
  • 网络Knowledge Conversion;knowledge transforming;knowledge transformation
  1. 知识转换能力、网络中心性对个人创新行为影响的研究

    Knowledge Conversion Capabilities and Network Centrality Influence on Individual Innovation Behavior

  2. 企业知识转换模式的研究

    Study of Knowledge Conversion Model in Enterprises

  3. 因此,将蚁群聚类算法应用于Web日志挖掘,实现网站的自适应,既把从日志数据中提取的知识转换为站点的只能,使其为用户提供更有效的服务。

    Therefore , the application of the ant clustering algorithm to web usage mining can help to serve more efficiently through implementing adaptive websites , namely , transforming the knowledge extracted from Web usage data into website intelligence .

  4. 从SECI模型和N型组织模型,揭示出社会组织的知识转换的四种模式。

    The SECI model and the N organization model show four kinds of knowledge transforming pattern in the social organization .

  5. 接神论,是将吠陀知识转换成西方思想的一条途径。

    Theosophy , an approach to transform vedic knowledge into western thinking .

  6. 基于领域本体的数据&知识转换模型研究

    Data to Knowledge Text Transformation Model Based on Ontology

  7. 从知识转换的角度谈图书馆知识管理

    A talk on the knowledge management in library from the shafting of knowledge

  8. 在实施案例教学促进知识转换的过程中应注意一些问题。

    Some problems must be considered while using case teaching to accelerate knowledge transition .

  9. 论建筑企业的知识转换

    On the knowledge-transfer in the construction enterprise

  10. 社会组织知识转换应遵循积累原则、共享原则、交流原则。

    The knowledge transforming in social organization should abide by the principle of accumulating , sharing and communicating .

  11. 根据产品概念设计的特点和信息需求,建立了产品概念设计知识转换模型。

    The transformational model of design knowledge was created , according to the characteristics and the informational requirement of product conceptual design .

  12. 文章最后进一步说明了在知识转换过程中显性知识与隐性知识都对学生创造力的培养起着极为重要的作用。

    In the end , this paper believes that dominant knowledge and recessive knowledge have effect on the cultivation of students ' innovative ability .

  13. 第二阶段还包括知识转换过程,它确保客户的开发团队习惯新的软件开发环境。

    This second phase also includes a knowledge transfer process that ensures that the customer 's development team is comfortable with the new software development environment .

  14. 本文利用个案深度访谈的方法,研究了个人知识转换能力和网络中心性对个人创新行为的影响。针对特殊的网络分析了纳什均衡的性质;

    The paper analyzes the effects of knowledge conversion capabilities , and network centrality on individual innovation behavior by interviewing three experienced practitioners of advertising firms .

  15. 它用模糊数学把系统的定性知识转换成定量知识进行处理,再将仿真结果转换为定性结果,减少了系统的冗余行为,为复杂系统的建模与仿真提供了一种有效的技术途径。

    With fuzzy mathematics it can transit the qualitative knowledge of the system to quantitative ones and dispose them , finally transit the results to qualitative results .

  16. 升降横移立体车库的故障诊断专家系统,用产生式规则将车库故障知识转换成规则表示形式并建立相应的知识库。

    The expert system for lifting and transferring cubic garage adopts the generating rules to transform the garage failure knowledge into the rule and establish the corresponding knowledge base .

  17. 从非结构化的空间描述中获取地理认知,和将形式化的地理知识转换为习惯的自然语言形式,这是地理信息转换的重要模式。

    Getting geographic cognition from non-structural spatial description , transforming formal geography knowledge into customary natural language form , all of this is important pattern for conversion geographic information .

  18. 在分析数据知识转换机制的基础上,引入本体的概念,根据本体的分类,基于领域本体提出了数据知识转换模型。

    According to the analysis of data to knowledge text transformation process , the data to knowledge text transformation model is set up on the basic of the domain ontology .

  19. 旧的以教师为中心的模式被以学生为中心的模式所取代,教师的角色从单纯的讲授知识转换为帮助学生掌握各种学习策略以促进他们的自主学习的能力。

    They adjusted the classroom-teaching model , changing from " teacher-centered " to " student-centered ", and endow students with learning strategies that might help them to learn by themselves in the future .

  20. 文中基于可能性分布的概念,将以自然语言表示的专家知识转换为其他发电公司报价取值的弹性约束。

    Based on the concept of possibility distribution , linguistic expert knowledge that is intrinsically fuzzy is translated into an elastic constraint on the values that may be assigned to a competitor 's bid .

  21. 探讨校长专业化过程中知识转换过程规律有助于提高校长培训质量和效益。

    It is hoped that the examination or discussion of the process of knowledge transference and its laws , in the professional development of school principals , can help improve the quality and efficiency of principal training .

  22. 多媒体辅助教学中,图、文、声、像、影这五大要素并茂的特点,可以把数学教学中那些很抽象、让人难以理解的知识转换成形象的画面,一目了然的予以展示。

    Multi-media has five characteristics , such as map , text , sound , images , video , the knowledge which is abstract and hard to be understood can be transformed into the image of the screen .

  23. 针对用传统电话访问专家系统交互不便的特点,提出将产生式表示的专家知识转换成决策树的形式,利用决策树进行推理以减少人机交互次数,提高推理效率。

    Due to inconvenience of visiting traditional expert systems with telephones , an algorithm of converting production-rule based knowledge into binary decision tree based knowledge is put forward to reduce interactive times between human and machine during every inference course and improve total inference efficiency .

  24. 在提高知识转换效率与科技品市场竞争力上,应积极提供学合作的诱因并鼓励传统业进行研发投资,以取得市场竞争优势。

    In order to boost the competitiveness of taiwan 's technological products , the government should actively provide the incentives for business-university cooperation , and encourage traditional industries to invest r & d in order to gain a competitive advantage in today 's global market .

  25. 布鲁纳(1960)说过,每项学习活动都应为我们的未来服务。他认为培养如何学的能力是把从学校里所学的知识转换到未来生活的关键。

    As Brunner ( 1960 ) claims , every act of learning should serve us in the future and he views the development of the ability to learn how to learn as the key to transferring what has been learned from school to future life .

  26. 当您通过TivoliServiceAutomationManager入口请求一个WebSphereCloudburst部署时,TivoliServiceAutomationManager会与设备进行通信,以便将请求模式的部署从设备的知识库转换到私有云上。

    When you request a WebSphere CloudBurst pattern deployment via the Tivoli Service Automation Manager portal , Tivoli Service Automation Manager communicates with the appliance in order to drive the deployment of the requested pattern from the appliance 's repository to the private cloud .

  27. 知识模式转换在医学科技创新中的作用

    Role of knowledge model transformation on the innovation of medical science and technology

  28. 企业家知识的转换与管理

    The Transformation and Management of Entrepreneur 's Knowledge

  29. 从知识形态转换角度分析热学教材知识点,就是一个较好的突破口。

    To analyze the knowledge from the angle of knowledge form transform could be such a good breakthrough .

  30. 作为新文学知识身份转换与生产媒介环境的中学国文教育围绕新文学、新文化的生产与传播具有了文学公共领域的特征。

    As the medium of literary knowledge identity conversion and production , the middle school Chinese education has the characteristic of the public literary sphere in the respect of spreading and production of the new culture .