , the knowledge sharing and the knowledge creation have gained far more achievements .

  3. 在研读大量文献的基础上,对知识编码的定义及其作用、知识编码的成本&收益分析、以及企业层次上的知识编码研究等进行了述评。

    The definition , functions , cost-benefit analyses , and researches at firm level of knowledge codification are expatiated and evaluated in this paper .

  4. 决定物流组织演变的关键变量乃是知识编码化和它所引起的信息转换成本的变化。

    The key factors controlling the evolution of logistics organizations are the shift of information code systems and the cost change resulted from the shift .

  5. 专家系统将专家知识编码成计算机能够识别的语言,将专家的经验和思维转化成先进合理的推理策略,为大坝安全评价提供专家级的技术支持;

    The expert system translates experts knowledge into computer language and translates experts experience and thought into reasonable inference tactics . The expert system provides technical support for dam safety appraisal .

  6. 分类知识和编码原则应用能力;

    Ability to grasp classification knowledge and coding principles ;

  7. 内隐知识的编码

    The Codify of Tacit Knowledge

  8. 语言通过认知的中介间接反映客观世界。语言是知识的编码系统。

    Language reflects the objective world indirectly through the medium of cognition , and is a code system of knowledge .

  9. 首先,借助同义词词林实现语义知识的编码,用这种语义编码来表示语义搭配关系;

    First , Synonymy Thesaurus is used to code word senses and the codes are then used for representing semantic collocations .

  10. 通过对产品功能、结构和产品设计知识基因编码进行操作,实现了基于知识驱动的产品结构设计过程建模。

    From view of the product life cycle , the deep hierarchy idea of product development was researched for realizing knowledge driven collaborative design ( KDCD ) .

  11. 而且其规则库中的规则根据专家的知识手工编码,只能检测已知攻击,而对未知攻击或者已知攻击的变种则无能为力,自适应差。

    Furthermore , their rules in library are hand-coded according to " expert knowledge ", which can only detect known attacks , but are powerless for unknown attacks or variants of known attacks , so they lack of adaptability .

  12. 初步问题探讨和研究了以地理陈述性知识记忆编码为核心媒介,来探求学生学会和掌握记忆大量的基础知识的记忆策略和思维模式。

    The preliminary question discussed and has studied take the geography statement sexual knowledge memory code as the core medium , sought the student to learn and to master the memory massive elementary knowledge the memory strategy and the ideological mode .

  13. 故本文结合实际病例,论述医学知识与ICD-10编码的关系。

    This paper discusses the relationship between medical knowledge and ICD-10 coding .

  14. 详细阐述了作为CT-TCM基础知识的网格编码调制基本原理;

    The basic principle of TCM were addressed as a foundation theory of CT-TCM scheme ;

  15. 对基于KBE楔横轧模具设计的知识获取、编码系统、事例推理、重用和改写等关键技术进行重点阐述。

    This paper discusses key technology on the KBE-based cross wedge rolling mould design , including knowledge acquisition , coding system , case reasoning , case availability and case modification .

  16. 知识管理中编码知识的存储机制

    The Coded Knowledge Storage Mechanism for Knowledge Management

  17. 知识管理的编码化策略

    Codification Strategies of Knowledge Management

  18. 这个目标是为了落实“正确”的知识获取和编码。

    The goal is to carry out the " right " amount of knowledge acquisition and codification .

  19. 该标准是中国自主知识产权的编码标准,有着适用于我国数字电视的更高编码效率和编码性能。

    As our national intellectual property rights , these coding standards have higher coding efficiency and coding capability .

  20. 重点论述了知识管理的编码化策略,探讨了编码策略与组织绩效的关系,指出知识编码的集中化策略有助于组织绩效的提升。

    Knowledge codification strategies and their effects on organizational performance are discussed . It points out that the focused strategy contributes to organizational performance .

  21. 研究了一种知识规则的编码方式,能高效地管理知识,易于实现知识库的更新与维护;

    Put forward a encoding scheme of the knowledge rules , with which can manage the knowledge base efficiently , renew and maintain easily ;

  22. 通过实验分析了小波变换后系数的分布特点,以量的形式给出小波系数的符号相关性、子带内、子带间的相关性等多种相关性的强弱,为以后的压缩提供先验知识、指导编码。

    Experiments show the distribution character and the degree of correlation of sign , within-subband and cross-subband of wavelet coefficients and provide transcendental knowledge for later coding .

  23. AVS是我国自行制定的,具有自主知识产权的视频编码国际标准。

    AVS was developed by China itself , and it has the international standards of video encoding with independent intellectual property rights .

  24. 其中,AVS是我国具有自主知识产权的视频编码标准,基于AVS标准的各种设备已在广电系统中大量使用。

    The intellectual property rights of AVS is owned by our nation , equipments which are based on AVS standard have been broadly used in broadcast and television system .

  25. 经验积累、知识表述和知识编码等蓄意学习机制的相对效率取决于任务特征。

    Experience accumulation , knowledge articulation and knowledge codification are mechanisms of deliberate learning , the effectiveness of which depends on task features .

  26. 而这些专业知识通常具有非编码化、实践性、动态性、背景依赖性以及高度个性化的特征。是个体在长期实践中逐步积累起来的。

    The professional knowledge is often non-coding-based , practical , dynamic , context-dependent and highly personalized , which is an individual accumulated step by step in the long practice .

  27. 之后企业组织对所有的知识进行整合、编码,形成新的共有知识,并传递到所有的组织个体,开始下一轮的知识演化。

    After all kinds of knowledge have been integrated and coded , new mutual knowledge is formed and transmitted on to all organizations , which starts the next round of knowledge evolution .

  28. 当一个新的研究人员在接触医学影像相关算法时,往往需要阅读大量的背景知识和锻炼如编码等相关的其他工作能力。

    When new researchers contact with medical imaging related algorithms , they often need to learn lots of background knowledge and receive much training , such as coding and other related skills .

  29. 本文首先介绍了图像压缩的基础知识、图像压缩编码理论、常用于嵌入式编码的小波变换和用于去图像中相关性的K-L变换以及嵌入式编码理论基础知识;

    The paper discussed the basic knowledge of image compression , the image coding theory , the wavelet transform used for embedded coding , the Karhunen-Loeve transform used for removing the relativity in an image and the basic knowledge of the embedded coding .

  30. “技术知识”包括可以直接编码的显性技术知识和不易编码的隐性技术知识。

    Technical knowledge can be distinguished as tacit technical knowledge which is hard to be encoded and explicit knowledge which is easy to be encoded .