
  • 网络internalization;knowledge internalization;internalize
  1. 在初中科学教学中,学生活动的探索和研究,能提高学生学习兴趣,加快学生知识内化。

    It can enhance the students'interest to study , speed up the students'knowledge to be internalized .

  2. 第二重视界是探索知识内化或主体化的最有效途径;

    Next , pedagogy must find the most effective way that knowledge can be internalized or subjectified .

  3. 情感教育:人文知识内化为人文素质的机制

    Affective education : a mechanism to internalize humanity knowledge into humanity quality

  4. 研发项目团队知识内化过程模型研究

    Research on the Model of Knowledge Internalization Process for R & D Project Team

  5. 人文知识内化课堂教学之我见

    The Internalization of Humanities Knowledge in Classroom Teaching

  6. 素质主要是知识内化的结果,能力是素质的外部表现。

    Quality is the result of knowledge-internalization and ability is the external expression of quality .

  7. 知识内化的本质是人类自我的重塑和对自然力的再创造。

    The essence of internalization of knowledge is reshaping human itself and recreation of nature .

  8. 同时本文还分析了研发项目团队知识内化的运作机理,通过机理的分析全面认识研发项目团队的知识内化的过程,并细致研究研发项目团队知识内化的影响因素,分析各因素间的相互关系。

    This paper analyzes the operation mechanism of knowledge internalization of R & D project team .

  9. 人文教育的目的在于将人文知识内化为学生的人文素质。

    The educational purpose of humanities lies in internalizing students ' humanities knowledge into humanities quality .

  10. 情感教育是人文知识内化为人文素质、人文精神的机制。

    Affective education is the mechanism by which humanity knowledge is internalized into humanity quality and humanity spirit .

  11. 在教学实践中,积极探索使学生的哲学知识内化为理论思维能力的途径是教学改革的重要环节。

    Therefore , how to realize the goal through out the philosophy knowledge teaching came in hand during the education reform .

  12. 素质教育要抓好两个环节,一是知识内化为素质,二是素质外化为能力。

    Quality education requires two steps , one is to internalize knowledge to quality , the other is quality externally turning to ability .

  13. 理论上,改进后的模型使得知识内化阶段的教学更具有针对性,从而能够更好地体现翻转课堂的优势。

    Theoretically , the improved model makes the " knowledge internalization " more targeted , which can better reflect the advantage of the flipped classroom .

  14. 从人才培养的角度认为素质是一种心理品质,是知识内化、升华、沉淀的结果,具有相对稳定的品质。

    This essay considers quality as a kind of mental character , a result of sublimation and precipitation of knowledge , which possesses a comparatively steady character .

  15. 论文分别从企业家精神、企业集群和网络能力、信息和知识内化、资源基础论视角等多个维度,探讨中小企业国际化的理论,并进一步阐述了中小企业的国际竞争力理论。

    Then it tries to explore the internationalization theories of SMEs from different perspectives , namely , entrepreneurship , clusters and network capabilities , internalization of information and knowledge and resource-based view .

  16. 然后,从个人学习和组织学习两方面讨论了知识内化的具体策略,并在此基础上构建和分析了产品创新人才的知识创新体系;

    Thirdly , the paper discusses concrete tactics that take knowledge inside from individual study and organizational study , and structures and analyzes the knowledge innovation system of talents of NPI on this basis .

  17. 个人能力的形成一般表现为两个对向性运动的过程:一个是个人通过受教将各种知识内化;另一个是个人通过实践将所掌握的知识外化。

    The formation of personal ability is achieved through the two reverse movements , one is the acquisition of different knowledge by education and the other is the employment of the obtained knowledge through practice .

  18. 医学院校开展医学人文教育教学真正目的是进一步优化高等医学院校人才培养模式,使医学人文学科知识内化为医学生的人文思想和人文精神。

    The genuine aim to develop humanities education and teaching activity is to optimize the mode of cultivating elitists in medical college and make medical humanities knowledges melt into the medical students ' thought and spirit .

  19. 现行公共教育学教学出现的最大问题是学生不能将其学到的理论知识内化,即不能将其转化为教育信念和解决教育实际问题的能力。

    The largest problem in the present common pedagogy teaching is that the students don 't believe and can 't apply skillfully the theories they have mastered in the practice and their knowledge isn 't the internalized one .

  20. 所以本文对外语学习动机的各个方面进行探讨,内容包括1、动机在语言学习过程中的作用&在知识内化过程中,动机起着重要作用。

    So this article aims to study some aspects of the motivation . It includes the following points : 1.the function of motivation in the course of the language learning-motivation plays an important role in the knowledge internalization .

  21. 第一语言获得与第二语言获得本质上无异,都是一种把外在知识内化为自身能力的心理或心智表现过程。

    There 's no essential difference between the acquisition process of the first language and that of the second language , both are psychological or mental process of the learners ' own ability to internalize the knowledge they receive .

  22. 可以使被培训教师获得的知识真正内化和高度整合化;

    Enable the trained teachers to internalize and arrange the knowledge they have acquired ;

  23. 作为语言交际的四大基本技能之一,写作可以有效地促进语言知识的内化,培养学生使用语言的能力,清楚反映学生的综合语言水平。

    As one of the four language skills for communication , writing can help students master language effectively .

  24. 由此表明对那些已经在母语中内化的知识再次内化在学习者的二语语法中得到强化。

    It indicates that the ease of internalizing what is already internalized in L1 is strengthened in the L2 grammar .

  25. 针对此情况,公共教育学应把促进学生对教育理论知识的内化作为课程的基本目标。

    As a result , the basic objective of common pedagogy should be to promote students to internalize the theories they have learned .

  26. 人文意识培养主要从两个方面进行,一是感性经验的积累,二是人文知识的内化。

    Education of humanities consciousness proceeds from the both side : one is accumulation of experience , the other is assimilation of humanities knowledge .

  27. 案例的引入有利于职前教师反思缄默知识,内化显性知识,完善个人的实践知识结构。

    Case is beneficial for pre-service teachers to have self-reflection about the implicit and explicit knowledge , and to perfect personal practical knowledge pattern .

  28. 它能让企业更有效的找到所需的外部技术和知识,内化成企业所有,最后应用于企业的商业目的。

    It enables companies to effectively find the targeted external technology and knowledge , making them part of the companies and finally used in commercial purpose .

  29. 该模式的主要内涵为:教师构建合理的支架,从而帮助学生提高到更高水平,实现知识的内化。

    The Scaffolding Teaching Model of Writing is that the teacher establishes reasonable support to assist the students to improve their level and achieve the internalization of knowledge .

  30. 写作是生活、学习和工作所需的基本语言能力,能有效促进语言知识的内化,提高学生英语综合水平。

    Writing is the basic language ability necessary in our life , study and work . It can help students master language effectively and improve students ' integrated language level .