
  • 网络knowledge;Knowledge engineering;KBE
  1. 面向知识工程的摩托车产品信息建模研究

    Research on product information modeling of motorcycle oriented to KBE

  2. 建立了面向知识工程的摩托车产品信息结构系统模型;

    Product information structure model of motorcycle oriented to KBE was set up .

  3. 文章探讨了新一代基于WEB的产品开发知识工程系统的建立机制,提出了一个基于WEB的客户驱动产品开发知识工程系统。

    This paper proposes a web-based customer-driven product development knowledge-based engineering system on it .

  4. 对于个人介绍类网页,本文使用了知识工程方法(KnowledgeEngineeringApproach),人工构建了模式库;

    The paper used knowledge engineering approach to the class of person introduction and built pattern repository manually .

  5. 基于知识工程的多轴头传动智能CAD设计系统

    Multi-Axis Transmission Intelligence CAD System Based on the Technology of KBE

  6. 知识工程在CAD系统中的应用

    Application of Knowledge Engineering in CAD Systems

  7. 以目前正处于开发阶段的基于知识工程(KBE&Knowledgebasedengineering)的设计方法来研究制动器的设计问题,对推动相关汽车零部件产品采用更加先进的开发手段具有十分重要的意义。

    Taking the KBE ( knowledge based engineering ) to study the problem of brake design plays great roles in promoting developing other correlative vehicle components .

  8. Ontology技术是知识工程领域提出的一种方法学。

    Ontology is a methodology brought up in Knowledge Engineering .

  9. 通过该框架可以将语义化Web计算环境、知识工程技术特别是本体技术以及基于逻辑的知识系统很好的结合在一起。

    Through this framework , Semantic Web calculate environment , knowledge engineering , especially ontology and knowledge system of logic are well combined together .

  10. 因此,把基于知识工程(Knowledgebasedengineering,KBE)的技术应用到产品设计领域具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

    Therefore , the technology of the Knowledge Based Engineering ( KBE ) were applied to products design domain have important theoretical significance and application value .

  11. 基于知识工程技术在UG中的应用

    Use of Knowledge Based on Engineering in UG

  12. 随着语义Web、搜索引擎、时空推理和知识工程等领域的发展,本体技术近来发展很快,成为众多研究者关注的焦点。

    With the developments of Semantic Web , Search Engine , Spatio-temporal Reasoning and Knowledge Engineering , ontology approaches have gained much progress and become the focus of many researchers .

  13. 作为一种建模工具,Petri网的一个突出优点是它特别适合描述和处理知识工程中的并行问题。

    As a modelling toot , Petri Net is highly fit to describe and deal with concurrent reasoning problems in knowledge engineering .

  14. 基于上述基于知识工程技术、面向对象技术等,利用通用的CAD软件Pro/E作为开发平台,开发了三维编织复合材料CAD系统。

    Based on above researches , Using CAD software Pro / E as the platform , this paper developed the 3 D braiding composites CAD system based on KBE .

  15. 利用CATIA的混合建模功能在实体和曲面工作台上建立直齿圆锥齿轮模型,并通过知识工程工作台完成齿轮的参数化建模。

    Building the parametric model of straight-tooth bevel gear wheel with CATIA is discussed .

  16. 介绍了UG软件关于知识工程的解决方案-UG/KF知识熔接技术,以及利用UG/KF技术的食品包装机械智能设计系统的框架组成。

    Introduces UG software solution about KBE Knowledge Fusion , and introduces the system structure of food packing machine design .

  17. 并在此基础之上探索了基于知识工程(KBE)技术的CAD系统,达到了零件设计自动化、智能化的目的,为实用型智能化CAD系统提出了解决方案。

    Explore the Knowledge Based Engineering CAD system , aiming to automatization and intellectualized parts design , and advance resolvent of practiced intellectualized CAD system .

  18. 基于规则的推理(RBR)和基于案例的推理(CBR)则是知识工程中两类实用有效的推理方式。

    Rule-based and case-based reasoning are two important efficient reasoning methods in artificial intelligence field .

  19. 针对机械传动设计的特点,采用基于知识工程的方法构造了机械传动CAD软件的系统结构和设计平台。

    Based on the characteristics of mechanical drive design , the knowledge engineering-based method has been used to build the systematic frame and design platform of CAD software of mechanical drive .

  20. 运用知识工程在CatiaV5环境下参数化建立标准件库的探讨

    The discussion of constructing a standard parts library in CATIA V5 by parametrization and using knowledge engineering

  21. 随着知识工程研究的不断深入和CAD技术的应用普及,知识工程与CAD技术的结合已成为先进制造技术研究的热点。

    With the deep research of knowledge engineer and the widespread application of CAD technology , the combination of knowledge engineer and CAD is the focused problem on the field of advanced manufacturing .

  22. 本体是共享概念模型明确的形式化的规范说明,自提出以来就成为研究的热点,并在知识工程、信息检索、Web异构信息处理和语义Web等方面得到了广泛的应用。

    An ontology is a formal specification of a shared conceptualization . It became a hotspot since it was proposed , then has been widely used in knowledge engineering , information retrieval , Web heterogeneous information processing and semantic Web .

  23. 运用人工智能(AI)理论和知识工程技术,使传统的设备故障诊断系统成为基于深知识的知识中心型专家系统。

    Due to the application of the theory of artificial intelligence and knowledge engineering , the traditional system for trouble shooting has become the deep knowledge-based expert system .

  24. 本文以知识工程和CAE模拟分析技术为理论基础,进行了车灯注塑工艺优化的研究。

    The optimization approach of the lamp injection moulding technics is studied based on the KBE ( Knowledge Based Engineering ) and CAE ( Computer Aided Engineering ) technology .

  25. 语义Web提出以来,本体(Ontology)正在成为人工智能和知识工程中一种重要的工具,在知识的获取、表示、分析和应用等方面具有重要的意义。

    Since the Semantic Web had been proposed , ontology is become an important tool in the artificial intelligence and knowledge engineering . And it is of great significance to the acquisition , representation , analysis and application of knowledge areas .

  26. NERMS(NetworkEducationalResourceManagementSystem)项目是由吉林省科委立项、吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院知识工程实验室承建的省级重大大中型项目。

    The project of NERMS ( Network Educational Resource Management System ) , sponsored by Science Committee of Jilin Province and assigned to Knowledge Engineering Lab of the Institute of Computer Science and Technology in Jilin University , is a grand large-or-middle-scale project .

  27. 然而,使用SOAD描述问题和备选方案还包括对知识工程的承诺。

    However , using SOAD to describe the issues and alternatives involves a commitment to knowledge engineering .

  28. 在分析知识工程系统的基础上,介绍KBE的基本概念并阐述了KBE环境下LED产品知识的类型以及基于知识的管理。

    Based on the analysis of knowledge engineering system ( KBE ), the paper expounds the KBE concept and elaborates the LED product knowledge and its management characteristics within KBE .

  29. 将WEB技术,知识工程技术,数据库技术和CAD技术结合起来,以电梯设计为例集成建立了一个机械产品集成化快速定制设计系统。

    This paper proposes a mechanical product integrating rapid customization design system which has been used in elevator design . The feature of this system is the combination of various technologies of engineering database , WEB , knowledge based engineering ( KBE ) and CAD etc.

  30. 本文的工作即在于将人工智能领域新兴的知识工程和MAS的有关理论和方法运用于水库调度管理与决策中,以期利用这些理论和方法解决或者更好地解决水库调度中的某些问题。

    The thesis applies theories and methods of KE and MAS into management and decision-making of reservoir operation . To hope solve some problems in reservoir operation or solve these problems better .