
  • 网络knowledge market
  1. 中国创新与知识市场的协整关系实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Co-integrative Relationship between Innovation and Knowledge Market in China

  2. 基于协整方法的知识市场发育与中国经济增长关系研究

    Cointegration Analysis about the Relationship between Economic Growth and Knowledge Market in China

  3. 建立完善的知识市场化机制;

    To establish and perfect the mechanism for knowledge marketization ;

  4. 企业内部知识市场及其要素研究

    The Factors of Inner Corporate Knowledge - oriented Market

  5. 网络空间知识市场研究

    A Study on the Knowledge Market in Networked Space

  6. 企业内部知识市场的基本构架及其动力机制研究

    Study on the Basic Structure and Motivation Mechanism of the Enterprise Inner Knowledge Market

  7. 组织内部知识市场交易博弈模型及其实证分析

    A Game Model of Internal Knowledge Markets within an Organization and Its Empirical Analysis

  8. 论企业内部知识市场制度的建构

    Construction of the Knowledge-market System in Enterprise

  9. 知识市场是实现供应链中知识共享的一种可行方法。

    The knowledge markets can provide a feasible method for solving knowledge sharing in supply chain .

  10. 浅论知识市场

    Discuss on knowledge market

  11. 知识市场的信号表现为地位、教育、知识共同体以及非正式网络等。

    The signals of knowledge-market are manifested as status , education , knowledge-community , informal network and so on .

  12. 但是在知识市场中人们的支付方式则是互惠、名望、利他和信任。

    The way of payment in the knowledge-market , however , is the mutual benefit , fame , altruism and trust .

  13. 企业内部知识市场不能有效运转根植于二重资本的对立。

    The reason for the inner knowledge market of an enterprise not circulating well is that the relationship of capital and labor is contradictory .

  14. 在知识市场中由于知识信息化水平、知识的地方性特征、信息不完备等引起知识市场的信号失灵。

    The failure of the signals of knowledge-market might be due to the degree of knowledge-information , the local characteristics of knowledge and the imperfection of information .

  15. 最后,从制度保障、激励、文化三个方面,提出了一些有效可行的建议,为企业内部网络知识市场的长期稳定与繁荣发展提供有益的参考。

    Finally , from three aspects & rules , encouragement , and culture , the author provided a number of effective proposals , which is a useful reference to long-term stability and prosperity of the corporate .

  16. 随着知识市场竞争的日趋激烈,越来越多的企业把人力资源视作第一资源,并把加强人力资源管理作为企业保持核心竞争力、赢得市场地位的重要途径。

    With the market competition becoming more intense , an increasing number of enterprises regard human resource as the first resource , and strengthening HRM as an important approach to maintain the core competitiveness , and to win market position .

  17. 本文通过阐述企业内部知识市场的基本特征,并进一步分析企业内部知识市场的共享模式及其实现过程,为企业构建合理的企业内部知识市场制度,完善知识交易提供理论依据。

    Based on the research of character of knowledge market in the enterprise and the analysis of its mode and realizing process , this paper puts forward a theoretical foundation for establishing knowledge market rules effectively and for optimizing knowledge trade .

  18. 论数字图书馆和知识商品市场运行机制

    The Running Mechanism of Knowledge Commodity Markets of Digital Libraries

  19. 科技知识的市场价值及其知识资本的形成模型

    The marketing value of S T knowledge the formative model of its knowledge capital

  20. 论数字图书馆知识商品市场运营

    On the Knowledge Commodity Marketing in Digital Libraries

  21. 由于专业分工日趋细腻,各公司拥有的专业知识和市场优势也不尽相同;

    Since the specialty is divided into narrower fields , every enterprise possesses of different specialty knowledge and market advantage .

  22. 经营管理知识,市场营销知识,了解市场需求趋势,产品技术现状和发展趋势。

    Master business management and marketing sales knowledge , know about trend of market need , status and development trend of bus and coach technology .

  23. 农民迫切需要新技术、新品种等科技知识和市场信息来提高他们产品的科技含量,开辟更广泛的市场渠道。

    Farmers urgently need new technology , new products and other technological knowledge and market information to improve their products technologically for getting more market channels .

  24. 如何在海量的市场调研数据中挖掘出对工业设计有用的知识是市场调研的关键步骤。

    How do vast amounts of market research data useful to dig out the knowledge of the industrial design is a key step in market research .

  25. 对于利用中国走出去战略来获取外国资源、专业知识和市场,矿业、能源和金融企业应该尤为感兴趣。

    Mining , energy and financial companies should be particularly interested in taking advantage of China 's outward expansion – to access foreign resources , expertise , and markets .

  26. 数字图书馆知识商品市场具有明显的特征和完备的功能,并在知识产权法律保护、市场调节、宏观调控的共同作用下实现其市场功能。

    It has clear characteristic and complete function . It realizes the market function through the intellectual property rights law protections , adjust in the market an macroscopic effect .

  27. 刘指出,事实上,村民及当地政府都很需要大学生,他们认为大学生能带来资金、知识以及市场信息。

    In fact , villagers and local governments do need graduates and they think the grads can bring in some funds , knowledge , and market information , said Liu .

  28. 知识商品市场是实现知识商品有效配置和交易的场合,是整个社会市场体系的重要组成部分。

    The knowledge commodity markets are the occasion of realizing the effective disposal and trade of knowledge commodities , and are the important components of the whole society market system .

  29. 甘当客户的老师,让他们了解有关产品及服务的专业知识、市场行情&不仅不会将客户拱手让人,反而有助于增进客户的忠诚度,建立起更为稳固的客户关系。

    If you 're a company that provides professional services , does it make sense to help your customers become more educated in the skills and abilities your organization provides ?

  30. 另一个职能领域是业务开发,原因类似,因为它涉及让公司获得合作生态体系的接纳,需要有产品知识和市场营销技能。

    Another one is business development for similar reasons , and because it involves selling the company into an ecosystem of partnerships , requiring a blend of product knowledge and marketing skills .