
  • 网络knowledge architecture;knowledge building;knowledge construction
  1. 知识构建(KA):情报科学研究的新视角

    Knowledge Architecture ( KA ): New Perspective of Information Science Research

  2. 知识构建理论是数字图书馆知识平台构建的理论基础。

    Knowledge architecture theory is the basic of library knowledge architecture theory .

  3. 基于Ontology的领域知识构建技术综述

    Overview of Technology of Building Domain Knowledge Based on Ontology

  4. 基于信息构建的知识构建核心内容及过程模型研究

    A Research Model on Core Contents and Process of IA-based Knowledge Architecture

  5. 跨国战略联盟中的组织学习与知识构建

    Organizational Learning and Knowledge Creation in International Strategic Alliances

  6. 群体决策中的知识构建过程

    Advances In Research On Constructive Group Decision Making Process Group Dates Signatures of Knowledge

  7. 论数字图书馆的知识构建

    Study on the Knowledge Architecture of Digital Library

  8. 采用灵活多样的教学方法,改变授课方式,注重学生的知识构建和思维发展。

    Flexible teaching method is adopted to promote students'knowledge construction and develop their thoughts .

  9. 学习是一项积极的知识构建过程,而不是被动接受知识的过程;

    That learning is an active doing and constructing process instead of a passive knowledge-receiving process ;

  10. 知识构建的基本原理研究(下)&知识构建的技术支撑

    The Basic Principles of Knowledge Architecture ( Part ⅱ) & The Technological Support of Knowledge Architecture

  11. 其中网格技术为数字图书馆的知识构建提供了帮助。

    In that , grid technology provides great strength to support digital library 's knowledge architecture .

  12. 同时运用博弈论知识构建模型,进一步剖析寿险个人代理人的失信行为。

    Furthermore , we have constructed a game model to analyze LI individual agents ' immoral behaviors .

  13. 社区中人际传播的双向、互动和不平衡传播性质有助于学生知识构建和能力提高;

    Intercommunication , and unbalancing transmission in the community helps to construct students ' knowledge and improve their ability ;

  14. 英语阅读教学中学生语能培养和背景知识构建的探讨

    An Approach to Training Students ' Capacity for Learning Language and Setting up Background Knowledge in English Reading Teaching

  15. 数字图书馆的知识构建应以知识元为基元,以知识元链接为枢纽;

    Digital library 's knowledge architecture takes knowledge element as the element and take knowledge element linking as the pivot .

  16. 与仅从领域知识构建本体相比,该方法可以快速确定构建本体的领域界限。

    Compared with the method of constructing ontology only from domain knowledge , the method can determine domain scope more quickly .

  17. 在深入研究设计缺陷形成过程后,运用数学建模等方面的知识构建了设计缺陷控制体系。

    After in-depth research formation process of design defect , we build design defects controlling syetem by using mathematical modeling knowledge .

  18. 基于前人工作的基础,结合领域本体知识构建分类器,实现基于语义的文本分类。

    Based on the basis of previous work , we used domain ontology knowledge to build classifier and realized semantic-based text classification .

  19. 从信息构建到知识构建的发展轨迹入手,提出由信息资源到知识资源的过程模型;

    This article describes a transition process model from information resources to knowledge resources by analyzing the development trend from information achhitechture to knowledge architecture .

  20. 合作性学习是一种以学生为中心进行知识构建的教育理论,适用于各种类型、各种层次的教育。

    It is an educational theory which takes students as the center of knowledge construction and suits education of all types and at all levels .

  21. 模糊推理机采用专家知识构建模糊诊断矩阵,为实现对故障的推理提供依据。

    The fuzzy inference machine use expert knowledge to construct fuzzy diagnosis matrix , providing the basis for the realization of the faulty reasoning of the failure .

  22. 应用数据挖掘、模糊数学等知识构建了一种新的决策投资模型和评测体系。

    With the application of data mining , fuzzy math , and other knowledge , a new model for investment decision supportive and evaluation system has built .

  23. 在学习英语的过程中,学习者要接收大量的新信息,并把它们与已有的知识构建联系。

    In the process of English learning , students need to deal with and absorb a lot of new information , and build them into the existing knowledge system .

  24. 重新认识数学史在数学教育中的地位和作用,加强数学教师群体的数学史知识构建,是数学课程改革的一个重要内容。

    Renew the role and position of history of mathematics in mathematics education and Strengthen the studying of mathematics teachers on mathematics history knowledge are important contents of mathematics curriculum reform .

  25. 语文参与式教学不在拘泥于一问一答的传统课堂,师生共同参与知识构建,学生习得知识、形成能力。

    Language teaching is not get bogged down in participatory ask a friend to traditional classroom , teachers and students to participate in constructing knowledge , students acquire knowledge , formation ability .

  26. 危机决策是危机管理的关键环节,而危机信息资源的组织以及危机知识构建与服务则是核心中的核心。

    The crisis decision-making is the core of crisis management , while the organization of crisis information resources and the build and service of crisis knowledge is the core of the core .

  27. 分析知识构建存在和发展的构成要素,并从理论层面分析知识构建的核心内容,从应用层面提出知识构建的过程模型。

    It also analyzes the main elements and core contents of the knowledge architecture in terms of its theoretical foundation . Then a process model of knowledge architecture is presented with respect of its application .

  28. 通过要素间关系提出基于主元素的逆向追赶路径、重点切入路径以及基于邻元素的正向突破路径、服务转型路径四种企业技术知识构建路径。

    Then author puts up four enterprise technical knowledge construction path : reverse chasing path and key cutting path based on main elements , positive breakthrough path and the service transformation path based on neighbor elements .

  29. 提出了一种基于模糊集理论的个性化网络学习系统,利用模糊集理论知识构建和描述学习资源数据库模型和学习者数据库模型。

    A personalized e-learning system is researched based on the fuzzy sets in this paper . Owing to make use of the fuzzy sets theory , the learning database & the learner database have been constructed and described .

  30. 为此,文章运用可靠性理论和数理统计知识构建内部控制系统评价的数学分析模型,利用该模型可计算程序的可靠度和系统可靠度,判断内部控制的效果。

    So the paper sets up with reliability theory and knowledge of statistics a mathematical model of internal control system evaluation , and computes importance for each process and the whole system , with which we can evaluate the effect of internal control .