
  • 网络representation;Knowledge Representation;knowledge expression;knowledge acquisition
  1. 物流配送问题的知识表示及其在GIS中的映射研究

    Knowledge representation for E-commerce logistics distribution and its mapping in GIS

  2. 描述逻辑是一类知识表示的形式系统,并成为语义Web的逻辑基础。

    Description logics are a family of knowledge representation formalisms which become logical foundation of semantic Web .

  3. 智能CAD系统中的知识表示与知识获取策略

    Strategy of Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent CAD

  4. RDF在语义Web知识表示中的作用

    Studying on RDF 's role in Knowledge Representation on the Semantic Web

  5. 产生式知识表示的Petri网模型及其推理规则

    A Petri-Net Model for Production Knowledge Representation and the Reasoning Rule

  6. 基于模糊Petri网络的分布式知识表示方法

    Distributed Knowledge Representation Methods Using the Fuzzy Petri Net

  7. 模糊Petri网络知识表示方法及其在变压器故障诊断中的应用

    Application of fuzzy Petri nets knowledge representation in electric power transformer fault diagnosis

  8. 本文主要研究了该开发工具的知识表示系统及其与xML的转换。

    This dissertation mainly studies the knowledge representation system of CLIPS and the exchange between XML and the knowledge representation system .

  9. 本文提出一种新的知识表示方法一扩展模糊Petri网。

    This paper put forward a new knowledge representation method & extended fuzzy Petri network .

  10. 基于XML技术的学科知识表示,使它更便于计算机导师进行加工,形成个性化的学习环境;

    Presented in XML , the subject knowledge could be more suitable to be manipulated by computer tutor , to develop an individual learning environments .

  11. 大型AI系统的知识表示方法是人工智能应用的难点。

    Knowledge representation for AI system of large scale is difficult in the application of AI .

  12. 因此在知识表示中引进RDF技术是十分有意义的。

    Therefore , introducing RDF into KP is very significative .

  13. 逻辑编程(LogicProgramming)是知识表示中常见的陈述性方法,它是上世纪70年代在自动化推理研究的基础上发展起来的。

    Logic programming , which was developed in the early 1970 's based on work in automated reasoning , is a common declarative method in knowledge representation .

  14. 本体描述语言OWL知识表示的扩展

    Extension of Web Ontology Language OWL In Knowledge Representation

  15. 基于本体语言OWL的知识表示及推理算法研究

    OWL Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Algorithm

  16. 描述逻辑(DescriptionLogic)是基于对象的知识表示的形式化,它依据提供的构造器,在简单的概念和关系上构造出复杂的概念和关系。

    Description Logic is the object-based formal way to represent knowledge , it depends on the provided constructors and construct the complex concepts and roles on the simple concepts and roles .

  17. DFM集成性知识表示方法研究

    A research on the representative method for DFM integrated knowledge

  18. 面向对象知识表示方法在冲裁模KBE专家系统中的应用

    Application of Object Oriented Representation in the Blanking Die KBE Designed Expert System

  19. 研究人工智能知识表示方法及PAR方法的量词变换规则,组织基于规则推导的规则库。

    Investigated AI knowledge representation method and predicate transformation in PAR method ; Constructed a rule base for rule-based reasoning ;

  20. 由于预方法将冲突化解为不确定的知识表示,D-S理论可以处理冲突证据的组合问题。

    Therefore D-S theory can deal with the cases with highly conflict evidences since conflict information is translated into unknown knowledge .

  21. AttemptoControlledEnglish是标准英语的一个丰富的子集,它被设计用来作为规范和知识表示语言,包括业务规则。

    Attempto Controlled English is a rich subset of standard English designed to serve as specification and knowledge representation language , including for business rules .

  22. 知识表示的F-K系统

    F - K System of Knowledge Representation

  23. 一种基于HNC理论的领域知识表示研究

    Domain knowledge expression based on HNC theory

  24. 研究了覆盖件的知识表示,根据实例推理技术的理论和方法,建立了基于实例推理的汽车覆盖件模具CAPP系统设计模型;

    The knowledge representation has been researched . According to the theory and method of case reasoning , the CAPP system design model of automobile panel has been set up .

  25. 针对银行个人业务和中文练习内容的特点,研究了基于OWL本体及数据库模式的供给知识表示模型。

    Towards the features of bank services and Chinese language practice contents , an OWL ontology and database schema support knowledge representation model was studied .

  26. 本文通过对网格环境下TopicMaps(TMs)这一知识表示手段的应用扩展,对网格环境下的知识表示和知识传播进行了研究,提出了有别于传统网络查询的查询机制。

    By expanding the application of knowledge representation technology of topic maps ( TMs ), with an improved Web query mechanism , the knowledge representation and propagation are discussed on knowledge grid .

  27. 介绍试验型轮式工程机械驱动桥智能化CAD系统,探讨驱动桥方案选型专家系统的问题描述、知识表示、控制结构及求解实现。

    A prototype of intelligent CAD system for driving axle of wheel type construction machinery is introduced . The problem description , knowledge representation , inference engine and implementation of expert system for driving axle model selection are studied .

  28. 此抽象机是HEST的运行子系统,还可以采用逐步扩充的办法与更多的知识表示模式结合起来。

    Furthermore , the abstract machine can be combinated with more knowledge representation paradigms .

  29. 许多先进的人工智能技术如机器学习、知识表示、自然语言处理、模式识别、遗传算法及分布式智能系统都被融入DSS的研究中。

    Lots of advanced AI techniques such as machine learning , knowledge representation , pattern identification , genetic algorithms and distributed intelligent systems have been applied to the research ofDSS .

  30. 对系统建立了知识表示的带权模糊Petri网模型,使用该算法可以确定用户给定的库所之间是否存在联系,即相应的命题之间是否存在因果关系,可以计算出命题的模糊真值。

    After giving the model of the weighted fuzzy Petri net , one can calculate the fuzzy tokens of the appointed places which correspond to the true values of the relevant propositions by using this algorithm .