
  • 网络knowledge production;the production of knowledge
  1. 结果,产业界对于知识生产仅仅发挥着边缘化的作用,限制了它们的竞争能力和经济发展。

    As a result , businesses remain peripheral to the production of knowledge , limiting both their competitiveness and economic development .

  2. 布迪厄的实践社会学在知识生产方面具有以下特点:在研究对象的建构方面,他倡导研究关于实践的总体性社会事实;

    The creativeness in Bourdieu 's practice sociology theory in the production of knowledge is as follow : He advocates to take the total social facts as the research object ;

  3. 采用空间滞后模型,同时对共同要素假设进行了检验,主要结论是:RD支出和GDP对地区知识生产都有显著的贡献,政府应增加RD投入;

    Meanwhile , common factor hypothesis is tested . R & D expenditure and GDP are found to be important in regional knowledge production while the propensity to patent is also important .

  4. RD是技术创新系统关键要素之一,直接对创新系统的知识生产能力发生重要影响,从而关联到企业技术创新的绩效。

    As one of the key elements of technological innovation systems , RD directly influence the production capacity of innovational systems , and further relate to the performance of enterprises in technological innovation .

  5. 本文运用中国大中型工业企业行业的面板数据,在测算RD资本存量的基础上,构建了知识生产函数模型,进而研究了知识生产的性质及其影响因素。

    This paper investigates the properties of the knowledge production function and the determinants of RD efficiency using a panel dataset of large and medium sized Chinese industrial firms . One innovation of the paper is the construction of the firm-level RD stock .

  6. 本论文从罗默(Paul.Romer)生产要素外溢效应的思想出发,依据Griliches-Jaffe知识生产函数,利用空间统计学的方法,在省级和地级市两种空间单元尺度上对上述问题进行分析。

    Based on Romer 's idea of spillover effect of production factor and Griliches-Jaffe 's knowledge production function , the above questions can be analyzed by spatial econometrics at two spatial levels .

  7. 教育是知识生产与传播的重要媒介。

    Education is an important medium of knowledge production and dissemination .

  8. 我国区域知识生产效率测度研究

    Research on the Measure of the Regional Knowledge Productivity Efficiency in China

  9. 论数字图书馆的知识生产与知识传播

    On the knowledge production of digital library disseminates with knowledge

  10. 发现、发明、创新、学习和知识生产模式

    Discovery , Invention , Innovation , Learning and Model of Knowledge Production

  11. R&D空间溢出对区域知识生产的作用研究

    Research on the R & D Spatial Spillover and Regional Knowledge Production

  12. 知识生产和转移&企业知识管理的核心

    Knowledge Production and Transference-the Core of Enterprise Knowledge Management

  13. 高技术企业是一个知识生产与资源配置的联动体系。

    The hi-tech enterprise is a linkage between knowledge production and resource allocation .

  14. 知识生产已成为产业界和管理学界关注的核心主题。

    Knowledge production has become a focused theme in industry and management academe .

  15. 新经济时代知识生产激励的经济学探讨

    How to Encourage Knowledge Production in New Economy Age

  16. 从学理上说,它是围绕文学进行的知识生产和再生产。

    It is production and re production around literature .

  17. 后现代语境下文学理论知识生产的三个维度

    Three Dimensions of the Generation of Literary Theoretical Knowledge in the Post-modern Context

  18. 试论科学知识生产的组织学分析

    Tentative on Organizational Analysis on the Scientific Knowledge Production

  19. 论高等学校的知识生产活动

    On Knowledge Production Activities in Institutions of Higher Learning

  20. 科学知识生产方式及其演变

    On Production Mode of Scientific Knowledge and Its Evolution

  21. 知识生产需要的是少量的精英,杰出而人数很少的职工。

    Knowledge production requires an elite but an extraordinarily small number of workers .

  22. 实验室型知识生产方式标志着现代大学的到来。

    The laboratory-oriented mode of knowledge production marks the arrival of modern universities .

  23. 区域创新系统中的知识生产研究

    Research about Knowledge Production in Regional Innovation System

  24. 研究型大学知识生产模式的变革与学术研究的多元发展机制

    New Mode of Knowledge Production and Multi-approaches to Academic Research in American Research Universities

  25. 知识生产部门人力资本研究。

    Research on human capital of knowledge-production sector .

  26. 知识生产方式就是研究知识生产的途径、过程与方式方法。

    The modes of production involve approaches , processes and ways of producing knowledge .

  27. 简论知识生产、传播和应用的方法

    Approaches of Knowledge Production , Distribution and Application

  28. 知识生产过程内在地具有不确定性的本质特征。

    And the processes of knowledge production internally have the natural characteristics of uncertainty .

  29. 论知识生产及其经济特征

    On Intellectual Production and Its Economic Features

  30. 新的知识生产模式及其对我国高等教育改革的启示

    The New Mode of Knowledge Production and its Inspiration for Higher Education Reform in China