
  • 网络Knowledge Spillover
  1. 基于合作的主动知识外溢策略研究

    A Strategy of Initiative Knowledge Spillovers Based on Cooperation

  2. 而且现有的文献对知识外溢的具体传导机制未作阐述。

    And nobody explains the transmitting mechanism of knowledge spillovers as for the current literature .

  3. 产业集群和创新扩散活动之间存在着相互促进的自增强关系,知识外溢、技术扩散等创新活动促进了企业的空间集聚,而产业集群中企业集聚的加速又有利于区域创新网络的形成。

    There is a self-enhanced relationship for boosting each other between industrial cluster and diffusion of technology innovation .

  4. 结果表明,无论兼并是出自财务协同效应还是战略协同效应,都和知识外溢密切相关。

    The result shows that the strong relationship with knowledge spillover despite of the financial effects or strategic effects .

  5. 对技术创新过程中的知识外溢以及邻近性问题的关注正是本文研究的主题。

    Knowledge externalities are at the heart of an understanding of the role of proximity in the innovation process .

  6. 本文构建了基于高技术产业集群的环境不确定性、社会网络及知识外溢之间的关系模型,在理论分析的基础上,提出相关假设。

    This paper analyzes the mechanism among environment uncertainty , social network and knowledge spillover based on High-tech Industry Cluster .

  7. 经济增长理论中,知识外溢模型缺少对基础科学知识的分析。

    In economic growth theory , model of the excessive outside knowledge lacks the analysis of pair of background science knowledge .

  8. 目前国际学术界对知识外溢源于哪里展开,经济结构如何影响知识外溢,并最终推动产业发展的看法并不一致。

    At present the international academic is not consistent view about the knowledge spillover beginning , and ultimately promoting industrial development .

  9. 对于产业区内的知识外溢,当代学者从不同的研究方法出发进行了开创性研究。

    For local knowledge spillovers , the contemporary scholars set out the proceeding of path breaking study from the different research methods .

  10. 采用交易费用理论、资源观理论、知识外溢性理论和协同理论对集体学习的动因进行分析。

    The theories of transaction cost , resource , knowledge spillover and synergy are deployed to analyze the causes of the collective learning .

  11. 中小企业集群在生产成本、区域营销、知识外溢、创新能力等方面存在竞争优势。

    There are some competition advantages in the Small & Middle enterprises clusters , such as low cost , high efficiency , information sufficiency .

  12. 集聚经济有很多潜在的源泉,其中一些已被马歇尔所提出,包括知识外溢、劳动力市场蓄水池和投入品共享等。

    Agglomeration economy has many latent fountainheads , in which some have been proposed by Marshall including knowledge spillover , labor market pooling and investment sharing .

  13. 产业政策由于知识外溢速度很快,不可能对增强一国产业的核心竞争力起到很大的作用。

    Because of the knowledge spilling over easily , the policies of one industry don 't have much effect on enhancing the industry 's ability of competition .

  14. 本文通过对建筑企业联盟与企业组织及市场契约特征的比较,考察企业联盟中可能出现的资产专用性风险和知识外溢风险。

    Comparing construction enterprises alliances to firm and market from contract features , we studies the risks of enterprises alliances , such as assets specialty and knowledge leakage risk .

  15. 高科技产业集群带来的知识外溢效应、巨大的规模经济效应以及有效消除信息不对称从而降低交易成本的效应使得外资企业获得了巨大的竞争优势。

    The knowledge spillover effects , huge economies of scale and the effective elimination of information asymmetry of High-tech industry clusters make foreign companies gain a huge competitive advantage .

  16. 1960年以来有关知识外溢、边干边学、人力资本理论和动态化的研究为新增长理论的产生提供了理论基础。

    Since 1960 the knowledge spillover , learning-by-doing , the human capital theory and the study of dynamics , provides the theoretical basis for the formation of the New Economic Growth Theory .

  17. 与分散型的跨国公司选址相比,跨国公司中心-外围结构不仅有利于形成正反馈效应,加快跨国公司的进入,而且有利于技术扩散和知识外溢,促进区域创新能力的提升。

    Comparing with dispersed location of the Multinational Corporation , the core-periphery structure not only facilitates positive feedback to expedite ingress of the Multinational Corporation , but also promotes technology diffusion and knowledge spillover to improve regional innovation capability .

  18. 知识外溢是新经济增长理论的核心内容,产业内和产业间以及区域之间的知识外溢可以促进厂商的创新能力,提高行业的技术水平,促进经济发展。

    Knowledge spillover is the core content of the new economic growth theory . The knowledge spillovers inter-industry and among industries and regions can promote innovation capability , which can the raise the technological level of industries and promote economic development .

  19. 集群内的企业可享受集群带来的内外部规模经济效应、较低的交易费用、生产专业化和知识外溢等好处,促进企业竞争力的提升。

    The enterprises in industrial cluster can reap the benefits of effect from inner and outside scale economy triggered by industrial cluster , lower transaction cost and specialized production and knowledge spill , and further promotes the advancement of industrial competition .

  20. 评价代工企业竞争力的决定性因素是:整体代工能力,社会资本,伙伴关系,组织学习和对于知识外溢的防弊措施。第4章对此进行了分析。

    Chapter 4 describes the foundation of the core competences of the manufacturing services provides , i.e. , the comprehensive capability , social capital , the partnership relationship , the learning of the organization and the protective measures of the intellectual property .

  21. 集群式创新机制以产业组织结构的变革为切入点,它强化企业间的合作创新和知识外溢,能运用社会资源的合力,弥补单个企业创新能力的不足。

    The innovation mechanism of colony type takes the transformation of industrial structure as the starting point , which strengthens the cooperative innovation among enterprises and applies the joint efforts of social resources to make up for the insufficiency of the innovation ability of a single enterprise .

  22. 产业布局所形成的产业集聚效应客观上会带来知识外溢和技术外溢效应,减少了企业的交易成本,对企业的投资产生很强的吸引力,从而产业布局直接决定了企业投资的区位。

    Industrial layout , the formation of industrial agglomeration will bring on the effects of objective knowledge spillovers and technology spillovers , reduce transaction costs for firms have a very strong appeal to business investment , the industrial layout directly determine the location of the business investment .

  23. 经验表明,产业集群可以降低企业交易成本、提高企业创新能力、有利于知识外溢和技术扩散,使当地企业都呈现出旺盛的生命力,成为一国或一个地区经济持续增长的核心增长极。

    Experience has shown that industrial clusters could reduce enterprise transaction costs , improve enterprise innovation , and to the proliferation of knowledge and technology spillovers to the local business vitality interesting to note that as a country or a region 's economic growth is sustained growth in the core .

  24. 罗默认为,知识具有外溢效应.知识和人力资本自身形成递增收益。

    Romer believe that knowledge has effect of overflowing , knowledge and the human capital can form and increase progressively incomes .

  25. 群内企业的深度分工与合作,技术、知识的外溢、互动和共享,使族群内企业更有利于创新,更有利于提高效率,更有利于提高组织的弹性。

    The corporate can make more innovations , has efficiency and elasticity as division of work , cooperation and share the same knowledge .

  26. 而集聚的形成会产生规模经济、运输成本降低,以及资本和知识的外溢,从而促进经济的增长。

    The formation of concentration will produce economies of scale , lower transportation costs , and capital and knowledge spillovers , and thereby promoting economic growth .

  27. 基于RD溢出效应的理论,知识与人才的外溢是RD中最核心的溢出。

    Based on the theory of R & D spillovers , the spillovers of knowledge and talents is the most principal .

  28. 金融知识产权制度能通过提高对金融知识创新者利益的保护和产生知识外溢扩散的效果,加快金融知识的积累,提高金融创新的动力,从而推动金融和经济的良性协调发展。

    The financial intellectual property system can enhance the protection for the financial innovators , generate the knowledge outflow effect , speed up the financial knowledge accumulation , and increase the motive force for financial innovation , thereby promote the harmonious finance and economy development .